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I wake up to Caya grumbling my name in her sleep. I look down at her as the back of her head is nestled between my arm and the crook of my neck. My eyes keep shifting down and find her tail wrapped tightly around my leg. I'm thinking of how we didn't make Tsaheylu and it saddens me but there is no doubt in my mind now that we will be mated for life. Besides, when we do that, I know we would both prefer to go to a sacred site. I sigh and squeeze her close.
She slowly opens her eyes and turns to look up at me.
"Good morning." She smiles and cups my cheek. I smile back and lean in to give her small kiss.
"Today is very special Teyam. There is a festival tonight celebrating the Tulkuns return." She explains happily.
"We should get going then, yeah?" I say, pulling her tighter to me, and nuzzling my face into her hair.
"Yes. We must go help with preparations and I'm sure our families are wondering where we've been." She giggles.
I close my eyes and groan. "Ugh, fine. But, I'd rather be laying here, naked, with you all day."
I open my eyes and smirk at her. She sits up and raises her brow at me then begins to whisper.
"Don't worry my Teyam, we have all night." She winks.
We both get up and get dressed as she calls for Tonyu. Then we make our way back to the village.
As we get closer, we see the Tulkuns happily swimming and splashing around while the rest of the village is bustling with preparations for the evening ahead.
We land and see our parents talking amongst each other and decide to approach them.
Her parents and my mother are eyeing us suspiciously while my dad is smirking proudly.
Ronal walks up to Caya while side-eyeing me and grabs her arm. "How are you feeling?" She asks in a serious tone.
"I'm fine masanok!" Caya smiles. I'm looking over and realize her bite marks and slowly put my hand up to my neck, feeling the same marks on my skin. I shake my hair in hopes that my braids will cover it.
"Where were you two? You better not have gone to the forest." Tonowari inquires while squinting his eyes at us.
"No, no forest sir. We went to another island." I brusquely reply.
"Oh?" My mom snaps with a teasing tone.
I side eye her and roll my eyes.
"Enough, we don't have time for this. There is much to do. Neteyam you're with your father and my husband today. Caya come with Neytiri and I. GO!" She hisses at us. I follow them and turn my head to notice Caya looking back at me. I make a kissy face at her and wink before catching up with them.
My dad slows down to walk with me and pulls my head close. "So.. how was it?" He teases.
"Dad. Come on, not now! Her father is right there!" I whisper, humiliated.
"You think I'm some kind of idiot? Did you seal the deal or what?" He chuckles looking ahead at Tonowari to make sure he isn't noticing our conversation.
"We aren't mated with tsaheylu if that's what you're asking." I respond side-eyeing him.
"Fine save that for Eywa. But did you... you know... at least?" He winks whispering close.
My eyes go wide, and I nod while cracking a small smile.
"Was it good?"
"Dad!" I say through gritted teeth as I'm trying to keep my voice down. He smirks at me and then I nod again, closing my eyes as I try to fight off the smile that was creeping on my face.
"That's my boy." He says while he laughs and kisses the side of my head.

"You seem distracted sweet girl. Can I help you?" Neytiri giggles as she sits next to me while I assemble baskets with assorted fruits. I begin to blush feverishly as I replay the night before in my mind. Meanwhile my mother is looking suspiciously over at me.
Neytiri laughs and pets the back of my head. "It's okay. I'm happy to see you both together again."
"Caya what is that?" My mother demands as she walks up to me.
"What is what, mother?" I frown.
She gets closer and pulls my hair to the side. "What is this Caya!?"
I put my hand up to find the marks from Neteyams fangs. Fuck.
Neytiri's eyes go wide and then her mouth curls into a smirk while looking back from me to my mother.
"You let him mark you? How could you do this? What about Lautokx? I thought things were going well with him." She hisses.
"Mama please... they both agreed to court me. But.." I whisper looking down at the fruit I was fiddling with.
"But what? Aneti'Caya?" She asks furiously.
"I- I've loved Neteyam from the beginning. Please don't do this right now mama." I look up at her raising my eyebrows, begging.
My mother slaps me in the face. "You are meant to be mated to Lautokx. If he finds out about this, it won't end well." She hisses angrily.
I gasp in shock, putting my hand up to my stinging cheek.
"Kehe!" Neytiri hisses.
"It is my decision to make! Stop this." I hiss back, heatedly.
"Ronal, enough. She is a grown woman." Neytiri interjects with an authoritative tone.
"Ah! Stupid girl! Do not embarrass this family with your whims." My mother snarls and goes back to what she was doing.
I sigh attempting to contain the rage boiling inside of me. How dare she?
Neytiri grabs my hand and squeezes. "Mawey." She whispers while glaring up at my mother. I don't know if that was really directed towards me as I could feel her outrage radiating. We continue with the preparations and are joined by Tsireya, Kiri, and Tuk after a while.
As eclipse was approaching, the drums indicating the beginning the of the festival were in full force. I go to my room and change into proper attire, wearing my best neck piece made with seashells and colored crystals that barely covers anything I might add, then put on the matching bottoms. I then begin taking out all my braids and let my hair flow in waves down my back.
I walk out and am greeted by the rest of my family who are also wearing special pieces for the occasion.
"You look beautiful Reya!" I walk over pulling her into a hug.
She giggles. "You think Lo'ak will like it?"
"He may be a skxawng but he's not blind." I chuckle. I take her hand and we walk out together towards the beach. The closer we get, the louder the drums and music become, we look around and notice all the people gathered around the fires. This was my favorite festival of the year. I look out to the sea to see all the Tulkuns glowing and singing their songs.
We are met up by my parents and Ao'nung.
"Everyone! As you know tonight, we celebrate the return of our brothers and sisters! Eat, drink, and dance to all of your hearts desires!" My father belts out proudly with his arms up as everyone is watching. They all cheer in unison and continue with their festivities.
"Go on my children! Have fun!" He shoos us as he's approached by one of the hunters with drink.
"Come let's go find the boys!" Reya exclaims, tugging at my arm. I follow her as we're looking for the Sullys while we're greeted on the way by the others in the village.
"LO'AK!" She yells, grabbing his attention. He smiles brightly and waves at us. Then smacks Neteyams arm while pointing our way. As we're walking up to them, he turns around and his jaw drops.
"Wow..." He gasps.
"Bro.. you got something on your face." Lo'ak teases while laughing.
Neteyam snaps out of it and frantically begins wiping his face. "What? What is on my face?"
"Drool." Lo'ak boasts and busts out laughing.
"You skxawng!" Neteyam shakes his head and pushes Lo'ak playfully.
Reya runs over and gives Lo'ak a hug as I begin to approach Neteyam slowly.
He looks down at me and breathes deeply, scanning me hungrily from head to toe with his eyes. He puts his hand on my neck caressing his bite marks proudly and I return the motion, gently rubbing my thumb over the marks on him.
"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I want nothing more than to kiss you right now." He whispers with a strained look on his face, while gazing lovingly into my eyes.
"Are you asking permission?" I whisper back and pucker my lips at him teasingly. I move my hand and place a few of his braids in front of his mark to hide it.
He smirks. "Not exactly... but we have an audience." He tilts his head, motioning for me to look.
I look over behind him to see Neytiri and Jake staring at us both with big grins on their faces.
I walk up to them. "Oel ngati kameie, you both look lovely tonight." I heartily say with a giant smile on my face.
Neytiri pulls me into a hug and Jake places his hand on the back of my head.
"You look beautiful, sweet girl. I think you broke my son. He can't keep his jaw off the ground." She giggles playfully, squeezing me tightly. Neteyam scoffs and looks away as he begins to blush.
I chuckle and slowly pull away. She then begins positioning my hair strategically to hide my neck.
"Go, have fun." She motions with her head clicking her tongue at us.
I grab Neteyams hand and begin pulling him away. "Come on let's go get some drink and then we will dance!"
"Dance?!" He gulps nervously, wide-eyed and pulls back a little.
I laugh and tug harder at him. "Oh yeah."
We get our drinks and Neteyam begins chugging quickly. I grin and join him.
"Come! Now we dance." I say taking a hold of his hand.
"Caya... I don't know about this." He responds anxiously.
"It is the way. Look even your parents are dancing!" I smile, looking ahead to point out Jake and Neytiri dancing traditionally to our Metkayina songs. Neytiri being the graceful woman she is... and Jake on the other hand...Well at least he's trying. I just hope Neteyam gets his dancing skills from his mother.
"Oh, Great Mother." He huffs, shaking his head. Then he agrees.
We line up with the others, facing each other as the drums begin to get louder and the rhythm accelerates.
He looks down at me petrified. "Caya, I don't know this dance."
"Oh come on mighty warrior! You're scared of a little dancing? Don't worry, just follow what everyone is doing. You will be okay!" I wink and take a hold of his hands and squeeze lightly.
We all begin moving and Neteyam still has a petrified look on his face but as the dance goes along, he begins to loosen up and now he's smiling brightly. He's moving swiftly to the music, letting his body flow to the rhythm of the beat.
He's devouring my movements with his eyes as I'm shaking my hips and moving my arms around. He comes closer and picks me up by my waist and swings me around, I throw my head back and laugh then smile at him as he brings me down slowly. We both begin to bring our hands up and interlock our fingers, still moving our bodies to the beat. He looks down at me longingly and pulls me closer, our faces only inches away.
"Oel ngati kameie." He says breathily, while moving his face closer to mine.
"Oel ngati kameie Neteyam. It's you, it will always be you." I crash my lips hungrily onto his, wrapping my hands around the back of his neck and pull him tight to me. He grabs the back of my head with one hand and wraps his other arm around my waist, ensuring no space between us.

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