tell me everything (💕💥 version)

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Shadow was back again. He was throwing punches at Sonic again, but these few days, the punches have gotten weaker and weaker each time and Sonic was actually worried. Shadow would yell and scream at him when he landed a punch on Sonic, but this time he was quiet, weak and feeble.

A few days later, Shadow knocked on Sonic's door, his expression cool and calm. Sonic was confused by the look and how Shadow didn't start attacking immediately, but he still lowered his suspicions and sat Shadow down in his home. He asked Shadow if he wanted a drink, and Shadow, as if just felt affection for the first time in forever, burst into tears in front of the other and hugged him tightly, shifting his head aside, not wanting Sonic to see his face.

"Hey, hey.. What's wrong?" Sonic sat crossed legged opposite to Shadow and returned the hug while rubbing soothing circles on Shadow's back slowly.

Shadow sniffled and leaned closer and hid his face in Sonic's chest, mumbling something that made Sonic frown.

"What did you say?" He whispered softly and pulled away just enough so that they could see each other's faces, but not breaking the hug.

Shadow huffed in frustration and looked away from Sonic's eyes before answering,"The others won't stop calling me weak." He said quietly, almost a whisper, looking at nothing.

Sonic blinked. "I'm sorry, who are they?" He gently squeezed Shadow's hands and tried to get the other to look at him, but all Shadow responded with was a small sigh and a shake of his head.

"Who are they? Are you talking about your team or...?" He paused when Shadow's grip around his hands tightened, making it hard for him to continue speaking, "Did someone do something? Did I do anything?" His voice dropped low at the end, his gaze softening and he looked down to Shadow's teary eyes.

Shadow shook his head violently and squeezed Sonic's hands tighter. "No. No, it's not you." He spoke quickly and Sonic frowned, not knowing if he was lying or telling the truth.

They sat in silence for a moment, Sonic waiting for Shadow to explain himself, but Shadow didn't seem inclined to talk about whatever's bothering him. So Sonic decided not to push him and just let him talk freely instead. He knew that Shadow was probably going to share his problem after a good cry, but right now, that could wait until when Shadow would feel better and less sad and angry about whatever is upsetting him today. Shadow's breathing evened out and calmed down, his eyes drooping closed and Sonic smiled, happy to see that Shadow finally relaxed.

He shifted and put his hand on Shadow's knee to bring the latter's attention back to him.

"Can I hold you, then?" He asked carefully and Shadow opened his eyes to look at Sonic once more.

His eyes were still teary, but there was a hint of a smile on Shadow's lips and Sonic returned one with a smile of his own, "We can cuddle, yeah?"

Shadow nodded in agreement and Sonic moved both of them to lie down. He wrapped an arm around Shadow's waist and rested his chin over Shadow's head, nuzzling the top of it and taking care not to move too much. He liked being close to Shadow like this. It felt nice and safe and warm. It felt like he was protecting Shadow.

After some minutes, Shadow relaxed against Sonic and sighed contently. They stayed like this for a long while.

Finally, Shadow broke the silence, "Do you think this is what heaven feels like, Sonic?" There was a slight edge of bitterness in Shadow's tone and he shifted uncomfortably under Sonic's embrace, causing Sonic to pull away slightly.

He frowned and turned Shadow towards him. He looked down at the taller man intently and waited for a response. Shadow didn't meet his eyes and stared at his lap, twisting his fingers together. When he finally spoke, his voice sounded hollow. "I've never felt so.. good.."

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