Spirit Tree

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As Neteyams parents take him away to get him cleaned up, Lau and I head back to my families marui to mend our wounds.
"Thank you... for pushing me out of the way Lau." I huff softly as I pull the bullet out of his shoulder while he groans in pain.
"Don't thank. My sole purpose of being there was to make sure you guys came out alive... and I failed you. I'm so sorry Caya." He whispers angrily.
"It's not your fault. You were there for us, that's all that matters. So, thank you." I say as I finish putting the bandage on him. He sighs sadly and scans my face.
"I'm sorry he's dead. If I could trade places with him I would, in a heartbeat. Just know I will always be here for you." His lip quivers as he says the words.
He grabs ahold of my hand and rubs circles with his thumb. I look into his eyes and feel the tears begin to well up again. I can't help but sob uncontrollably. He immediately pulls me into his arms and hugs me, then begins to cry. I wrap my arms around him and dig my nails into his waist.
"This doesn't feel real. I just don't understand... Eywa made it seem like we were meant to be something special." I muffle into his chest.
"Maybe you still will be. Time will tell. Come on, let me patch your arm up so we can join the others." He whispers softly as he pets the back of my head.
I nod and pull away. He grabs the bandage and begins to delicately wrap my arm and then we head out.
Neytiri comes up to me and puts her arm around my shoulder.
"Come sweet girl, it's time." She says in a small voice.
The Sullys and I flow through the sea with Neteyam. I'm grasping onto his arm as we're guiding him through the water, whispering how much I love him on the way. I'm fighting everything inside of me that is telling me to scream out in pain, in an attempt to hold myself together for his family. We stop and float before the anemone that we place our dead in. I turn to Lo'ak and see him sobbing. I know he blames himself for his brothers' death and I feel horrible, I know I added to his guilt. I pull him close and rest my lips on his forehead. He pulls me in even tighter and begins crying quietly into me.
"Caya...I did this. If I didn't ask you guys to save Spid-" He whimpers.
"Hey, listen to me. This is not your fault." I coo.
He looks up at me as the tears are falling from his eyes and his lips are quivering.
"Please don't blame yourself. Come here, I love you." I whisper and hold him close to me as I run my fingers through his braids.
"I love you too... And I know he loved you so much... you never saw his pain when you weren't together. But I did..." He chokes out.
"Hey look at me." I say tilting his chin up. He glances up at me in desperation.
"I know how much you two meant to each other. Neteyam would have done anything for you. We will get through this together, okay? No matter what, we are family now. I will protect you with all my power. Just like he did."
He sniffles and scans my face. I give him a light kiss on the forehead.
"No. I will protect you, matsmukit. That's what he would want." He says seriously. I smile down at him and keep petting his head.
"Come Caya." Neytiri whispers.
I swim over and place a hand on Neteyams head and the other on his arm.
"Take him down with us, kid." Jake mumbles softly as he looks at me appreciatively. I nod and look at Neteyam.
"Please Great Mother... bring him back to me." I say as my voice cracks. They both sigh as tears fall from their eyes then we swim down and watch as his body is swallowed up. I start crying hard. Neytiri grabs my hand and guides me to the Spirit Tree and holds up her kuru. I take mine in my hand and hold it up as well, then we link to the tree. I'm shifted to a memory and see Neteyam walking along the shore as he's ready to go hunting. This must be the memory he had of me waking up from my long sleep. I run to him and jump on him, making us both fall in the water.
He gasps and looks up at me as I'm gazing into his eyes.
"Kempe si nga, my love? You shouldn't be running around like this." He chuckles.
I begin to cry hard. The sound of his voice makes me want to die. I can't live knowing that I might never hear it in my waking life again. As I'm looking at him, I'm beginning to understand why my mother did what she did.
"Love, why are you crying? He whispers anxiously and begins caressing my cheek.
I stare at his beautiful face, taking every feature in. He furrows his brow worriedly at me.
"I love you!" I blurt out, cutting him off. His eyes widen and a smile begins to creep up on his face.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to say that I love you t- "He tries to get out, but I put my fingertips to his lips to stop him. I look at him seriously.
"I need you to know that I've loved you from the moment we looked at each other when you first stepped foot into my village. I loved you even when we didn't speak for many moons. There isn't a single day that has passed where you weren't on my mind. I will love you till the end of time, Neteyam." I say thoughtfully as I gaze upon his face, looking from his eyes, nose, to his lips.
He looks at me with his mouth hanging open in awe. He inhales deeply and pulls my face in closer to his. I rest my hand on his cheek and close the distance between us, kissing him slowly and lovingly.
"Caya.. I love you more than words can even express. I love you like the sun needs the moon. I don't ever want to be without you." He whispers breathlessly, his eyes scanning mine earnestly.
"So find your way back to me... please I'm begging. Bring my mate back to me." I choke out between breaths.
"Mate?" He gasps, shocked.
'Yes, we are mates. You're my forever love. I need you to come back to me. I don't want to live without you." I whimper softly as I look down and begin to cry quietly.
"Caya...hey look at me." He says seriously and tilts my head up.
"Did... I die?" He whispers softly.
"Yes my Teyam..." I whimper as the overwhelming feelings of sadness take over me.
"Nga yawne lu oer, MaCaya." He mutters as he puts his nose to mine. I feel his breath on my lips as he breaths deeply. I inhale thoroughly, taking his scent in, praying to Eywa that this is not the last time I get to experience this feeling.
"Remember your vision from Eywa, you can't be done." I say. He breathes deeply and we stay holding each other for a moment.
"I remember... I remember everything. Kiri... You saw how she manipulated the elements around us. I don't feel finished yet, maybe she can do something." He mutters as he begins to hyperventilate.
"Mawey.." I whisper as I kiss his cheek.
"No!" He sits up and cups my face in his hands.
"I left you all alone. Fuck, and we just mated too! No! NO! I want to be with you, make you my wife... make you a mother. No. This can't be. WHY GREAT MOTHER?!" He's furrowing his brow angrily in distress.
I'm beginning to panic inside; I feel like I just started a crisis within Neteyams spirit.
"My Teyam, please try to calm down. I won't stop until I figure something out." I say in an attempt to soothe him.
His look becomes very serious and somber.
"Caya. Listen to me. If I... If I can't come back. I want you to move on." He says with a straight face.
"Don't talk crazy I would rather die and be with you here, forever!" I yell as my eyes widen in horror at the words coming out of his mouth.
"Listen woman! We are only 19. There is so much life left to live. That's not fair to you..." He says calmly as he crinkles his brow thoughtfully.
"Enough Neteyam! Stop it!" I throw my hands up in disbelief and snap angrily.
He huffs. "Okay. But I mean it." He whispers bitterly.
I frantically scan his face as tears begin to trail down my cheeks.
"My love, everything is going to be okay. I have hope that we will be reunited." He pulls me in and hugs me tightly. We stay like that for a moment, and I listen to his heartbeat. He sighs softly and tilts my face up to his and kisses me deeply. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he pulls me up placing an arm around my waist and the other on my bottom.
His tongue is caressing mine with every kiss. I'm savoring every precious moment that is passing by. We pull away slowly and his golden eyes are beaming up at me as he gives me a crooked smile.
"Falling in love with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I would rather be dead having known you, than living a life without you at all." He whispers breathlessly as he gazes up at me longingly.
I feel myself slowly drifting out of the vision as his face starts to disappear before me. I open my eyes and realize I'm alone in the water, the only one still connected to the Spirit Tree. I pull my kuru away slowly, and swim to the surface. Everyone is gathered together, they all look at me as I ascend from the water. No one mutters a single word. I walk over and sit next to my father. He looks down lovingly at me and we stay like that for a moment. I grab onto his arm and hold it tightly as I rest my head on his shoulder. He places a delicate kiss on the top of my head and rests his cheek on me. For a while we all sit in silence, and it was soothing. No words could be of any comfort in this moment.
As it becomes late we all get up and everyone starts to make their way home.
Neytiri comes up to me and hands me the woven choker and the cummerbund Neteyam wore.
"Take these, sweet girl." She says softly.
"Thank you so much." I whisper and pull her into a hug. She sighs and holds me close for a moment before walking back to her marui.
I stand there for a moment, fighting back tears. I feel a couple pairs of hands on me and turn to see Ao'nung and Reya.
They both pull me in fiercely and squeeze.
"Please come stay at home tonight. We want to be with you." Ao'nung mumbles as he rubs my scar with his thumb.
"We can push all our beds together like when we were little and cuddle. Please?" Reya pleads, giving me sad eyes.
I smile at them and nod. "Let me take these back to my marui first and then I will be right there, okay?"
They both smile back, and each leave a kiss on my cheek before walking away.
I head to my marui and go into the bedroom and sit on the bed for a moment. I bring Neteyams things to my face and inhale deeply. His scent lingers and it's filling my nose as I begin to weep. I place them both on his side and walk to my families marui. I step in and see those two have already set up our beds in the main room and they're both sitting in them, waiting for me.
"You get to be in the middle this time." Reya giggles.
I roll my eyes and laugh quietly. "You two better not smother me." I crawl in and lay between them; they both place their arms over my waist, and we all lay there holding each other.
"How did I get so lucky to have the sweetest brother and sister?" I mumble softly and they both chuckle.
We look up as we hear a sigh and see our parents lingering in their doorway, staring at all of us.
"We love you all so much." My mother sniffles as she rubs her pregnant belly.
"More than anything." My father chimes in, then they both go to bed.
The three of us lay there quietly in the dark and neither of them let go as we begin to drift off to sleep.

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