Gotta Get Away

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Lane watches as I try to move my bruised ankles which are tied together with rope.
"you're not getting anywhere darling"
"I- i need the bathroom."
"You're such a bitch!"
He slaps me which makes me jump.
"The baby is pushing on my bladder, please?!"
"Alright fine"
He untied me quickly and he picked me up.
He threw me down onto the toilet and he closes the door.
He commands.
I go and then I stand up.
He yanks me out before I get to wash my hands.
He goes to put the ropes back on
"Alright alright it's alright!"
I cry as he comforts me.
I wake up to whispering.
"Oh you're awake honey"
JJ smiles
I scream once I see Amelia.
I'm still restrained so I start to fling my body around.
"Baby calm down...stop..."
"No baby you have to stay here"
"She needs to leave!"
"You need to talk to her baby!"
I shake my head rapidly as Amelia and Clara sit down.
JJ leaves as I scream for her to come back.
"Em, it's alright. We want to take it easy for the moment. Deep breaths okay"
"Get out! GET THE HELL OUT!"
I cry as I yank the restraint belt trying to free myself.
I feel trapped.
"Deep breaths. In and out"
"Who is here Em?"
Clara questions as she looks behind her.
I tremble at his name
"I can assure you that he's not here."
"HE- he is. Isn't he?"
I start to sob.
"He's literally leaning on the medical drawers! He's taunting me!"
"It's okay Em, you're safe"
I get frustrated so I start to kick and scream as I feel him drag me down in the bed.
I manage to say
I begin to panic and my breaths become worse
Clara runs to the vending machine to go get her


I'm in the waiting room drinking a coffee when Clara comes running.
"What? What's happened?"
She has a look on her face
"Em's having a panic attack, it's bad!"
I run into her room.
"I'm here baby, I'm here"
"He won't stop! Get him off me!"
"Baby it's okay"
Amelia fills her in on what I've said.
She gets the key off the doctor and she takes the restraints off me.
I shuffle back and I put my head into my knees.
I rock back and forth as JJ sits in front.
"Is he still here baby?"
"No- no he's gone now"
"That's good. Deep breaths baby"
I focus on my breathing as I cup my wrists.
She escorts me to the bathroom and she sits me down.
I use the toilet and then I wash my hands.
I sigh before going back out.
I know that JJ has seen the fresh marks that cover me.
I get back into the bed and I pull the hospital sheet over me.
"For the next couple of weeks, I'll need you to come to therapy every day. We'll work on a crisis plan and what to do it it gets to a point where you feel like walking onto the bridge again"
I sigh.
I get discharged and I visit the babies.
We stay in JJ's parents house for the night so we can stay with the babies and JJ can have some time with her parents.
I wake up in the morning and I eat breakfast downstairs with JJ.
We leave and we go back to our house.
JJ watches me the whole time.
"Do I- Do I have therapy today!?"
I question as I sip from my tea.
"No honey. You do have it tomorrow"
I nod.
"She's giving you a break for today just to get settled"
I nod again.
"I- I can't go to a psych ward!"
I suddenly speak my thoughts out loud
"We're not sending you to one baby. What made you think that?"
"Do you talk about me behind me back to Amelia?"
"No baby you're paranoid. Anything you say to her whilst I'm not there is confidential."
I nod slightly.
We go out for lunch and then we go back home.
I go straight to bed without dinner.
I go to sleep.

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