Chapter 9: Poppies

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Little to Kurt and his friends' knowledge, the Witch was watching their every move, and she was very unhappy that Kurt was reaching the emerald city.

"What do we do?" The Witch's flying monkey asked.

"We need to stop Porcelain and his weird friends" She moved to her crystal ball.

"My Poppies will put them to sleep...good luck getting through that!" She cackled.

Meanwhile, the four friends slowly made their way along the yellow brick road and soon stopped.

"Look, it's the emerald city!" Kurt pointed, "We're almost there!"

"It's beautiful." The Tin Girl sighed in ecstasy.

"Come on, what are we waiting for?" The Lion asked.

"Let's hurry!" The Scarecrow exclaimed, and they began running through the poppy fields.

As they were running, Kurt felt Pavarotti fall off his shoulder; luckily, he caught the little bird.

"Pavarotti? Wh-what's wrong?" He yawned as he slipped the sleeping bird into the basket.

"Look, we're almost there!" The tin girl exclaimed.

Kurt began to slow down; he was starting to become extremely drowsy.

"Kurt, Kurt, are you alright?" The Scarecrow asked.

"Yeah, I just, I can't run anymore. I-I think I need to rest for a minute."

"No, Kurt, you can't rest now. We're nearly there." The Scarecrow said, and the Tin Girl began to cry.

"Don't cry; you'll get all rusted up again!"

"You know, now that I think-about it, a few winks wouldn't be so bad...." The Cowardly Lion began to yawn.

"Oh, don't you start!" Scarecrow exclaimed; the Tin Girl tried to hold up the Lion.

"We got to try and carry Kurt out of here." The Tin Girl said struggling to hold the Lion.

"I don't think I could, but we could try." The Scarecrow said. Just as he spoke, the Lion slipped out of the Tin Girl's hands and collapsed into the poppies.

"Oh no, not him too! Tin Girl, help me!" The Scarecrow groaned, trying to pull Kurt up, but he wouldn't budge an inch.

"Oh, this is bad! This is a magic spell; that's what this is." The Scarecrow said.

"It's the wicked Witch! What do we do?!" The Tin Girl cried, "Help! Help!"

"Help us!" The Scarecrow cried out,

Magically it began to snow upon the poppies.

"It's snowing!" The Scarecrow exclaimed, "Maybe it'll help!"

"But it couldn't help...." The Tin Girl cried, the Scarecrow looked down, and slowly Kurt began to open his eyes.

"It does help! Kurt, you're waking up!" The Scarecrow said and got on his knees.

"Whoa, what happened?" Kurt asked as he sat up; the Lion yawned as he woke.

"Wow, unusual weather we're having." The Lion said. The others laughed, all except Tin Girl who cried so much she began to rust.

"She's rusted again!" Kurt exclaimed as he pulled the oil can out of his basket and began to oil her limbs.

"Tin Girl? Are you okay?" The Scarecrow asked.

"Oh-yes, it appears I got too upset."

"Come on, let's get out of here! Look, the Emerald City is closer than ever!"

The four friends ran out of the deadly poppy field and continued down the yellow brick road, and soon they were in front of the emerald city doors and rang the bell. A young man with a mohawk peeked out of a round door.

"Who rang that bell?!"

"We did!" The four said in unison.

"Well, can't you read?"

"Read what?" The Scarecrow asked.

"The notice!"

"What notice?" Kurt asked.

"What do you mean what notice? The sign on the door the-" When he looked over, he noticed the door was bare, and there was no sign.

"Oh-oh, just a minute!" He sighed, entered the room, and placed a sign on the door.

"Bell Out Of Order. Please Knock," Everyone read the sign, so Kurt found the knocker and knocked three times.

"There, that's better. Now, what's your business here?"

"We want to see the Wizard!" All four of them said, and the young man was astounded.

"The Wizard? No one has seen the great Oz. Even I've never seen him! You're wasting my time."

"Wait, wait!" Kurt called.

"No one sees the wizard." He slammed the round door.

"Wait a minute! Open this door!" Kurt exclaimed, knocking on the door. The window opened.


"Please. I have to see the Wizard. The Good Witch Of The North sent me."

"Prove it."

"She gave him the ruby shoes!" The Scarecrow said, the boy peeked out the window and saw the ruby shoes on Kurt's feet.

"Oh, he is! Well, that changes things. Why didn't you say that in the first place?! Come on in!" He closed his window, and the double doors came wide open.

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