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Dawnlight Over Dunes - Genshin Impact - HOYO-MiX



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The sound of paper filled the room. 

The dark archives smelled of old paint and rotten paper. No light could enter the long and wide room, except for the first few morning rays that managed to find their way inside, slipping through narrow and tall windows.

The small flame atop the oil lamp flickered as you swiftly opened a papyrus scroll.

Your eyes quickly scanned its contents. 

A sigh left your lips.

You folded it, before adding it to a growing tower of scrolls.

You rubbed your forehead, the small writing already giving you a headache, and rested your chin on your palms, while your floating companion softly snored on a golden pillow on a nearby chair.

You let your eyes settle on unread scrolls, you sighed once again. Your small pause was over and so, you grabbed another, paper unfolding smoothly between your fingers.

But everything was the same.

Useless past reports and blotched ink kept filling your vision mercilessly. 

You read and read, scrolling over words you did not understand because they were too difficult for your basic education. One particular scroll was so complicated that you gave it to Buddy out of exasperation -but the machine only stared at it in silent puzzlement-. You could have asked Donkar to read it for you but that would have been too suspicious, well, assuming that the you of the past were capable of reading.

You paused before shaking your head.

Of course they were or they wouldn't have been an engineer in the first place.

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