Chapter 11: Oz The Great And Powerful

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The four friends walked down the hall; The Tin Girl felt the Lion begin to shake.

"Wait a minute! I don't-I don't know if I can do this I-"

"You can do this, Lion. I'll even go with you if you want." The Tin Girl said, slipping her hand in

"I don't know if I want to do this anymore!"

"Why?" Kurt asked.

"Because I'm scared!" The Lion cried and tried to turn away and yelped in pain.

"What happened?!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Somebody pulled my tail!"

"You did it yourself." The scarecrow said.

"I did?" The Lion looked down and saw that his tail was in his paws.

"Come on." The Tin Girl said and held his left hand, Kurt held his right hand, and the scarecrow held Kurt's hand.

"We'll do this together," Kurt said confidently; they all took a step.

"Come forward!" A loud booming voice echoed as the doors opened; the four bravely walked through the doors and saw what looked like a floating head.

"What is that?! What is that?!" The Cowardly Lion exclaimed as he began to cry again. "I wanna go home!"

"I am Oz! The Great And Powerful! Who are you?!"

Kurt stepped up and cleared his throat.

"Hello, I am Kurt Hummel...and I-"

"Silence!" The Wizard screamed.

"Oh, wow! Holy crap!" Kurt exclaimed as he ran back to the others.

"The Great And Powerful Oz knows why you have come! Step forward, Tin Girl!" The Tin Girl shakily stepped to the Wizard.

"You dare come to me to ask for a heart, do you? You clinking, clattering collection of collagenous junk!"

The Tin Girl was shaking but cleared her throat.

"Ye-yes sir- yes your honor, you see-"


"Ah!" The Tin Girl screamed and ran to the others. The scarecrow tripped over his own two feet when the Wizard called his name.

"You come to me for a brain, you billowing bale of bovine fodder!"

"Yes, your honor, I mean your ex- I mean your wizardry!" The scarecrow stuttered but was too scared away.

"And you, Lion?" The Lion shuddered and refused to let go of the Tin Girl's hand as she walked by his side.

"You want courage! You shivering, feline cowardice beast!"

The Lion opened his mouth to speak but fell backward instead. Luckily, the Tin Girl was right behind him, caught him, and lowered him to the ground. The Scarecrow and Kurt ran towards the two; needless to say, Kurt was unhappy with the Wizard.

"What is the matter with you?! Freaking him out like that when he came to you for help!"

"Silence! You snapper! The great Oz has every intention of granting your requests!"

"You do?" The Tin Girl asked, waking the Lion.

"But first, you must do, for me, a small task."

"Anything," Kurt said.

"Bring me the broomstick of the wicked witch of the west!"

"Wait a minute. You said a small task!" Kurt exclaimed.

"If-if we do that, we have to kill her." The scarecrow stuttered.

"Bring me her broomstick, and I will grant your requests! Now go!"

"But what if- what if she kills us first?" The cowardly Lion stuttered.

"I said GO!" The Wizard boomed, and the Lion jumped two feet in the air and took off running.

He ran as fast as he could down the hall and jumped right out the window!

"Lion!" Kurt exclaimed as they ran to the shattered window. To their amazement, the Lion looked unharmed.

"Lion, are you alright?!" The Tin Girl called.

"Yes, I just had to get out of there!"

"Well, come on... let's get that broom," Kurt said.

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