Chapter 7: The Tin Girl

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They walked for miles, and Kurt was starting to get hungry.

"Hey, look!" The Scarecrow pointed to a Grove of apple trees.

"Awesome!" Kurt moved to a tree and picked one of the apples; as he was about to eat it, something pulled the apple out of his hand and smacked it!


"What are you doing?!" The tree snapped.

"Well, we've been walking a long way, so I was getting hungry and...did you just say something?"

"Heh, you hear that he was hungry!" The tree said to his tree friend.

"Well, how would you feel if someone came up to you and picked your apples!"

"Well, I'm not a tree, so...."

"How would you have liked it?!" The tree exclaimed, causing Kurt to jump. The two trees reminded him of two certain football players. The Scarecrow rested his hand on Kurt's shoulders.

"Come on, Kurt, you don't want any of those apples."

"You got a problem with my apples? Haystack!"

"Oh no, I just figured he doesn't like little green worms!"

"Oh, that does it!!" Kurt and the Scarecrow ran away, the tree started throwing apples at the two, and one knocked the Scarecrow to the ground.

"Well, I guess that'll work, help yourself!"

Kurt got on his knees to pick up the red apples on the ground and put them in his basket, however when he reached to grab one, he noticed what looked like a silver boot; he looked up more and saw it was a girl in a silver dress, it looked like Rachel to him, but she was made entirely out of tin.

"Scarecrow, come here!" He called.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed; Kurt brushed the leaves off of the girl of tin when he heard what sounded like muffles.

"Mml mmhn!"

"H-hang on, I think she's trying to say something?" Kurt said.

"Mml mmhn!"

" She said oil can,"

"Oil can what?" the Scarecrow asked.

The two spotted the oil can on an old tree stump, and Kurt picked it up and held it to the girl made of tin.

"Where do you want it first," Kurt asked.

"Mmh mmth"

"She said, her mouth." The Scarecrow grabbed the oil can from Kurt and oiled the left side of her mouth, and Kurt oiled the right.

The girl of tin's mouth began to move, and soon she began to speak.

" god, I can talk again!"

"Oil my arms please?" the tin girl asked "and my elbows" Kurt moved her arm down, and the sound it made was most unpleasant.

" Are you okay?! Did that hurt?"

"It feels wonderful. I've been stuck in that position for months."

"How did you get like this?" Kurt asked.

"Well, about a year ago, I was chopping that tree and singing my favorite song, of course, and suddenly it began to rain, and in the middle of a chop, I rusted solid! I've been that way ever since."

"Well, I'm sure you'll feel better now," Kurt said.

"Oh really? Bang on my chest if you think I'll feel better." The tin girl said, this confused Kurt.

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