cant decide (☁️ & ☂️)

190 4 9

yall this killed me to write. i actually wanted to cry like idk WHY

probably dont need tissues because im not that good at writing sad stuff


The sound of a car engine roused them both from the comfortable sleep they had fallen into. Shadow rolled over to see that his boyfriend was still fast asleep beside him.
The night was cool enough to warrant the addition of several blankets on their bed.

He was about to roll away when Shadow felt himself get pulled back against a solid chest. Sonic opened an eye to look at Shadow, then smiled slightly when he saw his face. His eyes were still half shut but he didn't need any light to recognize his boyfriend.

"Where's you going, beautiful?"

Shadow blushed, "Can't sleep. I'm going to make breakfast."

"Baby, it's three in the morning... Sleep.."

Sonic muttered as he nuzzled further into Shadow's neck. A contented hum left his lips once Shadow settled in against his side again.

It wasn't like this every day, though. They usually just talked or cuddled and fell asleep together. This one seemed to be more relaxed than all previous nights they'd shared together.

Maybe because both were groggy and not in the mood to quarrel, since something so incredibly traumatizing just happened in both their lives.

Sonic spooned Shadow innocently, and Shadow pulled the blankets up to cover their bodies.

"Hey... No fondling with my chest.."

"Mmhf.. Booba.."

"I'm not sleeping if you keep doing that."

"Fine.. Go 'way... "

Shadow laughed softly, before moving closer until he was practically resting his head on Sonic's shoulder. He took hold of Sonic's right hand, which rested on his own waist and intertwined their fingers together, moving those hampnds in between them.

Shadow could feel Sonic smiling at him.

"Hhheee, you said you wouldn't sleep.. Look at youu!"

Shadow chuckled, "Stop that," he leaned closer.

Sonic moved one arm so that it was wrapped around Shadow's middle and pulled him closer.

They lay there for what seemed like hours. Shadow let out soft whimpers every now and then, making Sonic press another soft kiss to his temple or shoulder. Occasionally Sonic would murmur sweet nothings to him. It made Shadow smile. He loved hearing his boyfriend's quiet voice.

Shadow drifted off shortly after that. When he woke up again, Sonic was still holding onto him, even though Shadow was still laying down. The moonlight was peeking through their window and casting a cool white glow in their room. Sonic was still sound asleep.

With a soft smile, Shadow started humming to himself. It was a familiar melody. Something he had sung to himself before, when he was very young and lost in his thoughts. Sonic found the song soothing and enjoyed listening to Shadow hum.

This night was different, though. Shadow never hummed when he got nervous. Why was he nervous?

Because he just remembered what they were going to do tonight. Something private.

His humming sounded panicked and rash, which sparked concern.

"Wha's wronggh?" Sonic muttered.

"Nothing. Just go back to sleep." Shadow kissed his forehead gently before pulling the covers up more tightly around him.

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