16.Game Plan

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Aidan's POV:

Today is the day Mia moves in with me as we have to get married within one week. Yes, You heard it right. IN ONE WEEK. That's the deadline my dad gave me so that I can have my position in the office. My driver Paul has gone to pick Mia because I have another important meeting scheduled regarding our new game in a few minutes.


"Mr.Mathews, here is the final draft for the promo."Jonathan, my marketing department head passed me a file.

Being in this business for the past few years, I can predict that this game is soon gonna be a massive hit. We are still working on our final graphics and avatar development but before the launch I decided to release a small promo about the game.

"So, make sure that the promo for our new game must be released in one week.Try to convince..Er.. What's her name again?" I asked the creative director who was in charge of the promotions of the game.

"Mrs.Erica" He replied.

"Yes, Mrs. Erica wang. I heard that she is an ambassador of chinese martial arts. We need an expert opinion from a professional like her to increase the efficiency of our game." I said.

"Oh you're right.She is a Tai Chi Expert.She embodies positivity and is also excellent with every weapon. But she already rejected our call.Convincing her is impossible." Ms.Campbell voiced out slowly.

"She is truly fit for our female character.Our developers used her as a model character for our game's female lead. I need her opinion and suggestions regarding the fight moves which may give real time experience.So that's why we have to convince her. You have a week's time.Make it possible." I exited the conference room.

As I entered my office, I saw Kane waiting for me.
"Hey.. Paul informed me that he dropped Ms.Amelia at your penthouse. "

Because of this game launch, I couldn't find time to bring her home.I get really busy during events like these.Not to forget, my employees work really hard for this launch day to make everything perfect.

" Okay. " with a nod, I sat on my chair. The newspaper in front me had my picture with Mia which was taken a few days back.


The Billionaire CEO of Aimat,Mr. Aiden Mathews- only heir of Mathew group and Ms. Amelia Thompson-Lady love of the billionaire, decided to tie a knot.

They officially announced their Engagement two days ago. After seeing the pictures, we knew the couple was in love.

The wedding will be held on this saturday at The Grand Plaza Hotel.

Looks like it will be a private wedding.

So who is excited to welcome the new couple because we are.

Can't wait for their wedding photos.

When I gave my permission to officially publish the news, the media got no chill.

I was quite mad at her when I saw her in the club last night. I had some important business to attend and that's why I was there in the club. Though the meeting bored me, a beautiful hazel eyes caught my attention in that crowd. I didn't have to confirm who it was.

The contract clearly states that she must inform me whenever she plans to go out.The main reason behind this rule is she could be watched by paparazzi.Now that each and every newspaper and magazine in the city has our photos printed on their first page, she must act with caution.Already my dad is breaking his head to find ways to stop our wedding, she being careless and drunk in a night club might again create new rumors about our relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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