Chapter 5: The Wicked Witch Of The West

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Kurt stared at the woman in horror as she moved towards the house.

"Y-you said she was dead!" Kurt gasped

"No, that was her sister, The Wicked Witch Of The East, this is The Wicked Witch Of The West, and she is worse than the other one was."

"Great..." Kurt sighed.

"Who killed my sister?! Was it you?!" The Witch asked Kurt, who began shaking his head.

"No, no, it was an accident. I promise I didn't mean to kill anybody!"

"Well, lady face, I can cause accidents too!"

"Aren't you forgetting the ruby slippers?" Glinda asked, protecting Kurt

"Slippers? Yes! The slippers." The Witch moved to the house, but in seconds the slippers disappeared.

"They're gone! The ruby slippers, what have you done with them! Give them back to me, or I'll-"

"It's too late. There they are, and there they shall stay," Glinda said, pointing down to Kurt's feet, and to his surprise, the dull black shoes were replaced with a pair of boots identical to the ruby slippers.

"Give me back my shoes. I'm the only one who knows how to use them; they're no use to you!"

"Keep them on no matter what; their magic must be very powerful, or she wouldn't want them as bad."

"You stay out of this, Glinda, or I'll fix you as well!"

"Oh!" Glinda laughed, "You have no power here. Now be gone before someone drops a house on you too!"

"Very well, and as for you, porcelain, you won't last a day without giving me those shoes; just try! I'll get you Lady Face and your little bird too!" She threatened Kurt, and with an evil cackle, she disappeared in a puff of smoke and fire.

"You can all get up; she's gone!" Glinda said, and all the munchkins rose from the ground.

"Glinda, what am I going to do?!"

"Don't worry, child, as long as those shoes are on your feet; you will be safe." She said.

"I don't know about that, she looked dead set on killing me. I have to get back home to Lima. But I can't go back the way I came, can I?"

"No, I'm afraid not. The only way would be to see the great and powerful wizard of Oz himself."

"Wizard Of Oz? How will I do that?"

"Follow the yellow brick road and find your way to the emerald city. It is a long journey."

"But where do I even start?"

"Just follow the yellow brick road," Glinda said, disappearing into her bubble.

"Thanks for the help." Kurt sighed

Kurt ran back into his house to prepare for the long journey. The basket that went with his costume was on his bed, so he took it with him.

He moved to his nightstand and grabbed a framed photo of Blaine.

"When did I take this out of my locker?" Kurt questioned but shrugged and stuck it in the basket.

"You don't have to come with me, Pavarotti, here," Kurt said and opened the bird's cage, and was amazed that Pavarotti didn't fly away but instead flew across the room and landed on his shoulder.

"Hehe, I kinda look like a pirate like this. Come on, let's get going." Kurt said, starting at the middle of the road; he made his way around, the Munchkins bid him farewell, and he continued his journey.

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