Hell or High Water

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I see Jake speaking into his comm and his face drops immediately. He looks terrified and furious at the same time.
"What is it, Jake?" I ask, knowing the news I'm about to hear is going to be unsettling.
"The kids are in danger. They're all together and Sky people are approaching them. Tonowari... there's something you should know; Caya is attacking them on her Ikran."
"That stubborn- AGH! She's going to get herself killed. We must go. NOW!"
I watch Jake run off to gather his weapons and everyone else begins mounting their skimwings.
I go to my marui in search for Ronal. She's got her spear in hand and I begin shaking my head.
"You should stay." I plead, putting my hands on her pregnant belly.
"I ride!" She insists and heads to her skimwing.
I watch her saunter off confidently to the water and I'm reminded how much I love her but...this woman is going to be the death of me.


I'm weaving through a mist of bullets directed straight at Tonyu and I begin to fear that he's going to get hit.
"Go Tonyu!" I scream out to him as I jump off and dive down into the water.
I look up through the surface and see that he safely flies away. I turn my head to see some strange machine coming right at me with Sky People inside of it. My eyes grow wide and my heart begins to race in fear as I'm stranded in open water. Before they can reach me, Neteyam swoops me up and we dive deeper. They're still chasing us, and I decide to reposition and sit in front of him as I wrap my legs to secure myself around his waist. Neteyam furrows his brow at me, confused. I ignore him and pull my bow and arrow out. I shoot at the driver of the machine, hitting him and the woman sitting in the back. They crash into a rock structure and the machine explodes.
Neteyam takes us up to the surface so we can catch our breaths.
"That... was the hottest thing I've ever seen." He breathily whispers while seductively gazing into my eyes as I'm straddling him.
I bite my bottom lip as I feel my confidence building inside me. I look at his lips, crash my mouth onto his and kiss him furiously. He kisses back then pulls away, panting.
"When this is over... I'm going to fuck you senseless. Now, let's go save our brothers and sisters." He growls.
"Maktoko. (Let's ride)" I nod as I feel the fire growing inside of me. I get up and sit behind him then we dive deep into the water.
We begin searching for them and we're shocked to find Kiri manipulating the underwater plants, engulfing the machines and crushing them. I look and see Ao'nungs face, and he's dumbfounded as he stares at her in amazement. I turn my head and see Tsireya and Tuk being captured with a net. Lo'ak grabs on from the outside, trying to sever it with his knife to no avail. They're all dragged out by the Sky people. The same happens to Kiri and Ao'nung as they're hit from behind. I try to jump off and follow them, but Neteyam holds me back and begins signing.
'Wait, we can't help them if we get captured too.'
I nod and listen patiently even though my heart is about to leap from my chest.
'Let me go see what's going on real quick, please? I'm going to lose my mind.' I sign back to him.
He nods and I swim close enough to the surface to notice Na'vi looking creatures wearing Sky people clothing, holding them all hostage.
I see a female demon grabbing the back of Reya's head and pulling her hair back harshly. Reya sees me and her eyes are drowning in fear. I look from her to Tuk, Kiri, Ao'nung ,then Lo'ak and my rage is beyond anything I've ever felt. They're all tied up against the railing and look terrified.. I swim back down to meet Neteyam.

'Neteyam, there are many demons.' I sign vigorously.
'I know love, they are the ones who are hunting my family.' He signs back with an angry expression.
'I will kill every last one of them if I have to. Let's go.' I'm ready to jump out the water.
'Wait a second... do you feel that?' He signs then places his hand on my shoulder as he looks around.
I listen and hear the roaring of many skimwings approaching in the water. Our clan is finally here.
'Neteyam I cannot wait any longer... if they hurt them I will not be able to live with myself.' I sign as I furrow my brow at him in concern.
'Love... please just wait. My father is right, it's him they want I want to see if he makes a move.'
'I fucking hate this!' I furrow my brow angrily.
Suddenly, Payakan swims by us swiftly and leaps out of the water onto the ship, destroying much of it and killing many people with his large body. We stare up in awe at the sight.
The rest of the clan begins attacking and I look at him anxiously.
He grabs a hold of me as the Ilu takes us up and we jump off onto the ship. Immediately we are fighting off the humans and the demons, dodging bullets left and right.
"CAYA! NETEYAM!" They all scream in relief.
We're making our way closer, killing every person that stands in between us and our siblings.
"You came for us!" Tuk screeches with tears in her eyes.
"Of course we did." Neteyam reassures her as he begins cutting off her bindings then moves to Reya.
"Get Tuk out of here, please." He pleads with her. Reya nods her head, grabs Tuk then they both jump in the water.
I'm shielding Neteyam as he moves down the line, freeing them one by one, and I'm shooting arrows at every person I can manage to hit.
The same female demon comes up to me and hits me in the face with her gun. I fall back slightly and spit blood from my mouth.
"Come on!" She screams at me.
I smirk and lunge at her. We're going back and forth throwing blows at one another until I manage to get behind her and whip her head back.
"Did you enjoy hurting my family you sick fuck?" I hiss at her then slide my knife across her throat. Her blood is spewing everywhere, and I watch as she's choking. She's looking up at me with eyes full of fear. I pick up her gun and hold it above her head. She's trying to speak but cannot as the blood is filling up in her throat and mouth.
"May your soul never know peace, Demon." I growl as I smash the gun on her face, crushing her skull.
"Holy fuck... Remind me to NEVER piss her off." I hear Lo'ak say behind me. I turn and see him and Neteyam staring at me. Lo'ak looks mortified and Neteyam is beaming at me with pride.
"Yeah, that's my fucking mate right there." He smirks.
"Come on Lo'ak let's get out of here." Neteyam says as he's dragging him.
"Bro! We got to save Spider." Lo'ak pleads.
"What the fuck is a Spider?" I hiss in irritation at Lo'ak.
"AGH! He's a human that we grew up with. Lo'ak, Spider will be fine we need to go now." Neteyam growls at him.
"No! We can't leave him. PLEASE GUYS?" He begs.
"AGH! FINE! Let's hurry up and do this so we can get the fuck out of here." Neteyam shakes his head angrily and we make our way into the ship.
I feel someone grab my arm and pull me back.
"Caya! You have to leave, now!" Lau whispers angrily.
"What are you doing here?" I hiss in disbelief.
"I didn't see you with Reya and Ao'nung and I was worried. Why are you going deeper into the ship?" Lau looks at me with concern and shakes his head.
"Don't fucking touch her." Neteyam growls as he grabs onto Lau's throat.
"Neteyam, stop! He's trying to help." I say and push them both away from each other.
Neteyam looks back from the both of us and huffs angrily.
"Fine." He mumbles through gritted teeth.
Lau looks at Neteyam and softens his gaze. He puts his hands up and sighs. "Please man, I'm sorry for the other night. I will do anything to make it up to both of you. But right now, I just want to make sure you all get out of here alive."
"Can you deal with your stupid love triangle later? I found Spider." Lo'ak hisses, annoyed. The three of us snap back into the reality that we are all very much in the most dangerous situation of our whole lives. We peek over and see the human boy who must be Spider and he's tied up to a railing. One of the demons notices us and begins shooting in our direction. Lo'ak grabs a gun and kills him but falls back in the process.
"Give me that you skxawng." Neteyam yanks the gun away. Lo'ak runs over to spider and releases him, and they come back over to us. I look down and grab another gun that's laying on the ground. I'm running out of arrows and I will take just about any weapon I can find at this point. More people notice us and keep shooting. I grab Lo'aks face and pull him close.
"Lo'ak I need you to get out of here now. We will distract them. Go before I send you to Eywa myself." His eyes widen as he looks up at me then shifts to Neteyam.
"Listen to her. We'll be fine." Neteyam nods then looks at me and Lau. We both nod back. Lau picks up a gun as well and we all begin shooting at them.
"Go now!" Neteyam yells and Lo'ak takes off with Spider. We begin to move around trying to find a way out, but we're surrounded by the enemy.
"Agh! Fuck this." Lau grunts and jumps down grabbing a hold of sky person, throwing them and continues on to the others. I hear crunching sounds as they die. He's massive in comparison, easily over taking them.
"Damnit Lau!" Neteyam yells angrily and he jumps down as well and begins attacking. I'm about to jump down and join them but I see someone aiming at Neteyam and I quickly shoot them in the head.
"Holy shit, Caya! Keep doing that!" Lau grins as he smashes another person down with his fist.
I smirk and jump down to them. I look around and we're now surrounded by many dead bodies.
"Let's get the fuck out of here guys." I say breathily and begin to lead them to an opening. We hear an explosion as the back of the ship begins to go up in flames. I turn my head back for a second to see what's happening.
"AH!" I cry out as I'm shot in the arm.
"CAYA!" They both yell. Lau runs up to me and pushes me out of the way and gets shot in the shoulder.
"FUCK!" He yelps.
Neteyam lunges at the demon who shot us and stabs them in the neck. Lau comes to me and inspects my arm.
"I'm fine! It just hurts. Are you okay?" I pant angrily.
"I'll live. Come on this thing is going to blow!" He winces and grabs my other arm.
"Hurry love!" Neteyam yells to me.
I get closer to him and take a hold of his hand. We all jump into the water and dive down as more bullets are heading our way.
I see Lo'ak and Spider high fiving each other and laughing.
Neteyam comes up gasping for air.
"Bro that was sick!" Lo'ak yells excitedly at Neteyam.
"You fucking skxawng, I'm shot." Neteyam pants as he's trying to stay afloat.
"Fuck! How did we all manage to get shot?" Lau growls angrily as he looks down at his bleeding shoulder.
"No this is bad." Neteyam winces, gasping for air. I swim closer and see a bullet wound in his chest.
"No! Neteyam!" I screech in a panic and call to Neya. She swims up and I place Neteyam on her and take off as the others follow behind.
We all make it to a rock that the rest of our siblings are on, and we begin pulling Neteyam up.
"Watch his head!" Lau growls.
Lo'ak begins pressing down on his chest wound. Then Neytiri and Jake both show up.
"What happened?" Jake yells, panicking as he's looking at us.
"We all got shot saving that fucking human!" Lau hisses. I'm glaring daggers at Lo'ak and Spider.
Jake pulls Neteyam up and checks his back to see that the bullet went through.
I sit closer and begin petting his head. Neteyam is looking up at me as he's hyperventilating.
"I'm going to die, aren't I? He whispers between breaths.
"No, no my love you are not going to die. You are not leaving me. You hear me!?" I say as tears begin streaming down my face.
"I want to go home." He cries and looks at his parents.
"Yeah, we're going bud. We're going." Jake says as he's frantically scanning Neteyams face.
Neteyam looks back over at me and brings his hand up to my face. "Caya I love y-" His eyes close and his arm falls over, then his chest stops moving.
"Neteyam..." Neytiri whispers.
"No, no no no! NETEYAM! How could you do this to us, Great Mother?" I shriek as I begin sobbing uncontrollably.
Neytiri is in full hysterics across from me and we're both crying loudly.
Everyone else begins to cry as well.
Lau puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes. I can hear him sniffling behind me.
"Damnit, why Great Mother..." He whispers in anguish.
"No, there has to be something we can do! I'm not losing him!" I scream and call to Neya.
"Back to the village, now!" Neytiri hisses. Jake quickly gathers Neteyam and we all race back as fast as we can.
We bring him to shore and my parents rush at us, looking around in horror as they look from me to Lau then Neteyam since we're all bloody messes.
"What happened?" My father gasps, his eyes wide as he's scanning all of us.
"Neteyam... he's... Mama please do something! I need you to save him!" I cry out as I grab her hand.
"Oh maite..." She whispers softly as she holds my face in her hand then looks down at Neteyams lifeless body. My father comes around and puts his arm around me and rests his chin on my head.
I'm crying so hard I'm sure the whole world can hear me.
"Shh.." My father coos at me as he squeezes me tightly to him.
I turn and bury my face in chest.
"Masempul... he's my mate... he can't be dead." I choke out.
"I know my sweet girl. I know." He whispers as he leaves a kiss on top of my head.


My heart is breaking as my child is crying herself to death. I begin to pet her hair and try to calm her but she's inconsolable in this moment. I look over to Jake and Neytiri and my heart aches for them. I cannot even imagine how much pain they are in right now. My eyes are welling up with tears, I don't know what I would do if I lost any of my children.
"My love, we need to take him to the Spirit Tree." I whisper softly down at Caya.
She looks up at me and my heart breaks even more. Her face is red and puffy, and she's gazing up at me with hopelessness in her eyes.
She takes a deep breath and nods.


I gather myself slowly and get up. Everyone's looking at me like I'm the most pathetic thing they've ever seen. I know they don't mean to and they all love me but in this moment I truly feel like the Great Mother has just played a sick joke on me. We all begin moving and start preparing to take Neteyam to the Spirit Tree. Meanwhile I'm plotting some choice words for the prayer Eywa will be receiving from me later on.

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