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[27.08.2024] → 21:12 p.m.


Sonic held Shadow in his arms.

"Baby, it's okay... It's okay ..."

Shadow breathed heavily, clutching his abdomen.

"She's... she's still in there. She didn't... She didn't die. I didn't..."

Sonic frowned, "Shadow, please."

Shadow whimpered as he tried to sit up, wincing in pain. Sonic helped him prop himself on a pillow, holding onto him like a lifeline.

"The doctors said she was okay, she would be fine..."

But Shadow shook his head. His quills were fluffed out, messy and he just looked dishevelled.

"Shadow, come on."

Shadow panted, whimpering, clutching his head.

"No, no. They said she was okay. They said it would be fine. They..."

Shadow's breath caught in his throat, his body trembling, "I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Sonic felt his heart break, "Shadow, I know it hurts. You're in a lot of pain, it's gonna hurt for a while. But you're alright —"

"Why? Why didn't you stop me?"

"What do you mean?"

Shadow's voice broke on the last word, "You... you would know what I did wrong."

Sonic furrowed his brows. He dodged the subject, pulling Shadow close, "Baby... Just come here..."

Shadow's breath hitched, "I don't know what I did wrong."

Sonic pulled Shadow close, "You haven't done anything. You've done nothing wrong."

Shadow buried his face in Sonic's neck. He trembled, curling his claws into Sonic's shirt.

"You did nothing wrong," Sonic repeated gently, running his hand over his quills soothingly.

Shadow shuddered, "It still happened."

Sonic sighed, "Stop it, okay? Shadow, I promise I'm going to do everything I can to help..."

Shadow swallowed thickly, "Like what? Pick all the blood up again and shove it back it? Bring her back to life?"

He sounded broken. Sonic felt like Shadow was losing his grip on reality again. 

"No. No. Don't think about that now, baby. Come on," Sonic stood from the bed, helping Shadow stand, "I'll give you some water to wash it down."

He turned away, his heart clenching as Shadow gripped his own arms, shivering, his body wracked with sobs.

Sonic sat Shadow down at the table, turning the chair around to face him. Sonic knelt down, bringing Shadow's hands closer with his own.

"Look at me. Hey, look at me, baby," Sonic rubbed Shadow's shoulders, smiling lightly when he saw how relaxed Shadow was already, his eyes closed. Shadow opened them slowly to look at Sonic. 

"Just keep breathing, okay?" He rubbed circles into Shadow's palms. 

Shadow nodded, taking deep breaths.

Sonic took one of Shadow's hands into his own, "You're doing great."

Shadow swallowed thickly, straightening his posture. He averted Sonic's gaze.

Sonic gave his hand another gentle squeeze, letting go of his other hand.

"How about we clean ourselves up a bit? It'll make you feel better," Sonic suggested, standing up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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