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We awaken in a panic to people yelling and running around.
"What is going on?" Caya gasps as she sits up.
"I don't know love, come on." I get up and start walking out the marui with Caya following behind me.
"A Tulkun has been killed!" One of the hunters' yells as he runs by.
We both look at each other in horror.
"Oh Great Mother, Takana!" Caya shrieks.
Caya calls to her Ilu and jumps in the water.
My heart feels like it's going to explode out of my chest.
"Neteyam!" She screams as tears begin to fall from her eyes.
I jump in, get on the back and we dive into the water.
I can see how tense Caya is by the way she's gripping the handle; her veins are bulging and look like they're about to explode. She jumps off Neya and leaves me to guide her as Caya swims up to Takana frantically. My heart rate begins to slow as I see that Takana is safe.


'Thank the Great Mother. I'm so happy to see you right now.' I sign hastily to her.
The waters are trembling Caya, the Sky People are hunting us closer to the villages.
'Who was killed?'
Roa and her baby.
No. NO! My mother is going to be devasted.
'Stay here until we figure out what to do. Please...'
I swim up to her eyes as she's clicking worriedly at me, and I pat her side.
She blinks in agreement, and I swim back to Neteyam then head up to the surface.
I begin hyperventilating from the anger and anxiety I'm feeling.
"Caya! Look at me! Breathe!" He yells as he grabs my face.
"Tell me what's going on." He says calmly.
"Sky People... killed... my mothers' Spirit Sister.... and her calf." I choke out as I heave between breaths that seem to escape me.
"Oh no.. they found us." He whispers as he shakes his head.
"What? What do you mean they found you, Neteyam?"  I hiss angrily, my eyes widening with rage.
"We have to go back to the village. Now."  He guides Neya and we dive in the water and head back quickly.
As we approach I see my father on his Skimwing and my mother on her Ilu along with Jake and Neytiri and a few other hunters. We take Neya to them and my mother is crying as my father is trying to console her.
"We must find her, Tonowari. Now!" She screams out in anguish.
He nods and leads us all past the reef.
I'm digging my nails into Neteyams arm as we approach Roa and her dead calf.
Neteyams breathing hitches as he looks at them.
"No..." He whispers sadly.
"ROA!" My mother shrieks.
She swims up to her and pets her lifeless body.
"What is this Tonowari? WHAT IS THIS?" She begins to cry uncontrollably as she looks at my father.
"She waited many mating cycles to give birth. I cannot believe this. Why Great Mother? Why?" She wails as she clutches Roa, looking back from her to her calf.
My heart is shattering into a million pieces. I have never seen my mother so sad in my life. I know how scared I was when I thought Takana was in danger but this... I cannot even imagine.
Neteyam turns to face me. But I don't look at him, I'm just staring past him at my mother and Roa.
"Bring them back to the village." My father snarls through gritted teeth to the others that followed us.
We rush back to the village, and everyone is gathered awaiting further instructions from my father.
"Please, you have to tell all the Tulkun to leave! They are not safe here! If they get tagged with one of these, they have the kiss of death!" Jake pleads with my parents as he holds up the tracking device to show everyone.
"This is all your fault! You brought this war upon us!" My mother hisses at him.
"WE WILL STAND AND FIGHT!"  The hunters howl together. Everyone begins to do our traditional war cries, hissing with their tongues out and pounding at their chests, showing that they are all willing to fight and protect our clan.
"You're going against machine guns! Your people will die if you do this! Let me go by myself! It's me they want!"  Jake attempts to calm them but it's to no avail. Everyone is beyond enraged. I feel the vein across my forehead bulging as I'm plotting ways to murder every Sky Person that I see.
Neteyam begins dragging me away and I look at him with daggers in my eyes.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yell as I yank my arm away.
"Caya, my father is right. You've never seen the way Sky People kill. They prowl our world, consuming everything in their path.  They are not like any other enemy your people have come across. I need you to think clearly. I don't want you doing anything stupid."
Neteyam caresses my face with his thumbs while he looks into my eyes with a stern expression.
"Neteyam.. they're my people. I will stand and fight with them."  I growl.
We look over and notice Lo'ak running off.
"Go to your brother, talk to him." I say calmly.
He nods and runs after him.
I sigh, gripping the railing and shut my eyes, breathing deeply as I try to compose a plan.
"Hey..." I hear a soft whisper behind me.
I turn to see Lau.
I shake my head and look away. "Get the fuck away from me, I have half a mind to kill anything in sight." I hiss.
"You're right to feel this way towards me. I completely deserve it. I just wanted to apologize and explain myself. Please Caya..." He groans dejectedly.
I look up at him and feel so angry but also sad. He looks so pathetic before me; I almost feel sorry for him.
"Speak. I don't have all day Lautokx." I growl.
"That night... Some of my friends and I... we decided to eat a few poisonous fish in order to have more fun and hallucinate a bit. It obviously took a very wrong turn, and I was drinking heavily on top of that because I was upset. I was jealous and angry that you didn't come to me after the Tulkuns returned... and because you went off with Neteyam for the night. I know you two are mated now but, I still am very much in love and would do anything for you. I would never hurt you in my right mind Caya. I need you to know that. Regardless of everything."
He eyes me sadly as he's fidgeting with his hands.
"I don't want to be angry with you... but you became someone I did not recognize that night. I just don't understand how you could ever do that to someone you claim to love...Believe it or not I cared deeply for you too, Lau." I say harshly, folding my arms together.
He sighs in defeat, his expression is crushed, and comes closer to me.
I gaze up at him and I realize that I cannot deny that I still have some kind of feelings towards the man. He was perfect and did everything right up until that night. I didn't give him a proper chance but he shouldn't have done what he did.... Maybe I wouldn't have been so quick to mate with Neteyam if that never happened. But also, I cannot deny the sign from the Great Mother herself.
"All you had to do was talk to me like a normal fucking person instead of acting like a wild animal." I say as I squint sharply at him.
He scowls and shakes his head. "It had been over fourteen moons since we spent time together, I was upset, and I missed you. I felt like you had just thrown me to the side like I was nothing and ran head first to Neteyam. I was heartbroken... I know it's not an excuse but I'm telling you the truth."
"Lau, can we talk about this another time? In case you haven't noticed we are in a crisis right now." I sigh angrily. I can't even deal with him on top of everything that is happening at the moment.
I turn my back to him and walk away, heading towards the direction Neteyam and Lo'ak went.


"What do you think you're doing Lo'ak?"  I shake my head at him as I watch him grabbing a saddle.
"There is no one to warn Payakan, I have to go."  He says as he's moving hastily.
"No. You've got to keep your skxawng ass here. Why do you always have to make things so difficult?" I shake my head at him in disappointment.
"You mean why can't I be the perfect son? Well, I'm not you! He's my brother. I have to help him." He yells angrily at me.
"Oh? He's your bother? No, I'm your brother Lo'ak." I hiss, walking up to him aggressively as I purse my lips in anger.
"I-I'm going, you can't stop me." He mutters and jumps in the water.
I walk away looking for the others and I find Reya and Ao'nung. I tell them what Lo'ak is doing, and they make haste jumping in the water after him as they call to their Ilus.  I see Caya walking towards me and immediately her expression becomes worried.
"Neteyam.. what's going on?"
"It's Lo'ak. That skxawng has gone after Payakan to warn him about the Sky People. Come, we have to go after him. Your brother and sister are already on their way." I grab her hand guiding her closer to the water.
"Payakan? The outcast? He bonded with him? YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS AND DIDN'T TELL ME YOU FUCKING SKXAWNG?" She screams angrily at me.
"Caya, now is not the time. This happened a long time ago and it just never came up. Please I need you right now. We have to make sure he's safe."  I plead.
She scoffs angrily at me and calls to her Ilu while she's grabbing a bow and some arrows.
We jump in and make our way to catch up to him and the others. On the way, Kiri and Tuk see us as they're riding together and follow. As we approach Payakan we see he has a tracking device stuck in his fin. Lo'ak climbs up on him and tries to pull it out. It's wedged in there good; I know it's going to take all of us. We all join in and help try to pull it out, but it won't budge.
"Guys! Look!" Reya screeches and points behind us to a Sky Peoples' ship slowly approaching.
"FUCK! WE HAVE TO GET THIS OUT NOW!" Lo'ak yells as he's pulling with all his strength.
I swim back to my Ilu and grab some rope and throw it to him and Ao'nung.
"Tie that around it. I'm going to try to pull it with my Ilu." I instruct. They do as they're told as fast as they can and I'm trying to get my Ilu to swim but it's harder than I thought it would be.
I watch Lo'ak as he begins to talk into his neckpiece to our dad.
"Dad... Payakan's been hit. Sky people are about a click out from us but they're getting closer." He mutters breathlessly.
"Who's with you?" My dad asks worriedly as his voice is cracking.
"It's all of us." Lo'ak mumbles.
"GET OUT OF THERE NOW! ALL OF YOU!" He screams over the comm.
"I'm going to go distract them. I need you all to be safe." I hear Caya mutter as she begins to call to her Ikran.
I see Tonyu fly above us, and she jumps onto his back.
"HU-AH!" She screeches and takes off, heading towards the ship.
"CAYA! NO! GODDAMNIT, GET BACK HERE! FUCK!" I'm losing my mind as I'm trying my hardest to get the tracker out. It finally gives and rips out of Payakans fin.
"DIVE PAYAKAN! DIVE NOW!" Lo'ak screams. He listens and goes deep into the water. The rest of them all get on their Ilu's to get away as the Sky People get closer.
I make my way with the tracker and leave it somewhere away from them in hopes they will follow that and not our siblings.
I come up and see Caya taking out a couple of pilots in the helicopters as they crash into the water. I'm watching as the massive vessel is letting out smaller machines with Sky People in them into the water and they begin to chase at us all.

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