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I quietly crept into Neteyams room very early in the morning and noticed him stirring and mumbling in his sleep. As I sat down next to him, I took his right hand and saw that his knuckles were crusted over with blood. My heart was breaking as I kept inspecting it more, noticing new and old bruises. Tears start to flow down my cheeks.
I've kept my mouth shut but I can't watch anymore, he's been completely shut down and not himself. His anger has turned into self-harm, and I cannot stand by idly and watch my son act this way when he needs to just go talk to her. Watching two people hurting because they want the other is painful to witness.
"Mom?" Neteyam grumbles sleepily as he begins to wake up.
"I'm here my Neteyam." I whisper softly, brushing his hair from his face.
"Mama... why are you crying?" He sits up and gives me a hug.
I pull his hand up to his face. "Why, my son? Why are you doing this to yourself?" I choke out.
He pulls his hand away and looks down. "Mom, I think I messed up...bad. I don't know what to do." He whispers and begins to cry.
I take him into my arms, rocking him back and forth and pet the back of his head as he cries into me. "You know she cares deeply for you. You must talk to her."
"I- I don't even know what I would say to her. That Lautokx wants her for his ma- mate." He winces, crying even harder.
"It is not set in stone, take some control. If you say nothing you will carry regret for the rest of your life." I say sternly.
He looks up at me and sniffles, wiping his tears away. His look became very serious.
"If he touches her, I will kill him." He hisses.
I shake my head and sigh. "Then you must go to her. Now."
I gather myself and then make my way to Caya's Marui. My heart is pounding I feel like it's going to jump out of my chest. As I'm approaching the Marui, I see her step out and she turns to look at me. She winces like she's in pain. I walk up to her and immediately her mother comes out.
"Neteyam, kempe si nga (what are you doing)?" She hisses angrily at me.
"Oel ngati kameie, Ronal." I motion out of respect to the Tsahik.
"Masanok, please." Caya whispers.
Ronal hisses at me again then goes back inside.
"I apologize for my mother. What is it that you want Neteyam?" She looks at me coldly.
I grab her hand and she tries to back away until she notices the blood and bruising on mine.
"Oh, Neteyam what is this?" She looks up at me with a worried expression.
"We need to talk..." I whisper.
She nods and we begin walking towards the area that our Ikrans are kept.
"Fly with me?" I turn, looking at her face. She still has a coldness about her that I don't recognize.
She nods and climbs up on her Ikran. I mount mine as well and we take off.
We fly over the islands and make our way to the forest until we find a lush patch of green to land.
She gets off her Ikran and begins running her hands over the plants and sighs.
I walk up to her and grab her arm. She yanks it away and looks at me with anger in her eyes.
"Do not touch. You do not get to touch me!" She shouts.
I nod and back away.
"Why do you want to talk to me suddenly?" She hisses and turns away, returning to the plants.
What did I expect? I absolutely deserve this treatment.
"I'm sorry Caya, I-I fucked up!" I yell running up to her attempting to grab her hand again. She swiftly turns and has me pinned to the ground with her hand around my throat.
Even though she looks like she's ready to kill me, eyes wide with rage, I can't help but gasp. I haven't been able to be this close to her face in so long, she is so beautiful.
"You did fuck up. You fucked everything up. Now there's another persons' feelings in the mix to worry about." She retorts.
"I know, but.." I choke out, unable to breathe under her grasp.
"Do you know how many moons it's been since you've spoken to me? Sixty. Sixty moons, you ASSHOLE! Now you want to show up out of nowhere because of Lautokx." She scoffs and gets off me. I cough as I'm trying to catch my breath.
I sit in front of her on my knees. "Tell me what to do. How do I fix this? I am dying without you. I know I hurt you and I will be sorry everyday for the rest of my life for that. But I can't go on like this, I can't watch you with him when we should be together." I say feeling the lump in my throat growing as I'm trying not to break down.
She kneels, coming eye to eye with me. "You're doing this because you're jealous of Lau?"
My eyes widen, this is not the direction I want this to be heading.
"No! No no! Please don't mistake what I'm saying. Everyday that I didn't speak to you or get to hold you was torture. I'm sorry I should have just told you what was going on with me instead of raging like that." I put my arms up inviting her in, but she backs away.
"Tell me what happened that day." She says calmly sitting across from me.
"After the fight. My dad... he said some messed up shit to me that really fucked with my head. He reminded me that I was being robbed of my birthright to be Olo'eyktan and told me I wasn't acting like a man and especially one who has trained his entire life for the position. I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have taken it out on you." I say softly cupping her face in my hands, this time she did not pull away.
She scans my face, shifting her eyes all over and softens her gaze. "You could have just told me instead of acting like a man child. I would have been there for you. I would have done anything for you." She trails off and looks down as tears begin to well in her eyes.
"My yawne (beloved)." I whisper pulling her face up closer to mine as I begin to gently wipe her tears away. "I will prove myself to you, I swear." I lean in closer giving her nose a light peck.
She sighs heavily.
Out of nowhere our ears perk up to hear a growling sound coming from the brush and then a Palulukan (thanator) jumps out in front of us.
"Neteyam.. what is that?!" She yells, terrified.
"RUN!" I scream pulling her up with me and we take off into the forest. The Palulukan is full force chasing us as I'm trying to call my Ikran. We get up to a giant tree as we're weaving through roots and vines and try to climb up as my Ikran is resting on one of the branches. However, as we get close the Palulukan raises up his giant claw and leaves a bloody gash from Cayas shoulder all the way down her  left arm, nearly tearing it off.  She shrieks in anguish and almost falls, still hanging on by her other arm. I lift her up and put her on my Ikran, get on behind her then take off.
"Oh Great Mother, how bad is it?" She winces as the blood begins to pour from her wound.
"It's fine, you're going to be okay!" I say in an effort to comfort her. I need to get her back to the village as soon as possible she's losing too much blood. As we're approaching home she passes out, lying limp in my arms. We land on the beach, and I pull her down, holding her close.
"SOMEONE GET THE TSAHIK!" I yell as people begin to gather around us. Everyone's gasping at the sight of an unconscious and bloody Caya.
"Caya please wake up, WAKE UP yawntu (loved one)!" I yell between sobs.
Ronal and Tonowari come charging towards us with Tsireya and Ao'nung, then I see my parents following suit with the rest of my family.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, STUPID BOY?" Ronal shrieks angrily pushing me away from Caya, taking her into her arms.
"Maeite! Maeite!" She screams, shaking her.
Tsireya and Ao'nung are both looking in horror as they sit next to her.
I see Lautokx pushing through the people, his face goes pale when he looks at Caya and runs up to her limp body.
"My Caya! What happened?" He yells as he grabs her hand and tears start falling from his eyes. He turns to look at me.
"You!" He lunges at me, holding a knife to my throat, pinning me to the ground.
"If she dies, I will kill you for this." He hisses angrily.
"Fuck. You. I love her too." I lament furiously, my eyes menacing, full of anger towards the man. His eyes grew wider as his blade pushed harder against my throat about to break the skin.
"Enough Lautokx." Tonowari growls.
He scoffs, gets up and goes to follow Tonowari and Ronal as they're taking Caya back to their Marui.
My mother rushes over to me and begins inspecting my body.
"Are you hurt my son?" She asks anxiously.
"No Ma, I'm fine." I say grudgingly.
My dad comes up and grabs the back of my neck sternly.
"Jake.." My mom mutters, but he ignores her.
"Tell me what happened right now, or I swear to Eywa you will be meeting her today." He says through gritted teeth.
My siblings are looking at me with their mouths hanging open in shock. Tuk is crying quietly as my mother picks her up to comfort her.
I sighed. "We went to the forest to talk, and we got attacked.... by a Palulukan."
They all gasp, and my dad's grip tightens. "You better pray to Eywa that she lives. If you're the reason Tsu'teys daughter dies I swear to-"
"JAKE! Stop." My mother hisses at him. "We need to be here for Caya right now. Let go of your anger and think about her!"
He looks over at her and let go of me. "Go clean yourself up. You're covered in her blood, boy."
I watch as they all walk away to Caya's Marui and I go over to the water and begin to wash the blood off.

I begin to awaken, groaning in pain and hear many voices around me.
"Mama! She's waking up! Look!" I hear Reya screeching.
I wince as I begin to feel the pain shooting through my arm.
"Thank you Great Mother! Thank you!" My mother comes over and is peppering my face with kisses.
I finally open my eyes and see my mother sobbing tears of joy. Ao'nung is sitting to my right, holding my hand up to his face. Next to him I see Lautokx smiling down at me with tear-stained cheeks. I look around some more and notice the Sully's. Tuk is at my feet, crying. Jake and Neytiri are holding each other and give sighs of relief. Lo'ak is holding Reya as she cries happily.
"Nete-Neteyam?" I groan as I scan the room.
He walks in from the doorway and makes his way to me. "I'm here Caya."
I lift my injured arm out towards him, wincing in pain but I don't care. I want him close.
He takes my hand and moves my arm to rest on my side.
"You shouldn't be moving your arm, you stubborn woman." He shakes his head and smiles at me.
I giggle but it sends more shooting pain through my shoulder, and I groan again.
He puts his hand to my head and gently rubs my forehead with this thumb.
"Are you hurt?" I ask worriedly.
"No, no I'm fine. I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time." He chokes out. "Do not worry about me."
"How are you feeling sweet girl?" Neytiri kneels down next to him and rubs my leg.
"I'm fine, my arm just hurts a little bit." I say attempting to push myself up.
Everyone jumps, hissing.
"KEHE! (no)"
They all force me back down gently.
"Kempe si nga! I am not a baby, I'm fine!" I push myself with my good arm and sit up. I feel even more shooting pains as the blood starts to flow through me again. I hide my pain behind a tight smile.
"Stubborn girl." My mother hisses. I look over at her and give her a big smile.
"Brother, help me up please."
Ao'nung nods and lets me balance myself on him as I stand.
I'm wobbly at first but gain my composure quickly and walk over to my mother. I pull her into a hug. "Thank you, mama. I'm sorry to have scared you all." I say quietly looking at everyone.
"No more forest!" My father says walking up to me and petting my head.
I sigh and nod, respectfully.  He looks over to Neteyam.
"Yes sir." Neteyam responds quietly, nodding his head.
"Caya needs to rest, thank you everyone for being here. Let's leave her be for a bit." My father says motioning for everyone to go.
Jake and Neytiri gather their family.
"I'm really glad you're alright, kid." Jake says giving me a smile from across the room.
I smile and nod back at him.
Neteyam comes up to me and leaves a light kiss on my shoulder that's bandaged.
"I will see you later." He whispers and walks out.
I look over and see Lautokx, fuming. Glaring at Neteyams back as he walks away.
I am more torn than ever as I realize I have strong feelings for both. I walk up to him and take a hold of his hand. He snaps back to reality and softens his gaze as he looks at me.
"You scared the life out of me. I almost killed him." He whispers rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.
"I'm sorry Lau." I mumble and begin sniffling.
"Come here." He pulls me into a hug and begins leaving kisses all over my face.
I let out a small chuckle and put my hand up to his face.
"Oh?" I gasp. "Your hair, Lau. It looks beautiful.. I've never seen you with your hair down."
I'm so blind to not have noticed he changed his hairstyle. He looks magnificent. His long curls were flowing with a couple loose pieces in the front while half of it was up in a bun.
He blushes. "Thank you, I was looking for you earlier to surprise you but.." He trails off, looking down. His face holding a pained expression now.

I sigh and put my hand on the back of his neck and pull his face closer to mine. His pupils grew wide and he smiled as I planted a soft kiss on his lips. He hummed into the kiss, moving his lips slowly, savoring it all. He pulls away, resting his forehead on mine.
"If you want I can stay with you." He whispers giving me another kiss.
"It's okay, I'll be fine I promise." I beam at him. He pulls me in tighter to him, resting his cheek on top of my head.
"I never want you out of my sight again, woman. I thought I...lost you." He mumbles. I could hear him sniffling as he choked out the last couple words. I look up at him, brows creased with adoring eyes and sigh softly. I raise both my arms to hold his face in my hands, wincing in pain.
"Caya don't-" He protests.
I shush him and rub my thumbs gently on his cheeks that were still stained from his previous tears. I stand on my tip toes and give him another kiss, breathing in deeply.
"Go, I'll be fine my Lau." I smile against his lips.
I sigh watching him leave. I look over and see my mother smirking at me.
"Please go lay down, for the love of Eywa. I don't need you overexerting yourself. My stubborn girl."
"Yes masanok." I nod and go to my room to rest.

I See You ( Neteyam fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now