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“You’re being so fucking weird today,” Sonic remarked as he entered the kitchen. He stopped short when he realized Shadow wasn’t sitting at the island countertop normally. Instead, the shorter hedgehog stood next to the fridge, peeking inside curiously.

“What are you looking for?”the blue hedgehog wondered out loud, making sure that he sounded as casual and uninterested as possible.

This was just another normal occurrence for him, nothing new or different. He didn’t think Shadow would ever notice anything odd or abnormal about their little routine.

After all, Shadow wasn’t like most people. Not after what happened.

Shadow glanced at him. Sonic blinked, "What? Do you need help?" he asked, already starting toward him.

He had no idea why it took him this long to realize something was wrong. Usually it didn't take him nearly this long, even on days where things were slightly out of normal. But whatever Shadow's problem was seemed like it would last longer. Or maybe it was worse than usual.

Shadow shook his head, kneeling on the ground as he rummaged through the refrigerator. Sonic crouched next to him, "Do you need help?"

Shadow shook his head.  Sonic shrugged, leaning closer to examine the contents of the fridge, "If you do, I won't mind," he assured, reaching to grab the milk carton closest to him and start opening it up. When he did, however, Shadow swatted his hand away, grabbing his wrist instead.

Sonic frowned, "Uh... what is it?"

Shadow pointed into a small compartment in the fridge. Sonic looked, "Huh?" he hummed, pulling the compartment open, "The vegetables?"

Shadow tilted his head to the side, pointing at a green leaf, humming. Sonic took it out, "This is coriander."

Shadow looked confused, tapping his lips with his index finger. Sonic scrunched his face, "What?" he was equally as confused, "What do you— Oh, you want to eat it?" he gestured to the coriander.

Shadow nodded. Blinking. Sonic smiled awkwardly, "Why- Nobody eats coriander as a food. It's a garnish."

Shadow tipped his head to the other side, blinking. Sonic placed the vegetable back into the compartment and shut the fridge. He pulled Shadow up, "Man, you're really an alien.."

Shadow blinked at him, confused. Sonic wondered why Shadow never spoke. It's been a few weeks, why hasn't he spoken?

Shadow sat on the counter, kicking his legs back and forth like a child, and smiling. Sonic stared into Shadow's eyes, scrunching up his face and looking at him threateningly, "Why do you not speak?"

Shadow stared back at him blankly, smiling softly. Sonic was taken aback, a little offended. He stepped back, "You better fucking talk like a normal fucking person," he threatened, "I know you talk," he growled.

Shadow's ears drooped, and he stopped moving his legs. He sat, frozen with a frown.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you change?" Sonic asked, "You could speak! Why can't you now?" he growled, "Why are you so childish? Who did this to you? Are you scared?"

Shadow giggled, blinking slowly with a sweet smile.

Sonic softened, sighing, dropping onto his knees, "What did they do to you.." he buried his face in his hands, "What did you even do to this deserve any of this?" he muttered.

Shadow reached forward, placing a hand on Sonic's head. Sonic looked up at him, his expression softening.

Shadow looked down for a moment, then back up again, a small smile on his face. His smile was genuine and innocent. He reached up with his free hand and stroked Sonic's cheek with his thumb.

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