New Case

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Emily's POV

I feed Sloane, Lux and Grayson before I head to work.
JJ drives and we talk about the kids.
I watch the video of Lux speaking as we pull up at the office.
I turn my phone off as we enter the briefing room.
Hotch greets us and he pulls his chair in further to the table.
He tells us about our case and then we go to the jet.
"Emily, you go to the crime scene. Eve and Laura you go to the Me's office, Blake you go with me to set up at the precinct and JJ you go to the victims apartment"
I nod and we take off.
We land at the Chicago airport and then I drive to the location.
I am at the crime scene alone investigating the body dump when I hear something behind me rustling in the bushes.
I turn and nothing is there.
I shine my torch.
I must be going crazy.

Killer's POV

I was revisiting my victim when suddenly a woman in a suit was there.
Holy shit she was hot.
Not average hot; sexy hot.
I decided that I want her but she has a FBI badge
I need to follow her
I ran quickly so that they wouldn't detect me.
She heard me so I stopped.
I could feel her heart racing and her body trembling.
What happened to her that made her so aware?
I must find out.
I hear her answer her phone.
"Hey baby. No no I'm good, I promise. JJ please I'm fine!"
She sighs and then she ends the call.
I snap a picture of her with my phone and then I leave once she turns her back.
I wait for her and then I follow her.
She enters a precinct and that's when I stop following.
I run a search on her name.
Special Agent Emily Prentiss.
She's so pretty and she's well know for her work.
There's reports that she's married to a co worker named JJ.
That bitch is a lesbian.

Emily's POV

I continue investigating and I write up a report.
I go to the local precinct where Hotch is.
"Seems like she was dumped there since lack of blood. She was miles away from home so I bet that she was taken."
Blake nods.
JJ appears
"Hey baby, I'm sorry for being a bitch"
"You weren't being a Bitch baby"
I nod.
We try to figure out a timeline.
"There were no signs of rigor mortis, she was dead for less than two hours before she was dumped"
I say looking at the ME's file.
We all nod and continue reading the files.

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