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Arabian Nights - Aladdin - Disney Motion Picture Soundtrack, Will Smith



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Loud chatters filled a small shop. White walls were covered by colourful tapestries. Custumers roamed the small shelves displaying beautiful ornaments and jewelries.

"Mx." a voice called you.

Your sight was hazy. You blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust to the warm sunlight peering through the open windows, unaware of the woman calling you.

"Mx., that would be five deben."

You were abruptly snapped out of your gaze when your small cubical floating companion hit your shoulder. A gasp left your lips. The shopkeeper behind the counter looked at you with worry before her brown eyes focused on the small machine snuggled on your shoulder, amazement crossing her irises. But alas, her amazemant could not last long, she had work to do.

"Mx." she called you once again, voice betraying a slight annoyance.

You jumped, startled at her sudden tone.


She sighed, "That would be five deben."

You looked at her, feeling a bit out of place, before you felt the weight of five round pieces of copper in your palm. Something was bothering you, but you couldn't figure out what it was. You did not remember being there and for some reason, you could not recall why you were buying a small violet pendant tied to a long string. Sure, it was pretty, but money had always been scarce, so you could never afford to spend it on useless knicknacks. You narrowed your eyes in deep thought as the dark skinned woman waited for you to hand the five coins, almost exasperated. 

The small machine gave a little chirp as it floated on top of your head, nearly falling when you suddenly sprinted out of the shop.

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