New Desires

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"Hey bro.." Lo'ak says coming into my room.
"Get out Lo'ak. I'm not in the mood." I say grudgingly.
He trudges over, glaring at me. "Will you take your head out of your fucking ass for two seconds and quit acting like this all the time? I have something important to tell you."
"Get on with it Lo'ak I don't have all day. I have to go hunting soon." I roll my eyes and huff.
"It's about Cay-"
"Get out! I don't want to hear it anymore Lo'ak." I hiss. He lunges at me, pinning me down.
"Enough Neteyam, it's fucking important if your dumbass ever wants to get her back. Now shut the fuck up and listen to me!"
I look up at him wide eyed, he's never came at me like this before.
I put my hands up and he gets off of me and sits down.
"Okay, go on." I say seriously.
He winces and sighs. "Reya told me someone... someone has asked Caya to be their mate."
I gasped, my heart dropped into my stomach, and it began to stir. 'Fuck. FUCK! NO NO NO!'
I looked down trying to hide the tears that wanted to fall. "Who?" I ask feeling the lump in my throat grow.
"Lautokx." He responds gravely. I purse my lips together and furrow my brow, nodding my head.
Seriously him? How am I supposed to compete with that guy.
"I have to go now." I say coldly, getting up and leaving him behind.

I watch my brother walk away, as much as he wants to hide it I know he's crushed. But I had to tell him before it was too late. I was too scared to mention that they've been going out for a while now. Neteyam would've ripped my face off in an instant, or worse... pretended like he didn't care.  I just hope he gets his shit together in time.

It's a good thing I'm going hunting because the only thing I want to do in this moment is murder something. As I approach the hunting party, I see him. He's got his hand resting on her lower back as they're talking. The rage building up inside of me is unbearable. I stand there watching them for a moment. She's smiling up at him, and with each passing second my heart is breaking more and more. I watch as he takes her hand pulling her into the water and lifts her up onto her skimwing. All I can think about is cutting his hands off. Someone else touching her has made a fire grow inside of me that I don't know if I'll be able to manage. I mount my skimwing as we're all getting ready to take off into the reef. I look over and notice Lautokx looking at me, studiously. I glare back at him and look away. There's no way I'm letting that asshole take MY woman.
"Are you ready my fierce huntress?" Lau grins as he's rubbing my lower back.
I smile back at him. "Always."
He takes my hand leading me to the water while looking at me provocatively. I feel myself begin to blush insanely as my eyes widen. He gently picks me up and puts me on my skimwing and leaves a small kiss on my thigh before swimming over to his. I take a couple deep breaths to get my head out of the clouds and begin to focus. I look over and notice Lau and Neteyam staring at each other. Neteyam with daggers in his eyes and Lau, unbothered. I look away as fast as I can. Feeling the pit in my stomach grow. 'Just breathe Caya, it was bound to happen at some point.'
We move out and begin the hunt. As we go farther we notice a giant fish swimming around the reef. I see Lau and Neteyam racing to get to it. As Lau is about to spear the fish, Neteyam jumps off his skimwing over Lau, nicking him in the shoulder with his spear as he dives into the fish.
"What the fuck, man?" Lau growls.
Neteyam looks up at him smugly, "My bad. Didn't see you there."
'Shit this isn't good, I can't have these two fighting.'
"Stupid kid." Lau grumbles.
"The fuck did you just call me?" Neteyam hisses back at him.
They begin to argue back and forth.
A few of the other guys approach them, trying to diffuse the argument while collecting and tying up the fish.
"Come on guys, knock it off!" One of the older men says sternly to them.
Lau scowls and makes his way closer to me.
"Are you alright Lau?" I say moving my skimwing next to his. I take a hold of his shoulder inspecting the wound, it was deep.
"I'm fine, Caya." He smiles at me.
I furrow my brow at him. "No, you're not. We need to go patch that up, it looks deep."
"Go take care of that Lau! And you! Watch it, boy!" The older man scowls at Neteyam.
Lau huffs "Fine come on lets go back."
We return to the village, and I bring him to my Marui.
I make him sit and he grumbles as I gather herbs and pastes to clean his wound.
I begin to clean it and he winces in pain.
"See, I told you it was deep." I snicker. As I continue what I'm doing he's staring at me with his mouth hanging slightly open, giving me that same look as earlier. My heart began to race and I feel my cheeks growing warm again.  He moves his other arm and rests his hand on my thigh, squeezing lightly. I gasped slightly and looked up in his eyes.
His mouth curls into a smirk and he bites his bottom lip.
"I love watching you take care of me." He whispers.
My heart is beating like crazy in my chest and I begin to feel a warm, tingling sensation in my loins.
"What's the matter my Caya?" He huskily growls.
I swallow the lump forming in my throat and roll my eyes at him, attempting to hide the fact that he very much was making me nervous and turned on at the same time.
He moves his face close to my ear and begins to whisper seductively "You know I can smell your scent; you can't hide how you're feeling from me."
My lip's part but no sound comes, I breathe in deeply. He begins squeezing my thigh harder now and leaves little kisses on my neck down to my collarbone. He moves his face up to mine and grabs the back of my neck with his other hand and begins to kiss me, slowly at first and then more aggressive, shoving his tongue in my mouth. He growls as he picks me up, putting me on his lap. I put my hands to his chest feeling his strong muscles tensing up under my touch. I feel his dick growing harder under me and I couldn't help but begin to grind slowly on him. His hips buck as he grinds back.
We both hear footsteps approaching and look over to see my mother and father.
'Fuck, this is the day I die of embarrassment for sure.'
Our ears both flatten back.
"Oh, Great Mother." My mother sighs.
I quickly stand up with Lau behind me, shielding him so he can hide his boner from my parents' view.
"I apologize for this sir, ma'am." He looks down as he's blushing. My eyes are wide with horror.
My parents smile at us.
"Don't apologize. We are happy you two are getting off- I mean getting on...well." My father smirks and looks at my mother.
Great Mother may something strike me right where I stand. I can't believe I just heard my father say that.
"But please go somewhere more private next time." My mom retorts shaking her head at us.
We nod and make our way out of the Marui.
We get to the beach and sit near the water; both of our faces are still beet red from embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry Caya, I feel terrible." He mumbles softly while rubbing my back.
I look over at him and give him a small smile. "You have nothing to be sorry for... I'm sorry we both had to hear my father say getting off." I smack my hand to my forehead.
He lets out a deep chuckle which ends up in him busting out laughing. "Yeah that's definitely one for the ages. I love your dad so much."
I tilt my head and stare at him with adoration. He notices and takes my hand and begins to play with my fingers.
"I love being with you, my Caya." He whispers, gazing deeply into my eyes.
My breathing hitches and I begin to feel the same burning sensation happening down there again.
His ears flatten as he can sense my scent, and then that look, again. Almost as if he wants to eat me. He calls to his Ilu, and as soon she shows up, he stands up. He looks down at me and pulls me up to him. Lau begins leading me into the water and puts me on his Ilu and gets on behind me. He pulls me tight to him, my back against his chest and snakes his arm tightly around my waist, then he takes off. We get to the cave we went to the first night we courted. He carries me in, lays me down on the soft grass, and lays down next to me running his fingers down the side of my body. My breathing hitches as I shudder under his touch. Every finger leaving a burning sensation at every touch. I cup his cheek with my hand and gaze up at him, mesmerized by his beauty.
"I want you so bad, in every way possible." He says as he begins to kiss me all over.
"My mate... wife....mother of my children." He whispers between kisses.
I let out a tiny whimper. No ones ever talked to me like this before. I never even thought I would ever find a mate...until Neteyam. 'Fuck! Stop thinking about him when you're with Lau. That's not fair!'
I'm ripped from my thoughts as I feel something poking my side. He was rock hard and his dick was huge. I want so badly to just rip his loin cloth off and look at it. Without thinking I move my hand underneath it and stroke him gently. It's so big. He will surely tear me in half.
His breathing hitches and he lets out a low moan which turns me on even more. He sits up looking into my eyes and takes his loin cloth off, never breaking my gaze. I gasp when I look at his cock. It's so beautiful, long and thick with a few veins rippling throughout. My mouth begins to salivate as I think about putting it in my mouth. His scent, driving me insane.
He slowly pushes me down and climbs on top of me. "Caya, I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to, just tell me when you want me to stop, okay?" He utters in a low voice.
"I'm.. I'm not ready for Tsaheylu (the bond) Lau." I whisper, breaking his gaze. He picks my face up with one finger and looks at me very seriously.
"Tsaheylu when you're ready, my Caya."
He leans down and begins kissing me intensely letting his hand travel up and down my body and then stopping to massage my breast. His face moves down trickling kisses until he puts his mouth over my nipple, flicking his tongue over it. I let out a soft moan as he began to suck on it while grinding on to me. I move my hips to match his motions feeling my cloth dampen with my wetness.
He picks his head up. His pupils are dilated so much I can hardly see the blue anymore.
"Your scent is driving me mad, woman. I need to taste you." He lets out with a deep growl.
I look up at him seductively and untie my cloth and throw it to the side.
"I don't want to deprive you of your desire." I whisper huskily and smirk.
He looks down at my slit, taking the sight in, and moves his fingers, gently rubbing up and down.
"Fuck, you're so wet for me." He mumbles, trailing kisses down my torso until he gets to my thighs. He bites down with his canines and draws a little blood and proceeds to lick it all up. Marking me as his.
I yelp in pain and he grunts in satisfaction before taking my clit into his mouth all while keeping eye contact with me. I squirm as he begins sucking and flicking his tongue over it while he slides a finger into my entrance.
"Oh, fuck." I moan grabbing a hold of his head, grinding up against his face. I feel him smile against me as he continues lapping me up like I'm the last meal he's ever going to have. He adds another finger and curls them inside of me while he's vigorously pumping them in and out.
"Mm, you taste so good." He moans and looks up at me smiling devilishly with his head hanging just above my pussy while he teases me with the tip of his tongue.
Out of nowhere Neteyams face kept popping into my head and I began picturing him instead of the man that's between my legs.
I pull back and sit up. "Lau, stop!" I yelp.
"What's wrong Caya, did I hurt you? I'm so sorry." Lau sits up worriedly.
"I'm...I'm not ready Lau." I say pulling my knees up to my chest shielding myself from him.
He wraps his arms around me lovingly and kisses the top of my head. "Do not hide yourself from me, everything is on your terms I promise. We have all the time in the world."
I begin to tear up, feeling stupid.
"Oh my Caya. Baby, I'm so sorry I never want to make you feel uncomfortable." He says softly holding me tight to him.
I grip onto his arms. "It's not your fault, I want to be with you in this way, truly. I'm just not ready for everything yet. I'm sorry my Lau." I choke out, a tear streaming down my face.
He gently pushes my face up to him and wipes my tear away. "Never apologize for such things. I want you for you, not just these moments."  He's gazing at me and rubbing my cheek softly with his thumb.
"Caya.." He whispers.
"Hmm?" I hum, studying his face.
"I-" He pauses as if he's assessing his words carefully.
"What is it Lau?" I ask concerned, my eyes widening.
"I love you."
I'm mentally lashing myself in this moment. How is it possible that I have Neteyam in my mind when I have this perfect man in front me. One who is so sweet and adoring but strong and mighty at the same time.
"Lau, I-" I begin but he shushes me with a finger to my lips.
"Don't. Everything in time." He says giving me a small smile.  "Come let me take you home. It's been a long day." He mutters giving me a soft kiss.

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