Chapter29:The Rest of the World Isn't There

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Authors note: A new and necessary pov

Enjoy :)

He couldn't stand it anymore.

Wilbur likes kids. He does. He likes playing with them and messing with them. But he also really likes to hand them back to their people at the end of the day or when they get fussy.

Pyre was a cute kid. She sang songs to herself and kept the fact that Wilbur was awake a secret even when Phil was awake and worrying loudly about that fact.

She even promised to put the little crystal necklace thing Tubbo had given them. Pyre told them Wilbur was wearing his when he actually took it off because it hurt his head.

The little peanut lied through her baby fangs.

But the deal breaker was the crying. They were all hungry. They were supposed to get a warden, who never showed up by the way, and get fed and stuff. But still not a single drop of blood to be seen for almost five days.

All of their stomachs were cramping painfully and Wilbur's tongue was feeling dry. And yeah maybe he too felt like crying with how bad this situation was but he kept it to himself.

Pyre was wrapped in the blanket like a burrito, as she requested Wilbur do, and rocked herself back and forth crying. At first she would cry words. Crying for Puffy and for Blood. But then Wilbur snapped and told her to be quiet so she just cried silently into her knees for the past three minutes and now Wilbur felt bad.

Niki was still trying to talk her down. "Pyre Honey, we will get you food soon. It will be okay."

Suprise surprise her words meant nothing.

"If Wilbur was awake he could have fed her." Jack grumbled. "I am half tempted to stick my arm through the bars and try and get it to the other side."

Nikki sighed. "Even if it were one of us with her we would just pass out from blood loss. We all need food before we can even think about feeding others."

Wilbur pressed his hands to his ears. At this point fainting from blood loss sounded like a great option. Pyre was crying so hard Wilbur wondered if she was hysterical.

"Pyre." He cooed, keeping his voice low but loud enough to get her attention. She peeked one eye out from her knees. He passed his lap and showed his wrist. "Do you want some juice?"

Pyre sniffs and wipes her eyes, shaking her head. "I want Puffy." Her eyes watered as she was ready for round sixteen of sobbing but Wilbur softened his expression and walked over picking her up.

"I promise my blood will taste just as good." Wilbur reassured her, setting her in his lap and leaning against the wall.

Pyre pouted. "No it won't."

"No it won't." Wilbur agreed easily because it wouldn't. Nothing was better than your sires blood.

Seemingly satisfied with that Pyre opened her mouth to show her baby fangs with a chirp. Wilbur bit on his wrist and let her latch on. He noticed while Tommy would always curl in on himself Pyre leans back.

After only a few seconds Wilbur was feeling light headed. But some part of him welcomed the numbness and to gather the two fell asleep.

Ranboo rolled the crystal between his fingers. The pouch Tubbo gave them claiming it was from Technoblade held six white crystals.

But what sealed the deal that they were actually from Technoblade was the fact that Pyre, Frog and Phantom were already wearing the exact same thing. Frog tried to explain they stopped the voices but Nikki, Jack, and Phil were skeptical.

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