(insert relevant title) 💕💥

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"It's barely a costume."

"No. It seems weird."

"It's just a costume. Just roleplaying. It's not a big deal."

"Roleplaying? Can't we just have it normally?"

"Just to spice things up, Shads!"

Sonic held up the costume, closing one of his eyes as he aligned it with Shadow's body.

"You'll look nice in it!"

Shadow crossed his arms pushing the costume aside. "That's what you think. It looks tight, uncomfortable and sticky. I don't like that."

Sonic pouted, "C'mon, just once, babe! Just this time, and I promise that this costume will never be on your body, ever again."

Shadow licked his teeth, narrowing his eyes as Sonic blinked at him rapidly.


How could he ever say no to those eyes?

"Yes!" Sonic celebrated by doing a small happy dance.

Shadow chuckled, "Just this once, and no more."

Sonic leaped onto Shadow and wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling his cheek into the other ears. "Thank you! I'll love you for as long as I live!"

Shadow rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah yeah," he mumbled with a small smile.


Shadow stared at the mirror, "It's not looking good.."

He tugged at the loose flaps that extended to just below his collarbone, and twirled the chest fur that protruded from the minimal gaps.

Sonic's legs dangled off the bed as he opened a gap between his fingers, "Lemme see!"

"I'm not ready..!" Shadow muttered, wrapping the wide red strips around his body, swallowing down his cringe for the texture of the latex.

Sonic fell back onto the bed, kicking his legs lightly. "Come on! Even Amy doesn't take that long to get ready!" he whined, a visible pout on his face.

Shadow chuckled, tidying his quills. "I know. Amelia is a quick woman."

"Yeah, but she puts on tons of makeup and all, and she's done in twenty minutes! And, have I told you that she has a really, uh— wait, maybe it's not twenty minutes, I think it's less— but, but, the dress she has is really shiny and all..."

Shadow walked out of the closet, leaning back on the wall, "Uh-huh? What colour is the dress?"

Sonic sat up, looking up to the ceiling, "It was red, and—" he widened his eyes as he looked towards Shadow, "You look great! What makes you say it's not looking good? Come here."

Sonic gestured.

Shadow approached him, "Who made this costume? There's.. a hole in the bottom."

Sonic hummed, "That's kinda the whole point, dude," he grinned as his hand reached to Shadow's back to play with the lace wings sticking out of the back of the costume.

Shadow leaned , "Tell me about the red dress. I might know something about it."


"Yeah. The fashion brand I used to work with used to produce dresses like those, and they told me about the materials and threads they used. So I can make another dress for her and maybe she might like it even better."

Sonic shook his head, "I don't want to talk about fashion when you're dressed so hot like this."

He grinned before placing his hands on Shadow's waist.

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