The rescue

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He's beaten me black and blue.
It's been Five months and five days.
I'm shaking as he feeds me some soup.
"I need to nourish you and the baby"
He smiles as I finish the last of it
I nod slightly and he puts down the bowl.
He takes the duvet down and he sits on it
I look down and I am scared.
"Somethings wrong!?"
I screech as I see blood transfer onto the bed
"No you're fine"
"It's happening again!!"
I sob
He beats me again and he leaves.
I panic as I sit there on the bed and suddenly JJ bursts in with the team.
JJ has her gun pointed at me so I start to scream.
They all stare at my beaten body.
JJ puts her gun away and tells the team outside
"Help me"
I sob.
"I will baby, come here sweetie"
She pulls the cover off of me and it reveals my growing bump.
"I'm sorry!"
I cry.
She looks shocked.
She reveals the bleeding that's pooling in between my legs.
"No no honey, let's get you an ambulance"
She checks me for any other injuries and then she moves me.
"Can you stand?"
I shake my head as I stumble.
She tells the team that we need an ambo as she wraps a blanket around me.
"I'm here now baby"
The team come back in as I sob.
They all help me out into the ambulance.
"Do you know who did this?"
"Dr.Lane Jones"
I sob.
I get loaded into the ambulance on a stretcher and then they close the doors.
The team follow in the car.
"I think I'm losing the baby!"
I sob as the paramedic checks me out.
I hold JJ's hand as my whole body is shaking due to shock.
"No you just have a superficial cut to your vagina"
She tells me
"So the babies okay?"
"So far yes but well book an emergency scan after we get you into the hospital"
"Please don't leave me baby?"
I sob
"I will never leave you but for now we need to make sure that you get better"
"Do you know how many months you are?"
"Around five, I'm not sure?"
They wheel me into the hospital and they treat the cuts I made.
"Where is he?"
I sob as I watch everything.
"He can't hurt you baby!"
I nod as I get taken for an ultrasound.
They rub the gel and then put the Doppler on.
"It's twins."
I smile overwhelmed
"Do you want to know the genders?"
We both nod
"Both girls and you are five months"
I don't say anything and neither does JJ expect for thank you.
They put some cream on the bruises to my wrists.
I get back into the bed.
"I'm not ready!"
I sob.
"I wanted an abortion...but he wouldn't let me"
"I've got you baby, I'll be here, I'm going to support you honey"
I sob but I refuse to let her hold me.
"I'm sorry baby but I can't"
"It's okay baby"
She lets me cry until I fall asleep.
I'm exhausted.

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