Chapter25: No one deserves to be Forgotten

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It was the hardest thing technoblade ever had to do. To accept that he wasn't strong enough to take the whole vampire world on all by himself. It stung and cut deeper than he could let Tommy find out. 

All he had was one play.

Once in this game where nobody told Technoblade if they were playing chess or bingo. All he could do was do his best to guess the rules.

His one play came in the form of a gremlin child with fluffy blond hair and a red tee shirt.

The way he figured it was that Dream had kids. His kids were Tommy, Drista, and Tubbo. For whatever reason Dream kept trying to get more but was failing. After supposedly killing Drista and exiling Tommy Dream still took the chance that technoblade would kill Tubbo when he saw him.

But for whatever reason Dream was desperate to get Tommy back.

Dream had his own weapon, a mind controlling egg.

This crap was insane.

Technoblade rearranged facts and tried to glue them together in his head a million different ways. But there were just too many blanks. Why Tommy and where the heck did the egg come from? How does the egg work in Dreams favor? What was the end goal here?

Technoblade sighed and fingered the crystal hanging around his neck. Why do the crystals block teh mind control? Why does Tommy insist on chewing the leather string that Technoblade attached a crystal to and made the raccoon child wear to protect him from the mind control. As far away from the red vines as they were technoblade took no chances.

Why couldn't Technoblade figure this out? He has solved way harder mysteries with less before.

Tommy tripped in the snow and Technoblades right hand twitched with the instinct of helping him up. Tommy compared to his own feet and Technoblade did brush some snow off the top of his turtle shell helmet. After all, the head was the most important part of the body to keep warm.

Technoblade desperately needed more information, another ace, maybe a bomb, something. Could he go back to the Greater Dream SMP Coven? No, that would be a suicide mission. Surely Dream was taking his army and his hostages back to his castle right this second. No doubt leaving behind people to protect the Sleepy manor should Technoblade return.

He could go back to Puffy's cottage. Surely she would know some bit of information she neglected to share. She was Dream's Mother for prime's sake. Puffy was one of the original vampires blessed by the goddess of death.

What was Puffy's blessing?

Technoblade almost paused in his steps. She never did tell him that did she? Quakity got luck, Phil was the first Vampire, Bad became the demon thing, Awsamedude got infinite supplies.

What was Puffy's gift?

Was that relevant or was it another wild goose chase?

Surely she would have thought to tell Technoblade if it was important.

Then Technoblade got an idea. If he was still around he would be a perfect informant. Someone he knows has yet to be under the influence of the egg. Someone was around during Puffy's time and must have known Dream at least a little bit, hopefully. Someone who was neutral but was good friends with Phil.

Technoblade stopped in his tracks, Causing Tommy to run head first into him, And took out his map. If they adjusted their course to the safe house by thirty degrees east they would hit-

For the first time Technoblade smiled, his mind racing with possibilities, assuming this person could help them.


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