summoning mistake (💕💥)

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Sonic was trying to experiment with rituals and all that since he recently got into it. He had a huge basement underneath his home just for that. He used chalk and lavender scent candles because the lavender appealed to him.

This time, he drew up a circle and placed candles surrounding it randomly. He drew a few more circles within the first one and drew many patterns to his liking. He had a book that instructed him with this and he found patterns that link with personalities. He smiled and began scribbling away.

A succubus from the underworld saw how unique the patterns were and the book he was using was probably not legitimate. All his rituals only ever summoned little demon baby goats and stationery because he chanted things and drew the summoning circle wrong. This dumb hedgehog never had any friends and was probably a virgin, so the succubus decided to send an outstanding succubus to Sonic to ease him of his desires and give him some company according to what the patterns stood for after the ritual was complete.

Sonic smiled and turned off the lights in the basement and pulled a weighted blanket over himself and sat near a candle. He set the book on the ground as he read through it, trying to remember the words. He took his gloves off the threw them into the middle of the circle, letting the succubus in charge know that he was probably looking for company the same species as him. He wasn't exactly looking for that, he wanted to summon an actual demon, not mobian but a mysterious entity in the depths of the underworld.

He rubbed his hands together and began chanting the words quietly, making the circle glow pink, and his glove floating up.

The succubus saw that the ritual was starting, so they scanned the patterns and assigned an experienced succubus down. That succubus growled lowly and walked into the summoning circle that sent him to the overworld.

"Oh, hey!" Sonic smiled proudly as the circle blasted maroon and black into the atmosphere while a new pleasant jingle filled the air as a silhouette faded onto the circle. The silhouette had an amazing body shape, curves at where Sonic never expected, "W-wait, what?"

The succubus stood confidently on the circle and looked down upon the blue one, "Who dare summon me? ..Of course, a whore. No matter, you called me here. You probably know what I am, a succubus, and what I do.. Usually, you should be asleep, but you are clearly wide awake.. Whatever, I'm Shadow the Hedgehog, a succubus, even though I'm a male, that will be here to fulfil your nasty desires. And yeah, I have a pussy, if you're wondering. That's why I'm a succubus," He spoke up, his voice low and rumbling, and slightly unsure.

"A s-succubus?" Sonic stuttered as he backed away from the circle, his eyes scanning the taller one in front of him many times, his sight grazing on the succubus' perfect features, "I-I didn't summon th-that.."

Shadow sat down on the circle with his legs and arms crossed, his face showing an impatient look. Sonic flushed red at the way Shadow looked at him and threw the blanket off himself, offering it to Shadow.

"Thanks," Shadow took it and covered his body with it, the weighted blanket wrapped around him smelled of lavender, "You have great tastes in scents.." He put on a small smile as his scent grew heavier, making Sonic blush deeper, knowing how Shadow felt just by smelling his scent.

"What did you want to summon originally?" Shadow spoke up as he took in the light scent of the lavender and a heavy citrusy scent coming from the other.

"A demon," Sonic smiled shyly and rubbed his neck, "Not a mobian, though."

"You mean.. Satan?" Shadow raised an eye ridge and held onto the blanket tightly, trying to process what Sonic said.

"No! Just.. I saw it in this book-" Sonic showed Shadow the thick book, "I thought that maybe I could try.."

"You've done this for about 2 months, correct?" Shadow's ears perked up upon seeing the book in front of him, and took it in his hands. The pages were yellowing and was dusty and smelled just like a new book.

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