Something Unexpected

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Many moons have passed. Neteyam hasn't spoken a word to me, won't even steal a glance... even though we often go on hunting parties with the same groups. He acts as if I don't exist. Lo'ak keeps promising that he just needs time and that he'll come around. But I'm not an idiot, I don't know what switched in him that day, but I replay our awful encounter over and over because that may very well be the last memory I have of us speaking to each other. I want to hate him, truly....but I can't. I'm consumed with sadness even though I'll never let on about it. Reya has been extra clingy and it's been annoying me to no end. My parents have asked what happened and they assure me that there's "plenty of fish in the sea". They think they're so cute.
"Caya.."  I hear, ripping me from my thoughts. I look up to see my father towering over me with a smile and kind eyes.
"Yes father?" I get up and look at him wide eyed.
"There's something I have to tell you." He says damn near giddy.
"Okay what is it? You're making me nervous!" I yell throwing my hands up.
"Luatokx is interested in courting you." He said seriously.
"What?" I gasped.
"He wants to be your mate. He is one of the best hunters and is a fine young man. He has expressed his deep interest in you for a long time to me. I don't want to put you in an arranged marriage, the decision must be yours. But it would make me very happy if you gave him a chance." He says taking a hold of my shoulders. It must be obvious that I'm about to topple over from shock.
Lautokx is one of the most handsome Metkayina men in the village. Women are always fawning over him like he's some kind of God. We've always been friends and have gone hunting together many times, but I never got the feeling that he liked me romantically. I've also never even thought about him like that because he is my friend.
"Now that I come to think of it, he has been giving me extra attention the last few times we've gone hunting." I say slyly squinting my eyes at my father. My head was spinning.
He beams a smile down at me.
"Okay, masempul. I will let him... court me." I say unsure. Immediately as the words came out I felt a sharp twinge in my gut. Guilt. I began to think about Neteyam. Well, if he wanted me so badly, he wouldn't be acting this way. What am I supposed to do? Wait around forever for him?
"That makes me very happy to hear maeite." He says and gives me a hug. "Oh, by the way he's courting you tonight."
I roll my eyes. "So much for it being my decision." I say crossing my arms.
He winks at me and heads back to his duties.
Ao'nung has come around and joined Reya in acclimating the Sullys, leaving me with nothing to do today as I went hunting yesterday.
I decided to go to the beach and pick out some seashells. As I was walking, I see Neytiri with Neteyam and decided to mind my business. As I'm sitting in the warm sand looking through the clear blue water about to pick up a shell, I hear someone approaching me.
"Caya.." Neytiri calls softly. I turn to see her motioning to join me, and I nodded, respectfully.
"How are you doing, sweet girl?" She asks petting the back of my head.
I look over at her and smile. She's always so kind to me, I like to pretend that this is what my mother would have been like if everything had gone as planned with my real family. I started to feel slightly choked up and tense.
"I'm well, Neytiri." I say softly tearing away from her gaze.
"How.. how is Neteyam?" I ask hesitantly.
She sighs defeatedly, "He's good I suppose, focused."
I look back down through the water picking up a couple shells.
"That is good, I'm glad he is well." I choked out, my bottom lip quivering. How can he be okay... this isn't fair.
"Oh.." She groaned apologetically, taking a hold of my hand.  "All will be well, sweet girl. I shall see you later, I must go now." She says giving me a light kiss on my forehead before she gets up to leave.
I watch her walk away and I feel tears streaming down my cheeks. I'm looking around searching for Neteyam but he's made himself scarce from my view. I hate this. I feel so pathetic and stupid.
I'm done. I must be, no more pining over a lost "love". If you can even call it that.
But it was...
I wipe my tears and regain my composure, continuing my search for shells.

I hid behind a palm tree watching my mother and Caya. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't help myself. I'm so angry! Angry with myself, how could I have done this to her? Let my stupid pride and anger get in the way of Caya and I. I know she's been hurting, even though she does a good job of hiding it. Anytime she wasn't looking I was stealing glances. I'm dying inside without her, but I'm afraid that it's too late. I fucked everything up. My family is angry with me. The only one that is vocal about it is Lo'ak. My parents don't say anything, but I can see in their eyes that I disappointed them deeply with my actions.
I watch as my mother leaves and I notice tears streaming down Cayas' beautiful face. I punch the tree out of hatred for myself. I know I'm the reason for those tears.
'AHH YOU STUPID WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?' I say mentally kicking myself as I'm beating my hand to a pulp on the tree. I turn around and smack the back of my head against it and slide down, sitting on the ground. I put my face in my hands and begin to cry. I must figure something out; I need to fix this.

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