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also abo dynamics (cringe af but i have fun) because ive been thinking hard lately



“You have been so good lately, haven’t you~?” Sonic grinned at the one above him.

Shadow blushed, “H-have I..?”

He was nervous. He never felt this way before. He knew what it meant, but he never dared think about it.

Sonic always seemed to have something special for him. The blue hero always complimented him on being such a good listener, and made sure Shadow wasn’t too lonely.

And now, here they were, alone together after dinner, the night of his first heat. Shadow would normally never feel self conscious about his body when around his mate, but tonight, he couldn’t help but feel like he didn’t look his best.

Sonic was always saying that he looked beautiful. But right now..? Shadow thought he looked stupid.

Shadow had only known Sonic for two years now, and yet, the hero always managed to turn his head into a puddle whenever Shadow got shy or embarrassed. Shadow was glad to know that Sonic found them sexy as well as their scent enthralling.

Shadow loved how Sonic always took his time to take care of him, whether grooming his fur, running his hands through his hair, giving him a kiss when he was done... He liked to be cuddled, especially by who he wanted to be his mate — it was one of the perks of being an omega. Shadow could get away with a lot when he's a submissive omega.

He doesn't need to be in charge or bossy or anything. Sonic was always there to help Shadow if he needed someone to talk too, and Shadow wanted to do the same back.

He just hoped Sonic wouldn't make fun of him, like all his other alphas would do. Shadow was scared he was going to screw everything up tonight. His brain told him that it was fine.

It's probably just another normal omega thing, but that didn't stop Shadow from freaking out.

He just wanted Sonic to be safe and happy.

“You're so adorable when you blush like that,” Sonic murmured to Shadow’s neck, "You've been getting more confident recently too," Sonic murmured softly, stroking Shadow's ears slowly. "I'm so proud of you."

Shadow shivered as the soft caresses against his sensitive ears caused his mind to wander off.

Shadow loved Sonic, but it felt nice to be appreciated for once. Shadow never expected Sonic to look forward to hearing about his heats, because Shadow was always so insecure.

Even though Shadow knew Sonic would still want him around, his ego and pride was always there.

He just wanted to prove everyone wrong, but apparently, Sonic was one step ahead of everyone.

"You said you were in heat?" Sonic whispered softly, mindfully, "I wanted to hear more about it. No need to be insecure. It's normal thing for you."

Shadow swore that Sonic could read his mind. He was about to chicken out from being too afraid to talk about it, but now that Sonic brought it up and encouraged him.. He wanted to talk about it.

If anyone knew what he went through mostly these last three years, it would definitely be Sonic.

So Shadow spoke.

He told Sonic everything. About how he couldn't stand to be touched by people anymore. About how no one would even consider him an option. How he had to fight every day to protect the others, and hide his feelings from others.

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