14.New Couple

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Aiden's POV:
The doors of the room opened and I entered. My presence meant the presence of a devil.

The air in the room was so tense as everyone felt uncomfortable under my glare. Silence echoed in the large room. I noticed a small smile formed on her lips as my eyes met hers.

"Amelia you should have left when we warned you. Now that Mr. Mathews is here, you are doomed" Mr. Kingston smirked.

My eyes once again scanned around the room for a few seconds

"What happened ? " My voice was calm but never failed to send chills down spines.

Everyone waited for a few minutes trying to see who would be the first one to speak. I looked down at my silver watch briefly before raising my head back up to look at the people surrounding Mia, who looked at me nervously.

"Forgive us, Mr.Mathews. It was our shortcoming to have let an outcast sneak in." A blonde girl said trying her best to seem intimidating.

"Who are you? " I asked her with a blank expression.

"V-Vivian White, E-Event Head from White Co. " She introduced herself nervously by sticking out her hand for a handshake.

"So Ms. White, Where is this outcast who sneaked in ?" I questioned her completely ignoring her handshake.

"Mr.Mathews, she's the one. She even had the audacity to mention your name countless times and even pretended to be in an equal footing with you."Mr.Kingston spoke while Mia just rolled her eyes playfully listening to his accusations.

Cute !

My mind couldn't stop admiring her tonight.

"That's right. We were about to throw her out. But you arrived, before we could do that." Ms. White joined him while still glaring at Mia.

"Did you mean that I came at the wrong time and interfered with your plan? "I raised my eyebrow. No one's eyes met the others as they were all scared to respond.

Silence once again..

"Everything they said is true? " I turned towards Mia.

" Absolutely." Her response was immediate with a firm nod.That's why she is different from every other girl I met in my life.No one else had that guts to speak to me while looking into my eyes.

"It's no doubt that you really have the guts, Mia"

"So, Do you admire me even more now?" Only she had that power to bring a small smile in my lips.

"Bitch! How dare you be so flirtatious with him? Do you know who he is?"Kingston yelled at her.

My hands and jaw clenched at his choice of words to call Mia.My mind began to fill with a lot of ways to torture him but it was also occupied by the beautiful looking female.

"Bitch? Stop calling her like that. I'll take care of this, myself" I almost growled to which I could see fear in his eyes.

"Oh Jack, Don't you think Mr.Mathews admires me even more now? Who knows he might confess to me later" Mia again spoke while looking only at me. She was perfect in every way possible.

I walked slowly towards her. She had that innocent smile on her face but her eyes were filled with mischief.She was like a magnet, attracting me, my arrogance and my cold demanor. We both ignored the murmurs and quiet whispers around, as I stood very close to her. Her usual sweet lavender smell hit my nostrils and it was like a drug to me.
Alright, It's time for showdown.

" It's my pleasure to officially introduce my lovely fiance, Amelia Thompson."
Ignoring everyone, I crashed my lips against hers.
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