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Solitary Breach - Genshin Impact - HOYO-MiX



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The tranquil dreamlike state of the oasis greeted you once again with vibrant trees and the chirping of birds.

From atop the hill, you saw the same young white haired woman from a few months ago crouched down, moving the shallow water with her finger tips. Colourful fishes gently swam around, sometimes nibbling at her skin, eliciting a soft laugh from her green painted lips.

Slowly, you descended, careful not to trip among loose roots or fallen branches. And when you climbed over a fallen trunk and returned your gaze to the water, she was not there anymore.

Then your eyes were covered by a curtain of white as you let out a surprised sound.

"We meet again!" said the woman, a genuine smile adorning her visage with an airy laugh.

She looked at you, hanging upside down like a snake on a branch, before swinging and landing right beside you, leaves sticking in her hair.

"It seems so." you answered, after having regained your composure.

A chirp came from behind your shoulders as Buddy flew over her, who caged it between her lithe hands, fingers tracing every soft blue line that seemed to glow a lighter shade as if pleased by the attention.

"Hello to you too, little one." another chirp and she giggled.

Then, she neared her face to its smooth surface, whispering with another airy giggle.

"Seems like your creator is in some trouble- she sat on a fallen trunk, patting the seat next to her -surely they wouldn't mind some advice,- her light green hair curled at the tips glowed softly - yes?"

You blinked, soon mimicking her movements.

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?" you said, bringing your knees to your chest, head resting on them.

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