Chapter 16: There's No Place Like Home

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The Emerald City was filled to the brim as the Wizard prepared to leave with Kurt in his hot air balloon. As the Wizard was saying his goodbyes to his people, Kurt noticed a girl with blonde hair holding a cat, the cat jumped out of the girl's arms, and Pavarotti flew off of Kurt's shoulder.

"Pavarotti! Come back!" Kurt exclaimed, climbing out of the hot air balloon.

"Don't go without me. I'll be right back! Pavarotti, stop!" Kurt chased after the little bird.

"Got ya!" He jumped up, grabbed the bird, and placed him on his shoulder. He turned to return to the Wizard, only to see the balloon flying away.

"Wait! Stop, come back!"

"I can't come back. I don't know how it works! Goodbye, folks!" Everyone waved goodbye, and Kurt started to cry again.

"Now I'll never get home...."

"Stay with us then, Kurt. We all love you; we don't want you to go." The Lion said.

"That's sweet, Lion, but I have to get home somehow. Everyone must be so worried." Kurt sighed, "Oh, what am I gonna do?"

"Look!" The Scarecrow exclaimed, "Here's someone who can help you!"

Kurt looked up, and a pink bubble was floating toward them. When it disappeared, the Good Witch of the north appeared and climbed the stairs to Kurt.

"Glinda! Thank god you're here. I need help getting home; please help me!"

"You don't need help. You've always had the power to get back to Ohio."

"I have?" Kurt furrowed his brow.

"Then why didn't you tell him sooner?!" The Scarecrow asked.

"Because he would never have believed me. He had to learn for himself."

"What did you learn, Kurt?" Tin Girl asked.

"Well, I think...I learned that it's not just about how badly I wanted to see my dad and Blaine or Finn and my friends and if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again. I won't look any further than where I came from or the ones who helped me get there. Is-is that right?" Kurt asked

"That's all it is," Glinda smiled.

"Well, that's so easy. I should have thought of it for him"

"I should have felt it in my heart"

"No, he had to learn for himself. Now those magic shoes will take you home in two seconds."

"Really? Wh-when?!"

"Whenever you like."

"Oh! This is too good to be true!" Kurt exclaimed; he was going home.

"But it's going to be so hard to say goodbye, I love you all, and I'm gonna miss you all so much."

Kurt walked up to the Tin Girl, who was already starting to cry.

"Goodbye, Tin Girl, hey, don't cry," he lightly dabbed the tears away, "you'll get all rusted again. Here, here's your oil can." He handed the oil can into her hand and lightly kissed her head.

"Now I know I have a heart, 'cause it's breaking...." The Tin Girl cried, and Kurt moved to the Lion.

"Goodbye, Lion, yo-you're going to make a great king of the forest." Kurt smiled, his eyes tearing up.

"I never would have found my courage if it wasn't for you." The Lion said, then pulled Kurt into a hug. Kurt walked up to the Scarecrow.

"I think I'm going to miss you most of all..." he cried while hugging him then kissed his cheek.

"Are you ready now?" Glinda asked. Kurt turned to his friends and waved goodbye one last time.

"Yes, I'm ready now!"

"Then close your eyes, and tap your heels together three times." So Kurt closed his eyes and tapped the heels of his boots together.

"And think to yourself, there's no place like home, there's no place like home," Glinda said, waving her wand around Kurt.

"There is no place like home...." 

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