13.Rich People

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Amelia's POV

" Remember what I said " Aiden warned me once again.

" I promise that I will stay away from trouble. So don't worry. Focus on your business " I assured him before leaving him alone with his father.

It's been some time since Aiden left me with his mom and her friends to have a talk with his father. I looked around searching for that one familiar face, but he was no where to be seen.

' Damn You , Aiden ! ' I mentally cursed.

" Did you notice something? " asked the lady in bright red dress.

" Oh my God ! Rubies? " replied another woman in pink dress.

" Yes, I got it from Myanmar. Pretty right? " She said proudly.

" Yes, they look beautiful " the woman responded.

' Damn you , Rich people! ' my mind cursed once again.

I excused myself from the group who were seriously discussing about Marc Jacob's spring collection. Fairly to be said , it took me a while to understand that they were talking about new collection of designer handbags worth thousands of dollars.

I roamed around the party hall for some time searching for Aiden but found something better than him, Food.
As I moved towards the food table, I heard someone calling my name.

" Miss.Thompson ? " the man called.

I turned around and there stood the person whom I wished to never meet again.

" Mr. K-Kingston? " I mumbled.

" You seem like you are enjoying the food." He said with a smirk .

How do I describe this guy. Mr.Jack Kingston, 35 years old, tall , handsome but not as handsome as Aiden, rich spoiled brat, playboy, womanizer and also my ex boss.I worked for him for more than a year right after my graduation. Things got ugly after I learnt about his ways of harassing women in the workplace. I complained about it but then got fired by the management stating that my accusations are false.

 I complained about it but then got fired by the management stating that my accusations are false

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" Your outfit looks quite special. " he again spoke breaking my thoughts. His lustful eyes made me feel uncomfortable around his presence.

" It's just a normal dress. Nothing special about it Mr. Kingston. Now If you excuse me, I have someone to meet. " I tried my best to stay calm and move away from him.

"Anyway, you are intriguing.May be it's because you blended into the background. So how did you get in ? " He asked by blocking my way.

"Mr.Kingston, Watch your words. I did not sneak in. I walked in openly" I replied.

"Really? Mathew group organized this party specially for Mrs. Mathew. Those invited are elites in this city. Who do you think you are? " Now my attention turned towards an old lady standing beside him. His mother.

" Did you sneak in to pester my son? To get his attention again? " She is unbelievable.

" Madame.Kingston, you are full of yourself. " I let out a small laugh. " This party is organized by Aiden isn't it? Even Aiden doesn't forbid me from coming. Who do you think you are? " I asked her sternly.

" Enough.. Cut this nonsense. Remember you are just a working class jobless woman. My power and status are beyond your grasp." He yelled at me.

" So you think I'm not eligible to be here? "

" How dare you offend Mr. Kingston and Madame? " I saw a girl with a blonde hair and heavy makeup hooking her hands with Mr. Kingston. She must be his new play toy.

"Bitch! You must have slept with someone to attend event like this. Security.. Get her out of here immediately."

I fumed.. How dare she call me a bitch when she is the one who dressed like a slut.

" Let me tell you clearly.. I never sneaked in to attend this party"

" Alright. Show me your invitation? " She asked me with a sly smile.

" Invitation? Aiden didn't mention anything about it when he brought me along. "

" Alright Amelia. Do you even know who Mr. Mathews is? He is one of the top billionaires and aren't you even ashamed to seek connections with him? You really have no shame. Don't you think so? " Mr. Kingston tried his best to show himself more powerful before people around us.

" I think Aiden is an amiable person. Don't forget that you haven't signed your company's deal with him officially. Stop acting like a boss around here. And I don't need his connections to get all these flashy useless things. As long as I need them, Aiden gets them to me personally." I gave him a stern look and I know that his mother got intimidated by it.

" You Bitch.. How dare you talk nonsense? Don't you know he is favoured by Mr. Mathews? You know what I hate the most? It's people like you with no money and power,but pretend to have all the money in the world. " The bimbo near him scoffed.

" Vivian! Calm down " Jack said while wrapping his arm around her. So that's her name, Vivian.

" Yes, Vivian dear. Calm down. She is just a shameless bitch." His mother tried to calm vivian.

Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist tightly so that it would definitely leave a mark on it.

" Amelia, don't beg to me when you get what you deserve. " He threatened me.

" Get your hands off me! " I pulled my hand away from his.

" Jack, you seem confident. Anyways, Aiden will arrive soon, let's see who will be embarrassed. " I replied him calmly.

" You bitch. You are too audacious. you know who he is yet you don't stop insulting him and you even call Mr. Mathews by his name. You are looking for trouble." Vivian fumed beside him and out of nowhere she raised her hand to slap me. Thanks to my quick reflexes, I blocked her by grabbing her hand.

"Y-You.. Let go off my hand, you idiot" She struggled to get out my tight grip.

" Amelia, Are you out of your mind? How can you hit her? Let go off her. You are a psycho, who uses violence to get rid of the problems." Now his voice attracted more attention towards us. Vivian was still struggling to release herself from my grip whereas his mother looked pale.

" You turned a blind eye when she tried to slap me. When I fought back, you call me a psycho, so do you really think you are superior?"
I pushed her away from me.

"That's enough. Stop causing a scene here. This event is managed by Ms.White. She is the heiress of White group. This event is organized by Mathew group specially for Mrs.Helen. This isn't a place for a lowly person like you. There will be nothing wrong, even if Ms. White beats you to death"Jack's mother threatened me.

So that clears Vivian's role in this drama. She is an elite. Her family is famous for their event management firm who are generally master minds behind many high profile celebrities' lavish parties and weddings.

"She is so shameless to make false connections with Mr. Mathews. You really think you can be his ? You are not worthy of him at all." Vivian smirked at me and then took a 100 dollar bill from her flashy glittering wallet,"Take my advice. Take this 100 dollars and leave" She just threw her money in my face.


I gave her a small challenging smile while stamping on the 100 dollar bill that was lying on the ground.

" Crazy bitch.. Just throw her out." Vivian ordered the securities as they moved forward to grab me.

" Don't you dare touch her. " A voice came out of nowhere. A dreaded voice that made everyone freeze in their tracks.

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