wont you tell my tale?

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It was a bright summer. The sun blasted its rays onto the greenery, its mesmerizing lights coming through the gaps of the leaves.

There Shadow stood, looking upwards.

A long sigh escaped his throat.

His eyes traced the large figure. The golden figure in the city centre.

He asked for it to be built, despite his objections.

"i dont need a statue built in my name, or my heroic actions...? uh, doings? whatever. I just dont think its worth the resources, really. maybe i'll live on in stories, traditional tales and written in folk music. i might live on through the tales of the elderly, passing my story, my tale, my passion, to the next generation, and more to come. i.. jeez, its weird saying this... i really dont care if i am remembered. I might be missed-"

"you will be."

"by you, that is."

Shadow sucked in a breath. Gritting his teeth he stepped forward, looking the smaller bronze sculpture of the hero himself, placed directly in front of the golden.

There he sat leisurely, his body tilted down. His left elbow resting on his knee, that hand holding up his face. His free hand dangling off the bench.

He was wearing a knee brace - Shadow was happy that they'd even cared to sculpt that. He was glad that they wouldn't think it was a mistake, an insult to the hero, or even something harmful to the hero's glory. It was what he had on most of the time, after all. The very few pieces of clothing.

"i dont care if i am remembered, let alone missed. all i did was fend off dangers. i did it for the people. not for a statue to be built in my golden glory or whatever..."

"dont you understand, sonic? after thousands of years, wont you want your tale to be told, remembered in detail and your history be inspected by archeologists?"

"maybe." he shrugged. "its up to them, really. sh-shadow, it ... it doesnt- it doesnt really mean anything. if they see me as a good person, then im satisfied. they dont, well, maybe i did something wrong to make them upset. and i can own up to that. im big enough to do that. im not eaten up by my ego. i dont care about my victories or rescues. im just.. a hedgehog. just-just like you. just like amy. just.. just like many of our kind. i may have this speedy ability, but... im still a living breathing being. im not incapable of feeling emotions. in fact, im way more sensitive than you think. ..."

"...why have you gone quiet?"

"im... talking too much, arent I?" he chuckled. "what i really mean to say is, i dont need a statue built in my name. im just your average hedgehog! why build it? you dont need to write a book about my life, tell everyone in the world why im such an important figure. i..."

"i know you'll tell my story, shadow."

he smiled. standing, he waved goodbye to shadow.

"in the end, it doesnt even matter."

"wait, dont you-"

sonic turned back. "the gold will dissolve in the acidic wrath. the skin shall be torn. the life and soul remains untouched, but the statue... it'll never be enough to justify what i did. write a book as thick as you want, just know that my story, wont be just a 1000 pages, not one."

Shadow sat next to the bronze statue.

He sighed.

"Write a book as thick as you want, just know that my story, won't be just a 1000 pages, not one. "

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