you'll be okay (☂️? ❤? ☁?)

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Sonic heard a stifled gasp from the master bedroom that he shared with Shadow. He knocked and heard a rather choked hum, and walked in. He saw Shadow wrapped up around in the blankets.

Shadow was gasping for air, eyes widened as he sobbed softly, shivering.

Sonic approached Shadow, "Can I come on the bed?" He asked softly. Shadow had tears spilling down his face while he gasped and sobbed. He nodded weakly.

Sonic sat next to Shadow and wrapped one of his arms around Shadow, pulling him closer into a hug. Shadow relaxed against Sonic's chest, clutching onto Sonic's shirt.

Shadow began to cry silently. His cries were muffled by Sonic's shirt, and Sonic rubbed circles into Shadow's back, occasionally kissing the top of his head.

Sonic knew this wasn't anything new, it was what happened every time Shadow panicked or tried to hide it.

After a few minutes, Shadow stopped crying and instead buried his face in Sonic's chest, breathing deeply. He stayed like that for several minutes until he seemed a little more composed.

Sonic pulled away slightly, gently cupping his partner’s face with both of his hands. He wiped Shadow’s tears away. "Are you okay now?" he murmured softly, "You’re safe, it’s alright." Sonic ran his thumb under Shadow's eyes.

Shadow wasn't calm even one bit and he kept sobbing, struggling for air as he gripped onto Sonic's shirt, stifled sobs and whimpers escaping him.

Sonic rubbed his hand along Shadow's cheek and kissed the side of his head, still holding on to Shadow as he tried to keep Shadow calm and calm himself, as well. After some time, Shadow started calming down, just enough to breathe normally without wheezing anymore.

"I'm going to be here if you need me," Sonic whispered soothingly, giving Shadow another kiss before standing and grabbing a couple of tissues off the nightstand to help wipe up Shadow's tears.

Sonic picked up Shadow, supporting his back and lifting his legs so he could wrap them securely around Sonic's torso.

Sonic threw the blankets off Shadow and immediately let Shadow snuggle into the bed with him, and pulling the blankets over them since Shadow was shivering because of the cold.

Shadow curled around Sonic, his face pressed to Sonic's collarbone and his hands gripping Sonic's shoulders.
Sonic stroked Shadow's hair gently, whispering soft words of comfort and encouragement to him. They both fell asleep like that, Shadow resting comfortably against Sonic's body and clutching at his shirt and holding onto Sonic like a lifeline.

it took almost 20 minutes for Sonic to fall asleep, and by then, it was late enough in the day that Shadow had fallen asleep as well. Sonic had his arm wrapped tightly around Shadow's waist, Shadow having moved closer to Sonic during their sleep and using Sonic as a human teddy bear, and was panting slightly from exhaustion.

Sonic felt the tears that Shadow had let out slip through his fingers and his heart shattered, his pity just radiating for the other. But Shadow had stopped crying now, and that was all that mattered to Sonic. He and his lover, in each other's embrace, safe and sound.

It was all that mattered.

He woke up with a start, the memories of the previous night resurfacing as he jolted up to find Shadow staring at him. He sighed in relief at seeing that Shadow was awake and seemed to not be hurt. His partner gave him a small smile, which Sonic returned quickly.

"Hey, Shadow," Sonic smiled at Shadow, who smiled back before looking away.

Sonic frowned slightly but said nothing. He knew Shadow's boundaries too well, but would never push them if his partner didn't want him to. That didn't mean he didn't feel the slightest bit hurt. Still, Sonic pushed the feeling down and continued talking.

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