Calm Before The Storm

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We quickly make our way to the Tulkuns and I'm relieved to see that Takana is safe and then head back to the Marui as chaos begins to ensue the village. Caya is completely unphased and even though she gave me a synopsis of what she went through, I still feel on edge. But I just keep thinking that now we are about a million steps ahead of everyone. We can anticipate every move the Sky People are going to make because of this gift she received. We will come out victorious with little to no casualties now... at least that's what I hope.
"My Caya... I need to go tell my family about what's to come, my dad can help us formulate a plan. You should go warn yours as well."
As I'm about to run off she grabs my arm. "No, we tell everyone. Together. The whole clan needs to know." She's scanning my face with a pleading expression as her grip on my arm tightens. She's not going to let me out of her sight for even a second. I walk in front of her and place my hands on her neck, rubbing small circles with my thumbs on her jaw. She's looking up at me, those big golden eyes holding so much longing... so much pain. Her breaths become deeper, and I can see that her thoughts are racing.


My heart felt as if it was about to burst out of my chest as I gazed up at Neteyam, my eyes filled with a longing and love that I have never felt before. The memories of the "past" were flooding my mind, but I can't help but feel as if I was seeing him for the very first time again.
My gaze lingered on his face, taking in every detail, imprinting it into my memory forever. His chiseled jawline, the way his eyes sparkled in the light, and the way his braids cascaded down his shoulders. I still couldn't believe that he was standing in front of me after all this time. He takes my breath away.
It's the way he was looking back at me, the love and tenderness in his eyes, saying that I am the most important person in the world to him. He tilts his head to the side as a small smile creeps at the corner of his mouth and he lets out quiet, calming sigh.
I lean into his touch, craving more. I know that he can sense my emotions. In this moment, I forget about everything else. The chaos around us, the looming threat of the Sky People, it all fades away. All that exists in the world is him and me, lost in each other's gaze.
"I cannot express how much I missed you... my world was shattered without you in it." My voice barely above a whisper.


I gaze down at her with a depth of emotion that words could never truly convey.
"Caya, my love," My voice chokes with emotion. "I never left you. I was right here, beside you the whole time. You are my world, my everything."
As I look into her eyes, I see the pain that she carries within her. I know that the premonition she experienced was excruciating, and my heart aches at the thought of her suffering alone.
I bring her hand to my lips and press a gentle kiss to her palm, my eyes never leaving hers. I can feel the warmth of her hand in mine, and the beat of her heart that I know so well.
I lean down and press my forehead to hers. I know exactly what I need to say to her in this moment. It's now or never.
"Caya, there are no words to describe the depth of my love for you. From the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were the one I was meant to spend my life with. And even in the moments when we were apart, because I was an idiot... my love for you never faltered."
I pause, taking a deep breath, before continuing.
"During that time, I felt as though a part of me was missing. Every moment without you was like a thousand cuts to my heart. But through it all, I held on to the hope that one day we would be reunited, that I could hold you in my arms again and finally tell you how much I love you." My voice becomes serious as I'm scanning her eyes, wondering what thoughts are going through her mind in this moment.
"I know, for you it felt like a lifetime in your dream, and what we went through could never compare to what you saw... but I just want you to know that I understand. My world would cease to exist if you were no longer in it."
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes as I'm overcome by all of these emotions.


Listening to Neteyam took my breath away.
I slowly ran my hands up his chest before stopping to cup his face and pulled him gently towards me.
"I love you so much." I whisper.
Neteyam leans in, his eyes locked onto mine. I tilt my head back slightly, feeling his warm breath on my lips. The tension between us is palpable, and it feels like the whole world has disappeared. Slowly, he closes the distance between us, his lips softly brushing against mine. A shiver runs down my spine and I part my lips to deepen the kiss. Our tongues meet, moving together slowly, savoring each other. His hands are on my back, pulling me closer to him as I run my fingers through his hair, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms again. We finally pull away, panting, and close our eyes, taking in this moment for a just a little longer. But then... reality sets in again, and we have work to do.
I take a deep breath to steady myself. "We need to go, My Teyam." I say, my voice firm. "We have to warn everyone, to prepare for the attack."
He nods and gives me a grin. "Maktoko."

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