Tsaheylu With You

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I've come to find that I really enjoy dancing, but that could be because of my beautiful partner who doesn't hesitate to teach me. In these moments as we're moving together to the beat of the drums, all I'm thinking is how I want to take her back to our real home in the forest, which she longs for, with the Omatikaya people and teach her our ways. She would be welcomed by everyone with open and loving arms as the daughter of Tsu'tey, and my mate. Especially since her uncle is now Olo'eytkan. How lucky should they ever be to experience the force that is Caya.
The drums begin to slow, and we look over and notice both of our families staring at us in admiration. I make eye contact with Lo'ak and he's beaming a bright white smile at me while nodding approvingly at us. I shift my gaze over to my parents who are hugging each other tightly and I'm reminded of how I grew up watching them so in love with one another. That is how I want it to be. That is how I know it will be with Caya. I look down at her and see her smiling happily at both of our families standing together, and it brings me so much joy; knowing that we don't have to fight to be together anymore. After the sign we just received from the Great Mother herself, I can feel it inside and I know tonight will be The Night. I give her hand a light squeeze and she looks up at me.
"Come let's join them." I pull her hand up to my lips and give it a light kiss. She nods and we begin walking towards them.
As we're getting closer, Ronal walks up and pulls us into a hug.
"I am so sorry, Oh Great Mother.. How could I have been so blind? Will you both forgive me for the way I've treated you?"
I'm a little stunned but I hug her back. "Of course, Ronal. All is well."
I step back and let her hold Caya.
"I forgive you, mama." Caya chokes out between tears.
Ronal pulls away and rests her hands on both of our cheeks. "I cannot wait to see what great destiny Eywa has set in place for the both of you. You two will go down in our peoples' history all over our world. I can feel it."
She turns to look back at my parents. "It seems Eywa has not turned her back on you after all. Forgive me for my harshness. I just wanted to protect my people, especially my children."
My parents respond by nodding graciously at the Tsahik.
"It is late. Let's go home Tonowari."
Tonowari nods but before he leaves, he pulls Caya close and whispers. "I love you, maiete."
"She is right. It is late, and your father is very drunk. Tuk come on, it is time to go home." My mother laughs as Tuk grumbles about wanting to stay and hangout.
Everyone begins to go their separate ways. Our siblings go to the water and begin swimming with the Tulkuns.
I turn to face Caya and put my arms over shoulders. "Are you ready to fly, my love?"
"I've never been more ready in my whole life Teyam." She whispers breathily.
I stand there for a moment longer, taking in the view before me. Her golden eyes are glowing up at me with so much longing, and her white markings are perfectly accentuating every curve and dip on her as they have an iridescent sheen to them in the darkness.
"What is it?" She tilts her head to the side.
"I could look at you forever." I say as the corner of my mouth curls into a smile.
She sighs happily, then begins calling for her Ikran. I join her and call to mine as well.
We take off, flying circles around each other for a bit then head straight to the Tree of Ancestors.


We land at the Sacred Tree and dismount our Ikrans. We both walk around feeling the tendrils between our fingers before looking at each other and linking our kurus (queues) to the tree.
Again, I am transported to a forest. This time I'm next to a river with a raging waterfall. I stand there for a minute and inhale deeply, smelling the crisp air. I close my eyes and listen to sounds of all the animals around me. I hear chirping and clicking and immediately I feel at home.
"Masempul? Are you here?" I cry out, making my way through the lush greenery around me.
As I'm getting lost in the unfamiliar jungle, I see him. Tsu'tey is sitting against a massive tree trunk, sharpening his knife.
The sight of him takes my breath away. He quickly looks up and stops what he's doing. He gets up and stands tall before me.
"Maiete, I've missed you so." He quickly pulls me in, squeezing tightly to the point I can barely breathe, but I don't care. I'm so excited to see him again.
"I've missed you too, masempul." My voice cracks as the words escape me.
He pulls away and takes a hold of my shoulders while studiously scanning my face.
"You are different. Stronger." He beams down at me while squeezing my shoulders gently.
"A lot has happened since I saw you." I mumble, looking down and frown slightly.
"Tell me everything. I want to know all about your life." He motions for me to sit next to him as he listens intently while I explain everything that has happened.
"You just wait until I see that worthless skxawng when he dies. His afterlife will not be so happy when I get my hands on him." My father spits as he talks about Lau.
"Why didn't you tell me about Neteyam and I?" I ask, furrowing my brow.
"Ah!" He laughs.
"If I did then you would have felt obligated to be with him, and I wanted you to fall in love naturally." He says while petting the back of my head.
I furrow my brow and huff. "I guess that is fair."
"Maeite... it is time for you to meet your mother." He whispers seriously.
I look down and shut my eyes tight from the anger boiling inside of me as I hear footsteps approaching. I begin to feel a pair of hands wrap themselves around me.
"My Caya..." A velvety voice whispers next to my ear.
I'm frozen where I stand as I recognize the voice from a distant memory, deep inside myself.
"Ma-masanok... how could you... how could you leave the clan and leave me with strangers? You don't know how hard it was for me." I whimper as tears begin to stream down my face. I grab onto her arms that are wrapped around me.
She turns me around to face her and I slowly look up at her. She's breathtakingly beautiful. I feel the air leave my lungs as I gaze up at her, while she looks down at me with eyes full of love and adoration. She begins to caress my cheek and run her fingers through my hair.
"I did what I thought was best. The Olo'eyktan and Tsahik of the Metkayina were kind and generous people. They were more than I could give you as a broken woman who had just lost her mate. My Caya, I knew you were going to have the strength inside of you to be the woman you were meant to be, no matter where you were." She whispers, her voice cracking as I feel her tears falling on my face.
"I love you so much. I need you to know that everything I did was to protect you. I could never bear it if the Sky People came back and hurt you. I didn't want your father to die for nothing."
I look down and then back up and realize my mother and father look much larger than a second ago. I examine my hands and realize how small they are. I am back in my child form.
Tsu'tey walks closer and picks me up, then pulls us all close into a tight embrace. "I love you both, more than anything." He whispers.
"I wish I had you with me all the time. I long for the life that could have been." I sob.
I grip onto the both of them, finally feeling whole for the first time in my life.
"Oh my sweet girl..." My mother sighs while crying.
"We will always be with you, our little love. Forever." Tsu'tey whispers as he leaves a kiss on my forehead.

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