4.Devil's Kiss

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Aiden's POV

" It's been a while, gentleman! " I wished them while taking my seat in the conference room.

" Good morning Mr.Mathews. So why are we gathered here ? " Mr. Wesley asked me with a smirk on his face.

' Way to go Wesley.. Acting all innocent ' I thought for a second.

" Oh I just came here to congratulate everyone, especially you Mr Wesley. I heard you have been working really hard." I replied him with a smile to which he responded immediately with a proud laugh.

" Oh.. Afterall it's our company, we have to be responsible right sir ? " He asked me and everyone around him agreed to it.

" You even hired a D-list Model to date me and spread a rumour about me." I just raised my voice which made everyone flinch.

" Wait, What ? " Mr. Samuels asked me with confusion. I understood one thing from their reactions, it was purely Mr. Wesley's plan to defame me, to throw me out of my own company.

" No.. That's not true. I think you have been hearing rumours. Give some respect for the board members Mr.Mathews." Mr. Bennett spoke out of blue.

' Ugh.. Another minion of Mr.Wesley '

" Yeah, I should really appreciate Mr.Bennett for the efforts taken by him for taking bribes from his friends and family to sell contracts to be our business partners " I replied to him with a grin.

" No, That's .. T-That's " he started to stutter. Good !!

" You all thought it was okay to take advantage of my company like that? " I shouted at them.

There was a pin drop silence

"Since the Chairman turned blind eye to this, that doesn't mean that I'll react to it by the same way." I stood up from my seat.

They both let out a nervous chuckle and Mr.Wesley tried to convince me with lies once again.

" You both get out of my building. You are fired." I said calmly pointing both of them.

" Mr.Mathews, You can't! Please! Listen to us. " they started to beg but it was late. Soon securities came to escort them out.

" Gentleman, I have been busy concentrating so much on abroad deals. But I intend to pay closer attention to this from now on." I announced to others in the room. They all agreed with fear in their eyes.

" Well done .. My boy .. You proved yourself once again " I heard my dad aka chairman's voice. He just barged inside the room with proud smile. Everyone stood up and welcomed him.

" You just flew back in today ! Can't you just take a single damn day off ? " He asked me with a sigh.

" No, I can't. There are too many things that needs my attention." I responded to him while eyeing everyone in the room.

" What else is there? You made all your projects sucessful till date. You fired the main trouble makers among the board members.I think this as an achievement" He asked me with a small laugh, to which everyone laughed along with him.

" Alright. Now I have prepared a very important project for you" he said with a serious tone.

I looked at Kane who had no idea about the new project. I could see a smile forming on the member's faces.

" What kind of project? " I asked my dad.

He took some time, mostly hesitating to talk about it. Kane and myself, we both looked like idiots, clearly unable to figure it out while we could sense that others in the room are very much aware about this new project.

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