Chapter 12: The Haunted Forest

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Kurt and his friends were walking down the yellow brick road and came across travelers, a woman, and her son.

"Excuse me, where do you find the castle of the wicked witch of the west, and how do you get there?" Kurt asked.

"It's impossible, my boy. No one ever goes to such a place." The woman said.

"Eh, told you, it was worth a shot." The Lion said, then tried turning around; Kurt gently put his hand on Lion's shoulder to stop him.

"Please, it's important! The Wizard himself sent us, we have to bring him the witch's broom, or he won't get a brain, she won't get a heart, and he won't get courage."

"And he won't be sent home." The Scarecrow said.

"You really want to go there...." The woman said

"Yes, now please tell me how to find her."

"Very well. Continue walking until you end up in the haunted forest."

"Haunted forest?!" The Lion's voice shook.

"And then you will find the sign, one mile west, and that's the wicked witch's castle."

"West? Wicked Witch Of The West makes sense. Let's go!" Kurt exclaimed; the other two had to lift the Lion off the ground to get him to come along.

The walk was long, but they finally reached The Haunted Forest.

"Well, we're here... it's not so bad, just dark and a little creepy." Kurt said.

"Very creepy!"

"Let's just get that broom and get out of here." The Tin Girl said, holding up her ax.

"Everything is going to be okay as long as we stick together," Kurt said.

At the witch's castle, the witch looked into her crystal ball and saw the four in the forest.

"This is a disaster! We can't let them come any closer!"

"Hmmm, how about some crows for that scarecrow?" The monkey said, the witch laughed and held her arms out, and a large flock of crows came flying out straight after the four travelers,

"Watch out!" Kurt exclaimed, and the Tin Girl used her ax to protect them from the vicious birds.

"Let's go before any more come!" The Scarecrow exclaimed.

"I hate the haunted forest! I hate the haunted forest!" Kurt muttered as they ran away.

"You hate it now? Just wait!" The witch said, then moved to her flying monkey companion.

"Take your army to the haunted forest and bring me that boy and his ridiculous bird. Do what you want with the others, but I want him alive! Fly you winged baboons!"

Kurt and his friends stopped in their tracks when they saw the flying monkeys in the sky.

"What are those?!" Kurt pointed to the monkeys.

"They work for the witch!" the Scarecrow exclaimed.

"There's so many of them!" The Lion cried out.

"Let's separate!" The Tin Girl suggested grabbing Lion's hand, Kurt held the Scarecrow's hand, and the four ran separately.

"Back! Get back!" The Tin Girl swung her axe again, protecting the Lion. One of the monkeys lifted her and dropped her onto the ground. The Lion growled and swung his paw at the monkeys. Despite how terrified he was, he wanted to protect the Tin Girl, who had saved him many times.

Kurt and the Scarecrow ran towards the trees hand in hand.

"Kurt, go hide behind that rock!"

"But what about you?!"

"They'll leave once they're done with me. Go!"

Kurt was reluctant but hid behind the rock, where he had to watch the flying monkeys tear the Scarecrow to pieces throwing his straw around. The monkeys flew away, leaving the Scarecrow on the ground. Kurt came out from behind the rock.

"Scarecrow! Scarecrow, are you okay?!" Kurt gently got on his knees and gathered some of the Scarecrow's straw.

"I'm fine; they just tore into me a little."

"Here, I'll help you-"

"Kurt, watch out!" Kurt turned around and saw two flying monkeys charging right at him; they grabbed his arms and carried him away. Another grabbed Pavarotti and flew away with him.

"Help! Help!" The Scarecrow exclaimed, lying helpless on the ground. The Tin Girl and the Lion came running to him.

"Are you okay?! What happened to you?!" Tin Girl asked, getting on her knees.

"They tore my legs off and threw them over there! Then they took my arms off and threw them over there and threw my straw everywhere."

"Well, that's just you all over, isn't it." The Tin Girl said.

"They sure ripped into you" The Cowardly Lion followed, picking up some pieces.

"Don't just stand there talking and put me together! We've got to find Kurt!"

"What do you mean? Wh-where is he?" The Lion asked.

"The wicked witch has him"

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