Chapter 10: The Emerald City

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A carriage with a beautiful white horse came up to Kurt and his friends; the man inside looked quite young and had glasses.

"Hop in, and I'll take you anywhere you wish."

"Will you take us to see the wizard?" Kurt asked. This confused the young man.

"The Wizard? Well, yes, of course, but first, let me take you to a place where you can tidy up a bit."

"Oh, thank you! We've been walking forever and—holy gaga!" Kurt exclaimed as he saw the beautiful white horse change its color to purple before his eyes, "what kind of horse is that? I've never seen a horse like that before."

"Yeah, and you probably never will; only one of its kind. This here is a horse of a different color!"


Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las

That's how we laugh the day away, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

Bzz - bzz - bzz, Chirp - chirp - chirp - And a couple of La - di - das

That's how the crickets crick all day, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

We get up at twelve and start to work at one.

Take an hour for lunch and then at two we're done.

Jolly good fun!

Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - And a couple of tra - la - las

That's how we laugh the day away, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

The carriage man pulled up to a large building that said Wash & Brush Up Co.

The four waved goodbye to the carriage man and walked into the building, where they were each guided to different chairs and tables.

The Scarecrow was given some brand-new straws, which felt great, and a burlap bow tie.

Male Worker:

Pat, pat here, Pat, pat there, and a couple of brand new straws.

That's how we keep you young and fair In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

The Tin Girl was wiped down and cleaned til she was nice and shiny; they even gave her nails and lips a shade of red.

Male Worker:

Rub, rub here, Rub, rub there, Whether you're tin or brass

Female Worker:

That's how we keep you in repair In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

Kurt was sitting in a chair, and he was no longer in the outfit he woke up in, but in a brand new outfit, with a white shirt, black pants, gray bow tie, and a vest with gingham blue and white checkered fabric.

Female Worker:

We can make a dimple smile out of a frown!


Jolly good town!

The Cowardly Lion's mane was brushed, and his claws were being clipped.

Female Workers:

Clip, clip here, Clip, clip there, We give the roughest claws.

The four were reunited and once again linked arms as they walked out.

Kurt, Scarecrow, Girl Of Tin, Cowardly Lion:

That's how we laugh the day away In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

Ha - ha - ha, Ho - ho - ho - Ha - ha - ha -ha - ha

That's how we laugh the day away, In the Merry Old Land of Oz!

They were well on their way to see the Wizard when they suddenly stopped, in the sky was black smoke, and the wicked Witch was riding her broom and writing in the sky.

"Who's that? Who's that?!" The lion stuttered.

"The Witch, she's followed us here...."

The Witch finished her message Surrender Kurt Or Die. Kurt gasped after the message as the others held him close.

"What's going on?" A woman asked.

"The Wizard will explain it!" Another one exclaimed as she ran with the crowd.

"What do we do?" Kurt asked.

"Follow them; they're going to the wizard!" Scarecrow said, and they followed the large crowd. In front of the doors stood a woman with a booming voice.

"Here, it's alright, stop it! Everything is alright. Stop it! The great and powerful Oz has everything under control. Go on home, and everything is under control. Get out of here; go home!"

The four friends made their way through the crowd and approached the woman.

"We want to see the wizard right away, all four of us," Kurt said.

"Orders are nobody sees the great Oz, not nobody, not nohow!"

"But please, it's important!"

"I even got a new look for the occasion." The Tin Girl said.

"Not nobody, not nohow! Understand!"

"But the Good Witch sent him. He has the ruby shoes and everything!" The Tin Girl said.

"Oh well...that changes things, wait here, and I'll announce you at once" The woman entered through the double doors.

"Did you hear that?! She's announcing us at once! I've got as good as got my brain!"

"I can hear my heart beating!"

"I will be king of the forest! No longer will I be the Cowardly Lion!"

"And soon, I'll be back in Blaine's arms!" Kurt smiled.

"Blaine? You called me that when we first met. Who is that?"

"Blaine Anderson, he's the love of my life," Kurt said as he pulled the framed photo of Blaine out of his basket, "My missing puzzle piece."

"I miss him so much, and my dad too."

"I'm sure you'll get back to him. And anyone else waiting for you." The Scarecrow said. Just as he spoke, the doors opened, and they all stood up with anticipation but were immediately disappointed.

"The Wizard says go away!" The female guard boomed and slammed the door.

"Go away?" The four said.

"Well, it looks like we came a long way for nothing." The Scarecrow sighed, and Kurt's eyes began to fill with tears as he sat down on the stairs and started crying.

"Kurt? Are you okay?" The Lion asked.

"I was— I thought I was going home."

"Don't cry, Kurt." The Scarecrow said, pulling Kurt's handkerchief out of Kurt's basket and dabbing his eyes.

"It's going to be okay." The Tin Girl said, getting on her knees and resting a hand on his shoulder as the lion did the same. The guard's door opened, and she witnessed everything.

"I can't believe I'm never going to see my dad again, or Blaine or Finn, or any of my friends ever again!" Kurt sobbed. The guard began to cry.

"I'd give anything to see them all again, anything!"

"Wait!" The guard sniffled, "Please don't cry. I'll get you to the Wizard somehow!" The door closed, and a few minutes later, the double doors came open and revealed a long dark hallway.

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