scratching (💕💥)

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Sonic couldn’t believe that he was going to go through with this. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done it before, but he felt like it was different when it came out of Shadow’s mouth, somehow. Shadow didn’t even know how much he would like it. He had said that he liked it because he wanted a taste of being “good.” That sounded good enough to Sonic. The thought of going through with something that wasn't consensual made him feel uneasy. Maybe this wasn’t the right way to handle Shadow’s nervousness, but if he wanted it, then he'd do it.

"Are you sure you want this?" Sonic asked lowly.

Shadow looked around for a few moments, "..I do," he replied while taking off his gloves slowly.

The look on his face told Sonic everything he needed to know about what he was feeling. Shadow was nervous. Shadow wanted it. And if Sonic went through with it...he hoped that Shadow could handle whatever this would bring up afterwards.

He took off his own gloves, looking at the other male in front of him, and helped him place the gloves off to the side.

Shadow sat back, his heart pacing and his mind hazing and dazed. Sonic leaned in, "Let's take it slow, okay?"

Shadow nodded slowly, trying to regain his composure as Sonic moved closer until their lips were centimeters apart, Shadow leaning in as well. Shadow shivered when he brushed past Sonic's lips. He closed his eyes, waiting anxiously for the inevitable. He wasn't ready for this, or maybe he just didn't expect it.

"Relax," Sonic whispered just before holding Shadow close to him and planting a kiss on his lips gently.

The action sent butterflies fluttering in Shadow's stomach. His breathing began to pick up once again, a mix of nerves and joy making his heart race. Sonic kissed deeper and Shadow felt himself melt into it slightly. This was nice, he liked Sonic, he really liked him, and he felt safe with him. Everything felt right with him.

Sonic smiled a bit when Shadow seemed to relax slightly into his arms. Sonic's smile widened when he heard Shadow sigh softly into the kiss and his own heartbeat picked up considerably. This is going to be fun. Sonic thought and leaned back. He brought his hand up to stroke Shadow's hair, and listened as Shadow breathed.

Sonic pulled away after a moment. His hands were resting on Shadow's hips, Shadow had both of his arms wrapped around Sonic's neck. Their faces were still inches apart. They smiled slightly, Shadow's hands trailing over Sonic's head and down along his neck, brushing lightly across Sonic's scars and the dark markings that adorned his skin.

Shadow closed his eyes, Sonic leaning in for another kiss, this time more heated and loving. Shadow gripped onto Sonic's shoulders, nervous.

Sonic pulled away, sensing Shadow's emotion and smiling. He ran his fingers through Shadow's quills and whispered into the other's ear soothingly, "We won't rush. Take your time."

Shadow sighed, pulling Sonic down, "I know.. It's just.."

Sonic hushed him, "There's no need to say it. It's gonna be just fine. Just follow my lead."

Shadow exhaled, biting his lip.

Sonic planted a tender kiss onto his cheek, "Relax," he muttered as he leaned down slowly, trailing kisses down Shadow's neck and humming in content when he heard Shadow let out a nervous hum.

He continued kissing down Shadow's chest, pausing for a moment to inhale deeply. Shadow tensed. Sonic stopped immediately. Shadow let out a shaky breath at the pause. His heart was beating faster than it ever did before.

"What?" he asked quietly, almost afraid of what the answer would be.

Shadow shook his head, "It's... stupid. Keep going," he insisted.

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