Chapter 8: The Cowardly Lion

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The road was still paved with yellow bricks, and trees filled the path. Only these trees were covered with dried branches and dead leaves.

"I don't like this forest. It's dark and creepy...." Kurt said

"I don't know about you, but I think it'll get darker before it gets lighter." The Scarecrow shuddered

"You don't suppose we'll run into any wild animals?" Kurt asked

"Mmm, we might." The Tin Girl shrugged

"Animals that-that eat straw?!"

"Uh, some, but mostly lions and tigers and bears."

"Lions?!" Kurt exclaimed

"And tigers?!" The Scarecrow followed

"And bears."

"Oh my," Kurt said. Just as he spoke came a loud ferocious roar and from the trees emerged a large lion! The Tin Girl and Scarecrow ran off, only to collide with each other and fall to the ground, and Kurt hid behind a tree. To their amazement, the lion began to speak.

"So...which one of you first? I'll fight you all if you want! I'll fight you standing on one foot! I'll fight you with my eyes closed!"

The lion approached the girl of tin who held her axe up.

"Oh, pulling an axe on me, huh?"

"Sneaking up on me, huh?" The lion said to the Scarecrow, who was visibly shaking

"Hey, why don't you let us be on our way." The Tin Girl asked the lion, trying to be brave

"Oh, scared, huh? Afraid huh? How do you stay fresh in that can?" The lion laughed, "Come on, get up, you shivering junkyard."

"I take offense to that!" The Tin Girl humphed.

The lion growled and moved toward the Scarecrow.

"Get up and fight, you big bag of hay!"

"Now that's getting personal, lion!"

"Yeah, get up and teach him a lesson!" The Tin Girl told the Scarecrow.

"Wh-what's wrong with you teaching him? You're the one with the axe!"

"Yeah, b-but I hardly know him!"

Pavarotti landed on the lion's head, and he growled.

"Get over here, feathers!" He exclaimed as he clawed at the yellow bird that immediately flew to Kurt and landed on his shoulder, but the lion wouldn't stop and found himself chasing Kurt.

"Get away from me!" Kurt exclaimed as he ran to the others, then slapped the lion as hard as he could. The lion began to cry.

"Wh-why did you do that?" He sniffed between his words, rubbing his nose with his paw. "I didn't hurt you!"

"No, but you tried to! It's bad enough that you attacked us when we didn't do anything to you, but then you go and try to attack an innocent bird and then me!"

"But you didn't have to hit me, did you!" He whined.

"Is-is my nose bleeding?"

"No, I don't see any blood." The Tin Girl reassured the lion as he used his tail to wipe his quickly falling tears.

"What a fuss you're making; well, imagine how the people you attack feel. You are nothing but a big coward!" Kurt exclaimed.

"You're right; I am a coward. They call me the Cowardly Lion in this forest. I have no courage at all. Look at the circles under my eyes; I haven't slept in weeks!" He sobbed

"Well, why don't you try counting sheep?" The Tin Girl asked kindly

"That doesn't help; they scare me!" He cried

"Oh, that's too bad...." The Scarecrow said, then lightly tapped Kurt on the shoulder

" you think maybe the wizard could help him too?"

"I don't see why not. Why don't you come with us? We're on our way to the Emerald city to see if the Wizard will send me home and give him a brain and her a heart; maybe the Wizard will give you some courage."

"Well, don't you think you would be embarrassed to be seen with a cowardly lion? I know I would," The Lion sobbed.

"No, of course not." Kurt pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and gently dabbed the lion's eyes. As he got closer, he noticed this lion bared a remarkable resemblance to his brother.

"That's-that's really nice of you. I would love to come; my life is unbearable as the forest coward!"

"Well, it's going to be okay. The Wizard will fix everything." Kurt reassured him.

"It's been so long since I've actually had someone to talk to. I just have to tell you how I feel."

"Alright then, do tell." The Tin Girl said and linked arms with the lion.

Cowardly Lion:

Eh, it's sad, believe me, missy!

When you're born to be a sissy

Without the vim and verve.

But I could show my prowess, be a lion not a mou-ess

If I only had the nerve.

I'm afraid there's no denying' I'm just a dandelion,

A fate I don't deserve.

I'd be brave as a blizzard....

Tin Girl:

I'd be gentle as a lizard....


I'd be clever as a gizzard....


If the Wizard is a Wizard who will serve.


Then I'm sure to get a brain,

Tin Girl:

A heart


A home

Cowardly Lion

The nerve!

The four linked arms and began skipping happily down the road.

Kurt, Scarecrow, Tin Girl, Cowardly Lion:

Oooh, we're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz, if ever a Wiz there was.

If ever, oh ever a Wiz there was, The Wizard of Oz is one because, because, because, because, because...

Because of the wonderful things he does!

We're off to see the Wizard

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz! We're off to see the Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

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