Chapter Two: The Plan

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A couple of weeks passed, and they immediately ran into some problems.

"Uh, Mr. Shue!" Tina called, running into the choir room in her Glinda costume.

"Tina, you look amazing!"

"Mr. Shue, I think there's something wrong, I put on the dress, and now my skin is really itchy!"

"That isn't good! Go into the bathroom and take it off." Tina ran into the bathroom, hoisting her itchy pink dress up.

"Mr. Shue..." Mercedes groaned

"Mercedes? What's wrong?"

"I'm not feeling so great. Can I go to the nurse?"

"Yeah, go on. I'll be there in a minute."

Tina came back to the choir room, scratching at her arms.

"I'm gonna check on Mercedes; I'll be back."

Mr. Shue walked to the nurse's office and found Mercedes sleeping on the bed.

"How is she?"

"Not good. I've called her mom, I believe she has the flu, but I've also told her mom to take her to the doctor."

"Okay...I have to get back, feel better, Mercedes."

"This isn't good." Mr. Schue sighed, "Not only is Tina allergic to the fabric her dress is made of, but Mercedes has come down with the flu and might not be able to perform."

"Well, one of us can switch roles," Quinn suggested

"I'm okay with what I have; I am not putting on anything pink or sparkly," Blaine said

"You wouldn't be Glinda brainless," Santana said

"Santana!" Kurt snapped.

Suddenly Mr. Schue had a gleaming look in his eye.

"What is it, Mr. Schue?" Artie asked.

"Tina, I have another option for you, and possibly Mike Chang, if you two are up for it."

"What is it?" Tina asked

"Tina, you will be Aunt Em, and Mike Chang will be Uncle Henry!"

"Won't it look a little weird?" Tina asked

"No, I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Okay. Anything to get me out of that itchy dress."

"Yeah, and the monkey costume is itchy."

"Great, now we need a Glinda replacement, Brittany. You're Tina's understudy."

"Yeah...but I don't want a big role. I thought I could be the girl with the cat; then I could bring Lord Tubbington."

"Um...alright, if that's what you want."

"But what about Glinda?" Quinn asked

"Hmm...I'll be back. Just keep rehearsing."

Mr. Schue ran to Mrs. Pillsbury's office and knocked on her door.

"You got a minute?"

"Of course!" She smiled, "What's up?"

"We've run into problems with our production. Our Glinda is now aunt Em because she was allergic to the fabric of her dress, and my Witch Of The West is sick.

"Oh no, I hope it's not that flu going around."

"I think that's what it is." Mr. Schue sighed.

"What are you going to do?"

"That's what I came to talk to you about."


"I was wondering if you would consider being Glinda. You'd be perfect."


"You don't have too many lines."

"When is it?"

"This Friday, and it's Monday."

"Don't you usually have an understudy for roles like this?"

"Santana was Mercedes's understudy, but she already agreed to do makeup, and that means Blaine's, Rachel's, Finn's, and pretty much the entire football team; I don't know if she'll do it, and Brittany was Tina's, but she said she didn't want a huge role. I'm stuck."

"Well, you've always gotten me out of sticky situations...I'm in."

"Yes! Emma, I love you!" Mr. Schue exclaimed and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek.

"I love you too!" She giggled.

"What are you going to do about the witch?"

"That...I had an idea, but I might regret it...."

Mr. Schue walked to Coach Sue Sylvester's office and knocked on the door.

"Sue? Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure, Butt Chin, I was just finishing my daily workout; what do you want?" Sue asked as she drank from her water bottle.

"Well, as you know, I'm putting on a production of The Wizard Of Oz,"

"Yes, I had to listen to Rachel Berry complain about how she's a female tin can while porcelain is the role of the little farm girl with sparkly shoes. I shut her up very quickly."

"R-right, anyway, I, uh, Mercedes was supposed to play the Wicked Witch Of The West, but she got sick."


Mr. Shue sighed. He couldn't believe he was doing this.

"I would like to know if you could help us. Emma already said she'd play Glinda and Coach Beiste is one of Emerald City's guards. All I need is the Witch."

"William, I'm going to stop you right there."

He sighed again; he knew this was a bad idea.

"I'll do it."

"Wait, you'll what?"

"Are you going deaf?" She grabbed her megaphone. "I said I'll do it!"

"Nono, I heard that; I just...I'm surprised."

"My sister loved The Wizard Of Oz almost as much as she loved Willy Wonka. If it weren't for Jean's love for that movie, I wouldn't even consider...."

"Sue, that's, thank you."

"Don't even think about hugging me, or I might vomit down your back."

"Right, um, I'll get you your script, and we'll rehearse at the auditorium after school."

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