Chapter 4: Not In Lima Anymore

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Kurt awoke in his room and was very confused.

"Wh-I'm in my room? What happened?" Kurt stood out of bed and saw in his vanity mirror that he was still in costume.

"Weird..." Kurt said. Then he heard a light whistling sound. He quickly turned and saw Pavarotti, the bird gifted to him when he joined Dalton Academy.

"Pavarotti?" He raised his eyebrows and moved to the cage on his nightstand.

"You're alive? I thought you died of a least, that's what I suspected." He picked up the cage and walked out of his room and downstairs.

"Hey, dad?! Dad!" He called, "hm, must not be home." He shrugged.

He moved to the front door and opened it but didn't see his front yard; no, what he saw, you'd have to be there to believe. There were beautiful flowers of different colors, a clear blue stream, and a spiral road of gold and red.

"Pavarotti...I have a feeling we're not in Lima anymore."

"Where are we?" He asked himself.

A pink bubble came towards him, it was getting bigger, and when it popped, a woman in a sparkly pink dress with a tall crown on her head stood in front of him. He squinted his eyes; she looked a lot like Mrs. Pillsbury.

"Hello. My name is Glinda. Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"

"Who, me?" He asked, pointing towards himself; Glinda nodded.

"No, I'm not a witch at all. I'm Kurt, Kurt Hummel, from Lima."

"Oh, well, is that the witch." She asked, pointing to the cage in his hand with her wand.

"What Pavarotti? No, Pavarotti is my bird."

"Oh well, I was wondering because the munchkins had told me that a new witch had just dropped a house on the Wicked Witch Of The East, and there's the house, and here you are. And that is all that's left of the Wicked Witch Of The East." Kurt turned to where she pointed with her tall wand, and much to Kurt's horror, he saw two legs under his house, wearing a pair of ruby red heeled shoes.

"Oh, my god...." Kurt's hand flew to his mouth.

"So what the munchkins want to know is, are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"

"But I've already told you! I'm not a witch at all. Witches are old and ugly and have terrible hair!" Kurt said, then he heard what sounded like children laughing.

"What-what was that?" Kurt asked

"The munchkins, they are laughing because I am a witch. I'm the Witch Of The North."

"You are? Oh, I'm sorry, I just never thought of a beautiful witch before."

"Only bad witches are ugly, my dear."

"Then why did you ask if I was a bad witch? You know, never mind." Kurt shrugged and heard the giggling again

"Okay, that's kind of starting to creep me out."

"There is nothing to fear. The munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch Of The East! And you are their hero now, my dear boy. It's alright; you may all come out now!" She said with her arms spread out, and several small people emerged from the trees and bushes.

"Wh-why are they all staring at me?"

A small girl in a pink dress and sunbonnet approached Kurt with a bouquet.

"Welcome to Munchkinland, and thank you for saving us from the Wicked Witch Of The East!"

"Oh, thank you," Kurt said, taking the flowers.

"No, it is I who thanks you." A small round man approached Kurt, "I am the mayor of the munchkin city, and I welcome you most regally to Munchkin land!"

"Yes! Let the joyous news spread; the Wicked old witch, at last, is dead!" Glinda exclaimed.

The munchkins all cheered and skipped happily around the land.


Once there was a wicked witch in the lovely land of Oz

And a wickeder, wickeder, wickeder witch there never, never was

Lollipop Munchkin:

She filled the folks in Munchkin land with terror and with dread

Lullaby League Munchkin:

'Till one fine day from Lima way a cyclone caught a house

That brought the wicked, wicked witch her doom

As she was flying on her broom

Sunbonnet Munchkin:

For the house fell on her head and the coroner pronounced her

Coroner: dead

And thru the town the joyous news was spread


Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch

Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead

Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed

Wake up, the wicked witch is dead!

She's gone where the goblins go below, below, below, yo ho

Let's open up and sing, and ring the bells out

Ding-dong! the merry-o sing it high, sing it low

Let them know the wicked witch is dead

"We welcome you to Munchkinland!" They cheered, but their celebration was interrupted when a large puff of red smoke and fire came out of nowhere, causing the munchkins to panic and drop to the ground.

Glinda quickly pulled Kurt close to her as a woman with green skin emerged from the smoke; she held a black broom and oddly looked like Coach Sue Sylvester.

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