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Emerald in the Desert/ Aaru Village 1 (Day), Track 10 - Genshin Impact - HOYO-MiX



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Harsh sun rays beat on the sand, whose scorching grains burned your skin at every step you took. The small machine gave a soft 'beep' and floated near your hips.

The marketplace of the pyramid village greeted you with its warm colours. The scent of spices filled the air while the sight of fresh Headcrests and Ajilenakh Nuts made your mouth water.

People roamed around the colourful stalls. Mothers walked, holding hands with their children as they admired what each stand had to offer. You stopped under a palm, its leaves casting a nice shade, cooling your skin. You stretched your arms, intent on fully enjoying your long-awaited free day. Your companion moved its antennae as if mimicking your actions. 

A loud ruckus came from one stall near the end of the busy street. Curious, you decided to approach it. After struggling a bit, you finally made it in front of the wooden stand, a long green cloth casting shadow on the sparkling items.

A young woman smiled, her short bright pink hair peeking under her violet hat. She happily ran her shop with a cheery voice, bargaining prices with the most daring customers. 

"Dori Sangemah Bay at your service- she said, tipping her hat in a bow, shiny heterochromatic eyes brightened behind the fancy prism glasses -a travelling merchant from afar. Feel free to have a look around." she said, proceeding to talk about every rare item in stock. You looked at the rare goods, but nothing caught your eye.

Dori smiled happily before she eyed curiously the small machine sitting on your right shoulder. Golden and sunset irises gleamed. The tiny device hid behind your back.

As you browsed through bright orange fabrics, a small, dark hand softly tugged your clothes. You turned around and found Eliyyahu smiling sheepishly. You gave a small wave to the child who greeted you back. He innocently looked at you and fidgeted a bit before touching your arms. You watched him curiously, unaware of the mischievous look crossing his face. With unexpected strength, his tiny hands grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the busy stall.

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