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Shadow was playing around with his paperwork, trying to figure out which was the most urgent when he felt a hand snake over his neck.

That person was more than likely his partner begging for sex.

"Not now," He muttered and pulled out a few pieces of papers and laid them out in front of his sight, "I'm busy."

Sonic huffed, "I know that time of the month is coming soon," He pouted and purred when Shadow kissed his neck, "I just wanna help you out."

Shadow was surprised, he didn't expect Sonic to know when it was going to happen again, "It doesn't matter, if it hasn't come, then it would have no point to deal with it early, okay?" He blinked slowly and scanned the words on the paper, playing with his pen.

Sonic whined, "Oh, come on.. I wanna knock you out this year..?" He stared at Shadow with a pleading look.

Shadow coughed awkwardly, "I'm not sure if I want that yet," He whispered and smiled while Sonic rushed down and kneeled on the floor.

Sonic placed his hands gently on Shadow's thigh, "Please, please, please! We can just have normal sex! I'll take care of youuu!"

Shadow smiled, "Still, not now. Not in the mood," He scratched the back of Sonic's ear softly, eliciting a content purr.

Sonic pouted, "Aw, why not?" He leaned down on Shadow's thigh and nuzzled gently.

Shadow had to admit, Sonic acting all whiny and pouty and sort of desperate did arouse him. But he didn't want to do it now, it's not the right time -

"Because I want to work."

"Nobody likes to work," Sonic deadpanned and glared at Shadow.

Shadow set his pen down, "Just go down and have dinner. I'll be down soon."

Sonic jumped up and bent down to kiss his partner, "Alright, fine. See you downstairs."


Sonic was already done with his dinner, and he was leaning at his chair, waiting for Shadow to come down from the study. It was taking awhile, though Shadow said he'd be down soon. Sonic was bored as hell, and he just began scrolling on his phone.

The food was probably getting cold, so he placed it in a pot, just so it stays warm. He hopped on the couch and waited.

And he waited for a few more minutes.

He wasn't sure what was going on now, but he knew that Shadow would probably be fine, unless it came early.

Then he heard very quiet and light footsteps.

"Shads?" He turned over and watched as his partner walk down the stairs slowly, "You okay?"

Shadow walked down the stairs and sat on the couch next to Sonic.

"You in the mood to eat?" Sonic asked as he hooked his hand around Shadow's shoulder and planted a kiss on his jaw.

Shadow snuggled into Sonic's chest and shook his head. Sonic felt Shadow's heat raise and his heart beat quicker, and he placed a hand on his partner's head.

"You're burning, love. What's going on?" Sonic watched his partner, who was panting heavily and flushed.

Shadow clinged and he took a deep breath, "I think it's coming e-early," He whispered, his eyes squeezed shut.

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