rubs, yeah, you like those? (☂️, short but soo fluffy)

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Shadow just arrived back home for work and no one was at home.

He went to take a shower, and figured that he'd go look for Sonic a little later.

Once he was out and dried, he walked out to the living room to see that Sonic was sitting at the couch, curled up with blankets all over him.

Shadow blinked and softened. He approached the other, "Hey," He whispered.

Sonic peeked his head out and waved briefly. He stared at the other blankly, and blinked. Shadow exhaled, "Are you feeling okay?"

Sonic shook his head and looked away, leaning back into the couch. Shadow shuffled next to him and wrapped his arms around Sonic, waiting for him to relax patiently. Sonic leaned into the embrace and nuzzled closer, his eyes shut. He weakly pressed his hands on Shadow's shoulders.

"You're shaking," Shadow whispered softly, pity straining his voice.

Sonic nodded stiffly, a small frown on his muzzle. Shadow didn't move, only allowing Sonic to get comfortable to the gesture. He could tell Sonic was feeling uneasy and that his anxiety was very much present.

Sonic climbed onto Shadow's lap, tapping his own forehead and staring up at him. Shadow pressed a small kiss onto Sonic's forehead, and earned a quiet purr.

"You like that?" Shadow smiled.

Sonic nodded and nuzzled his head closer to Shadow. Shadow pulled the blanket higher up since he noticed it was slipping and Sonic wouldn't like that too much. Shadow caressed the other's quills, earning weak yet lovely purrs.

Shadow used his free hand to hold Sonic up, while his other gently played with Sonic's quills. Shadow felt that Sonic was very insecure and anxious, so it wouldn't help if Shadow rushed him into doing anything he didn't like or want to.

Sonic was purring contentedly in Shadow's warm, loving embrace and nuzzled his head, his eyes closed while his body toppled over Shadow.

After a short while, Shadow realized that Sonic was simply sitting in his embrace quietly and unmoving, which made Shadow slightly paranoid.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" Shadow whispered, his hand caressing Sonic's back soothingly.

Sonic blinked and shrunk into himself, making Shadow's heart ache, "Alright then. If you're not comfortable, you don't have to, okay?" He whispered when he heard a little whimper from Sonic.

Sonic nodded and purred when Shadow gently rubbed his ear. He relaxed as he made another louder purr, his hands going limp against Shadow's shoulders.

Shadow smiled and pressed his lips against Sonic's forehead and his hand rubbing Sonic's head gently. Sonic looked content, and he wasn't too tense.

Shadow chuckled softly, "You like this?"

Sonic nodded slowly, his arms wrapped around Shadow's shoulder. Shadow smiled, happy to know that he cheered Sonic up just a tiny bit.

Shadow's hands slid down and held Sonic's waist, his thumbs rubbing slowly on Sonic's abdomen, "Feels nice?" He asked, with a small smirk.

Sonic hummed, his tail wagging wildly to excitement. Shadow chuckled, moving one of his hands to rub Sonic's ears.

Sonic nuzzled closer, his eyes closed gently as he hummed.

"Where else?" Shadow whispered.

Shadow watched as Sonic blink at him, staring up in confusion.

"I mean, where else do you want to be touched?"

Sonic blinked slowly and thought of that.

It was a very important question.

Sonic grabbed the blanket and leaned back down, pointing to his chest.

Shadow smiled, "Here?" He poked at Sonic's chest.

Sonic nodded, his eyes fluttering shut as he waited for Shadow to make a move. Shadow trailed his fingertips slowly up and down Sonic's chest, listening to Sonic's small purr as he does so. His free hand wandered over to Sonic's thigh and caressed it slowly.

Sonic squirmed, his face dusted with a slight hint of red. He purred, leaning into the touch. Shadow bent down and pressed a small kiss onto Sonic's jaw, making the other smile softly.

"Feeling a little better?" Shadow whispered.

Sonic nodded slowly, his face sparkling into a mouthless smile. Shadow saw the spark in Sonic's eyes, and couldn't help but crave for the other.

"Can I come closer?"

Sonic nodded, knowing very well of Shadow's intention.

Shadow leaned down slowly, licking Sonic's chapped lips before doing anything. Sonic purred softly, hanging his arms around Shadow's shoulder instinctively as Shadow whispered something into his ear.

Lavender met blueberry, and Shadow melted into the brief kiss. Sonic's hand slipped down to hold Shadow's jaw, and once Shadow pulled away, Sonic initiated another kiss, this time longer and more loving. Shadow continued his movements, his fingers gently caressing Sonic's chest. Sonic purred as he pull away with a short breath. Shadow grinned.

"You're good."

Sonic smiled and pulled Shadow closer, sitting up to have a better look at his partner. He was silent, only exchanging looks with the other.

Shadow pressed his lips against Sonic's, his hand that was previously touching Sonic's thigh wandered up to his abdomen, and he was pressing quite hard.

Sonic pulled away briefly, purring softly as Shadow caressed him, his fingertips leaving trails of burning passion and fire. Sonic was warm in the chilly winter, and he hoped Shadow was too.

Shadow pressed a small kiss onto Sonic's shoulder, seeking for some sort of reaction, or even open mouthed sound from the other. Instead all he got was a deep breath.

"Would you like me to touch you somewhere else?"

Sonic shook his head.

Shadow didn't know what Sonic wanted to tell him through a stare, but he thought that Sonic wouldn't like to be touched. He'd like for rubs and pats.

Shadow rubbed Sonic's stomach, and earned a long purr, and also some comfortable squirming. Sonic squeezed his eyes shut, enjoying the peace and love.

It was so peaceful like this, listening to the other's words and the snowfall, and it wasn't so cold. He was glad that Shadow was here to help.

Those loving touches and careful glides from Shadow's cold fingertips weren't chilling to Sonic. Instead, for once, Shadow's fingers were warm. He didn't know if it was because he'd wore gloves for hours, or if it was because Shadow was spreading warmth to the other, but Sonic loved it. Every single interaction.

Sonic pulled Shadow down slightly, pressing a kiss onto the other's lips for what seemed like a dozen years, pulling away only to realize a few seconds have past.

But those few seconds were so kind and warm.

Sonic muttered under his breath, "I Iove you."

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