Chapter 14: The Great Escape

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The Tin Girl and Lion finished putting the Scarecrow back together when they saw something fly towards them.

"Look, it's Pavarotti! Where did he come from?" The Tin Girl asked; she held her arm out and let the little bird land on her finger.

"What is it, Pavarotti?"

"Wait, wasn't he taken with Kurt?" The Lion asked.

"If he escaped, he can take us to Kurt!" The Scarecrow exclaimed, and the Lion and Tin Girl helped him up and followed the little bird.

They found themselves climbing a rocky hill; The Tin girl almost slipped but quickly grabbed onto Lion's tail.

"I-I hope my strength holds out!"

"Yeah, well, I hope your tail holds out!" The Tin Girl screeched as she continued attempting to climb the rocks. The three finally made it up the rocky cliff.

"What-what's that?" The cowardly Lion stuttered pointing at a large castle.

"That's the castle of The Wicked Witch! Kurt is in that horrible place." The Scarecrow said, and the Tin Girl began to cry.

"Oh, I hate the thought of him in such a place; we've got to get him out!"

"Don't cry. The oil can is with Kurt, and you're damaged enough as it is." The Scarecrow told the Tin Girl.

"Wh-who's that, who's that?!" The Lion pointed down at the many guards.

"Must be the wicked witch's guards." Tin Girl said.

"What are we going to do?! There's too many of them!" The Lion exclaimed.

The Scarecrow glanced down at all of the guards surrounding the castle.

"Well...I may not have a brain...but I think I have an idea. Follow me!"

*At The Witch's Castle*

"Come on!" Kurt grunted, banging on the door and pulling on the handle.

His escape attempts were futile, his eyes went to the hourglass, and the sand was running out by the minute. He began to cry harder as he moved to his basket and pulled out the framed photo of Blaine.

"I'm... I'm so sorry, Blaine!" He sobbed as he held the picture.

Realizing his fate had been sealed, Kurt did the only thing he could do, he sang.


Blow the candles out

Looks like a solo tonight

I'm beginning to see the light

Blow the candles out

Looks like a solo tonight

But I think I'll be-I'll be-I'll be alright

Kurt held the picture as if he was holding Blaine himself, he missed him so much, and now, he's never going to see him again.

"Okay, what is your plan?" The Tin Girl asked.

"We need to get in there-"

"Um, um!" The Cowardly Lion stuttered, and the two shushed him, only to realize there were three guards behind them.

"AH!" They screamed as the guards pulled them down! It was quite a fight, but in the end, they emerged victorious, and wore their clothing and hats, and carried their weapons.

"Now what?" The Tin Girl asked the Scarecrow.

"We follow those guards, and hopefully, they'll lead us to Kurt, come on!"

The three followed the flock of guards, Pavarotti flying close behind them and landed on the Scarecrow's shoulder. The three immediately moved to the nearest wall.

"What do we do now?" The Lion asked. Pavarotti whistled and flew up the stairs; the three followed the bird to the large double doors.

"Hold on! We better make sure." The Scarecrow said, "Kurt, are you in there? It's us!"

Kurt raised his head up as he heard the voices of his friends and immediately ran towards the door.

"Yes! I'm in here! She's locked me in!" Kurt exclaimed as he ran to the door.

"What do we do? We have to get him out!!" The Cowardly Lion exclaimed.

"Please hurry! The hourglass is almost empty, and I'll be dead!"

"Hang on, Kurt, we'll get you out of there!" The Tin Girl said, raising her axe, "Step back!" She swung the axe at the door, and Kurt grabbed his photo and slipped it into the basket. Finally, the door swung open, and Kurt ran to his friends.

"You guys came! I knew you would!" Kurt exclaimed as he hugged them. Pavarotti flew to him, landing on his shoulder.


"Come on, Kurt! We have to get out of here!" The Tin Girl said, removing her disguise as the others did the same.

"Hurry, we don't have much time!" The Scarecrow exclaimed.

They ran down the stairs to make their escape, but they were a little too late as the doors slammed shut. They heard the witch cackling.

"Going so soon, I think not. My little party has just begun."

"That-that doesn't sound like a f-fun party!"

All of the guards showed up in a large crowd.

"That's right let's not hurt them right away. We'll let them think about it for a little bit first."

The Scarecrow's eyes wandered the castle and noticed a chandelier with candles, and another idea came to him. He grabbed the tin girl's ax and cut the rope, and the chandelier fell on top of the guards.

"Run!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Seize them!" The Witch demanded sending guards after them. The Lion grasped the Tin Girl's hand while Kurt held onto the Scarecrow's hand.

"There they go! Half of you go this way! Half of you go that way!" The Witch demanded sending the guards after them; they were coming every which way.

"There's no way out!" Kurt cried, the guards swarmed into the room, and the Witch followed close behind.

"Well, you thought you could get away so easily? Well, the last to go will see the last three go before him!" The Witch cackled, "And his little pet too!"

The Witch looked up and lit the hay of her broom on fire.

"How about a little fire, Scarecrow?" She touched the Scarecrow's arm with the fire, and he shook his arm vigorously.

"Scarecrow!" Kurt screamed and grabbed a pail of water nearby and threw it at the fire, but it also hit the Witch.

"You little brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting!" She cried in anguish as she melted before their eyes.

"She's-she's dead-you killed her," One of the guards said; they sounded female.

"I didn't mean to kill her. He-he was on fire; I had to do something!"

"No!" The guard took off her hat; she looked like Quinn.

"What is your name?"

"My-my name?"


"Uh, Kurt, Kurt Hummel."

"Hail to Kurt Hummel. The Wicked Witch is dead!" She said, the other guards got on their knees, removing their hats; some were male, some female, "Hail to Kurt Hummel, the Wicked Witch is dead!"

Kurt then remembered why they were there in the first place.

"The broom! Can we have it?"

"Take it with you. Consider it a gift!"

"Thank you so much! Now we can go back to the wizard!"

"Let's go!" The other three said.

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