6.Home Town

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Aiden's POV

"I got a say,the chairman is one tough guy. I mean,he wants you to get married to Catherine all before he fully hands over the company?" Kane spoke as I came back from the meeting.The board was happy with my new innocent fiance while my dad was not really convinced about it.

"You heard him, that's what he wants.He thinks I'm too detached from family? I don't know. Everyone there thinks that I lack family values. " A chuckle left my mouth.

"Are you really going to marry her? " Kane asked me for the umpteenth time.

" Yes, how many times do you have to ask ? My answer will be the same.I need a woman who I can marry within a few months. Now that I found this girl,I can take back the company- Clean,Hashle-free and absolutely no romance involved." I replied him with a sigh.

Earlier, I met 'My future wife' or should I call her as 'my fake fiance'. As expected,she obviously rejected my offer. I know this sounds like a cringey movie scene,but I still believe that she will accept it. Well, that's what happens in movies right !

" No.. it's just .. I find it hard to believe." he replied. I looked at him with a blank expression.

" As my father said, this marriage will be a good asset for the company. It might help me to earn some trust from my share holders. Should I let it go ? " I asked him. Though the question was towards him, it felt like I'm asking myself.

" Still, You should get married for love. " Kane said with hesitation.

" Ah.. Love ?! Do you still believe in it? According to me, it's just a mere emotion. I don't want to get attached to it,not anymore." I replied to him while concentrating back on my work.

" Besides I like her energy. She is honest and bold. Only a person like her can do this job perfectly. Convincing everyone with right lies " I said.

" Aiden, How could you tell that kind of a lie when you don't know anything about the woman you're marrying?She could be a spy? a gold digger? She could even have a boyfriend or worse married?" Kane was very serious about his thoughts.

Before I could answer him, my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and it had Ethan's name on it.

" Perfect Timing!! " I muttered.

I answered the call by turning on the speaker button.

"Hello Mr.Mathews, I have mailed you all the details about Miss Thompson." he spoke from the other end.

" Thank you Ethan. Good work!! " I ended my call. I signalled Kane to check the mail and read out loud. He opened his tablet and started to read the details for me.

" Name: Amelia Thompson.
Age: 24 years old. ( 13/03/1998 )
Relationship status:Single
Hometown: Hudson.( 2 hours from NYC )
Education: Graduate in Business Administration,Finance Major.
Occupation: Part timer in Pandora Bookshop.
Ex Employee of GK group as a financial analyst but then got fired by them due to a scandal with her boss.
Parents: Mr. Theophilus Thompson and Mrs. Sharon Thompson.
Her father is a librarian in local library but they also own a small restaurant in their hometown.
Siblings: Ryan Thompson, he is in high school.
Criminal Records: Nil.
Current Relationship status: Single
Boyfriends: None.
Crush: Caleb James, she has a crush on him for a long time.
Best Friends: Emily Campbell and Caleb James (Schoolmates) "

"So we know something about her." I muttered under my breath.

"Ooh Hoi... You already have a competitor." Kane said with a grin.

" What? "

" Yeah .. her long time Crush maybe future boyfriend?" he quoted

" That's not an issue. She is my fiance now." I smirked

" You mean your fake fiance ? " He asked me raising an eyebrow. I gave him a smile.

" What if she doesn't accept this deal ? How will you handle everything? The board members, your father? " He asked me again with a concern in his face.

" You worry alot Kane. Let's give her some time. She will come back to me. She has no option other than that! And get me all the information about Tate Industries including their financial details."

It's been a week...
Just like I thought, Tate needs me.
How pathetic.
Their company is on verge of bankruptcy and my dad once wants to save him but more strong this time. I'm never gonna give them that opportunity to break me once again. I'm so determined to marry anyone other than Catherine.

This made me think about the girl who has been haunting my thoughts for past one week. Amelia Thompson.

No call from her side. I tried to contact her but my calls directly went to her voice mail. I thought of having a talk with her once again regarding the contract. I thought convincing her with the plan would be easy than to face my dad and shareholders.

On the other hand, my mom is pestering me to introduce her. She also invited us for her birthday party which is few days away.

" Kane, Ask Miss.Campbell from marketing department to meet me. " I informed him.

After a while.. I heard a knock on my door.

" Come in.. "

"Sir, You asked for me ?" I saw a girl with a blonde hair standing near the door. So this must be Emily.

"Take a seat Miss.Campbell. I would like to have few words with you "
She just gave a nod and sat before me.

"Where is Mia? I tried to contact her and even visited her place. Is she out of town? "

" You.. You visited her apartment?" She asked me with shock.

"No.. I mean my driver informed me that she is not at home." I gave her a tight smile. Why would I visit her?

" Oh.. Why are you looking for her? "

" What do you mean by why? She is my fiance and I'm concerned about her absence."

She gave me a confused look. What does that look even mean?

"Mr.Mathews, I know about your deal. And don't worry my mouth is sealed. So tell me why are you looking for her ?"

" Oh.. I just want to know about her decision." A part of what I said before was true. Even I couldn't accept this feeling but I'm worried about her absence.

"Since when did you care about other's decisions Mr. Mathews? And to answer your question she has gone to visit her family in her hometown.She has an important family dinner to attend." she said with a sad smile.

" Thank you. And I do care for my employees Miss Campbell. You can leave." I dismissed her.

" Very well .. Remember Sir, she is your fiance, and not one of your employees. " she left with a gentle smile on her face.

" Hometown huh? " I asked myself.

I immediately took my phone and called my assistant,
"Kane, Cancel my schedule for next two days. Ask Paul to get the car ready. I'm going out of town for a couple of days."

"Sure !! Er.. Out of town ? Where?"


"For Business?"

"No, To meet my future In- laws." I smirked.

Chapter 6 is done..
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