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Aiden Mathews

Aiden's POV

" Good Morning Master Mathews ...
It's a Sunny day.. climate 30°C with humidity 40%. Just take your morning and make it perfect " I heard Alexa uttering the usual morning wishes as my wake up call.

I have been away from New York for past 3 months because of an important project. Soon I woke up from my bed and got ready for my work. I got down for my breakfast.

" Aiden, we have a problem! " my Assistant Kane came running while scrolling his phone.

" Speak" I said while tasting my black coffee. Whatever may be the problem is, but first Coffee.

" Your future bride is giving a press conference in front of our office regarding your relationship with her. " he said.

" My Bride? " I raised my eyebrows at him.

" Uh..Sorry? Ms.Tina, the one whom you ghosted after an awkward date is giving a press conference in front of our office " he corrected it this time. He also showed me a video of her standing in front of media and reporters, getting ready to give her speech.

" This is a well-organised incident by the board members forcing you into a marriage." he said analysing the video.

"Why the hell are they very much interested with my love life? " I felt frustrated by the way they involve me with fake gossips.

Let me introduce myself. Aiden Mathews, CEO of AiMat incorp. We have four branches in the US , three in Europe, 1 office in China. My company develops cool RPG games, mostly hated by the parents community but loved by their children. I started this company soon after my graduation. Within a span of 5 years, we became one of the leading gaming companies,which in turn made me as one of the youngest billionaires .Trust me,the gaming industry makes more money than Hollywood.Our prime investor in this business is Mathew group of Industries aka my dad. He never cared about my business or the success I received through it.

" Let me ask for an enhanced security... " He said while taking his phone to call someone, may be the head of security guards.

" No. Let's go.. " I said making my way towards the elevator. I need to give them an answer to shut all the rumours.

Once I reached my New York office, I got down from my car and looked around to see reporters and paparazzi swarming around almost blocking my office entrance.

" What do you think about the sudden press conference by your lady love? Mr Mathews ?" a lady with a camera asked me.

" Thanks for the concerns and attention from the media. I guess this is an issue between two people. Allow them to handle it alone personally . Thank you. " Kane replied to her with a nod as we both moved inside. I asked Kane to bring the girl.

In the Conference Room...

" Aiden Babe .. We have been dating for the past few months. So I think it's high time for us to get engaged . That's why .. " She spoke with her irritating voice.

" Miss Tina, I guess you have to see this before talking about your engagement plans."Kane interrupted her.

" Tina.. Your real name is Christina Patrick. You are from LA. You have been struggling in the modelling field for past 4 years. You met Mr.Mathews during last year annual ball, where you got introduced to him by Mr. Wesley, one of our board members. You got hired by him to date Mr.Mathews.You have been on a date with Mr.Mathews, twice in the past 5 months, that was arranged by Mr.Wesley." Kane said while I saw Tina having her mouth hung open.

" How? How did you gather this information ?" She asked us while still looking at the gathered details displayed in front of her.

" AiMat is a top-notch international company. Everything we want to know, we will know. " I replied her with a smirk to which she let out a sigh.

" So here is my deal, Miss Patrick. I don't know how much he paid you, but I have something that you want more than money." I said while looking at Kane.

He gave me a nod and took a flight ticket from a file and said, " This ticket will land you in Milan where there will be a fashion week welcoming you as it's show-stopper. You can even become a global model.Now it depends on you to accept the opportunity or not."

She immediately took the ticket from his hand and a huge smile formed on her face.

" I hope you know what to do now. " I said giving her a gentle reminder.

" I understand Mr.Mathews. Thank you so much and Sorry for all the trouble." she said with a smile and left the room.

Soon the screen in front of me telecasted the live press conference organised by her. She took her place in front of the microphone and cameras.

" Hello, Miss Tina. So what happened during the meeting? " One reporter asked.

" So what's your opinion on Mr Mathew being such a playboy? Do you have anything more to disclose? " Another one asked.

" What about your engagement? Is it called off? " This one was from the woman who questioned me before.

" Who said Mr. Mathews is a playboy? Me and him, we are just good friends.And I called this press conference to make this clear. I hope the media can respect that and also please respect our privacy. Thank you everyone" with that said she left the place. Kane couldn't control his laugh, by seeing the reporters with their confused faces.

" Kane.. Arrange for a board meeting. Let's talk Business." I finally said while exiting the conference room .


That's my Chapter 2
Hope you like it.
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