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I pick at my fingernails as I lie in my bed.
I start to bite them.
Spence would always keep a close eye on me and stop me.
I start to sob and JJ wakes up.
She immediately hugs me.
"So much has happened! I can't stop thinking about everything"
"Tell me what's been on your mind baby from the start."
"Dylan....the um alleyway...Remembering everything....flashbacks...the prison visit...therapy...Spence dying and Rossi"
I say with tears in my eyes
"Lane and all the stuff he did to me. This pregnancy"
I tell her as I place a hand on my bump.
"Can you tell me what he did?"
"Please don't make me!"
I sob as I shake my head rapidly.
"Okay okay baby baby hey it's okay....Sh sh I won't make you say or do anything"
"Maybe some other time...I'll tell you when I'm ready baby. Maybe tonight?"
"Okay baby"
"Oh god, why am I still fucking here!"
I sob.
She cradles me.
"You're here because I love you and I want you to live baby. I- I need you and I can't live without you"
I kiss her as we both cry.
"We can talk tonight baby"
I tell her as I get off the couch.
I go on my phone for a while and I update my pregnancy app.
I look at my messages and emails.
There's tons that I haven't replied to.
my baby ❤️ : Tell me you're okay. I swear if you touch even a hair on her head, I'll kill you with my bare hands.
Blake: hope doing you're okay hun x Always here.
Hotch: Em, the team is worried about you. However tho works out, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. I should've never doubted your ability as an agent and I should've never accused you of nepotism when you first joined.
Eve : Have you ran away? Please answer me. I promise that whatever you're going through, get some meds and it will help.
I start to sob again and she removes my phone from my hand.
"Sh sh it's okay."
She holds me for ages until I go to use the bathroom.
She watches from afar, it creeps me out.
I pull my pants back up and I start to sob again when I get a random pain.
She rushes in to me.
"What's wrong?"
She tells me as she sits me down on the toilet lid.
"I- I don't know. I got a pain"
"Is it gone?"
"Yeah, it was just a quick one"
She pulls me up as I shiver and helps me to wash my hands.
She holds me as I start to sob again.
"I could run you a bath baby , that might help?"
I nod since I know I haven't had one in ages.
I hide in the corner like a coward and I flinch when she turns it on
I sob as I face the wall.
"Please don't hurt me!"
I cry out as she pats my back trying to turn my around.
"Did he do something to you in the bath?"
I nod.
"Oh baby, it's okay"
All I want to do is leave.
She puts in some bubble bath and she eases me into it
"Careful baby"
She tells me as she swishes the water.
She goes to get some towels
"Please...don't leave!"
I panic.
"It's okay baby, I'm only going to get some towels and I'll be right back"
I nod slightly.
She leaves and I fiddle with my thumbs.
"Can you get in with me please?"
"Alright baby"
She sighs as she gets undressed in front of me.
"What is that?"
I question as I see a burn mark
"I got drunk and I did a stupid thing"
"Oh baby, what did you do?"
I question as she sits down.
"I was with my parents and they wouldn't stop talking about you. I missed you so much and I felt hopeless since you'd been gone so long, I put my arm on the stove and my mom took me to the hospital for it."
"I'm so sorry baby."
I hug her.
"It's okay baby. I'm just glad that you're safe in my arms again"
We stay in the bath for a while before we get out.
She helps get me dry and then she changes me into my pyjamas.
She gets into eyes and then she feels the cats and closes their room door.
I lie down on the bed as she locks all the doors and closes the curtains.
"Okay baby, I think it's time to talk now"
I start to instantly cry and feel like I might throw up.
She sits down beside me and I cling to her like a scared child.
"He didn't always rape me. He told me he loved me and that he'd take care of me. I had consensual sex with him once because I was tired of being alone"
"He coerced you baby."
I feel so sick so I grab a cracker,
"I know but I feel like it's my fault."
"It was never your fault"
"He would um stick things inside-"
"Inside where baby?"
I know that she knows what I mean.
"Don't make me say it"
"Please baby?"
I start to sob as I feel it inside.
"He- he would smile as I'd start crying."
"What did he put inside you baby?"
I sigh.
"A hairbrush , dildos, his fingers, tv remote, wine bottle, he um- he put a lighting match up there, he said that I deserved it"
"You didn't deserve anything that happened in that house baby"
"He would pin me against the walls. He would beat me until I would- piss myself. He would yank my hair so hard that it would fall out into his hands. He would- suck the milk out of my tits. He would make me suck him. He made me do anything that he wanted"
"Oh my poor baby"
She holds me as I am protected by her.
She's like a shield.
"I'm tired"
I yawn
"Okay baby, you can go to sleep"
I lie down and I gently cry until I fall asleep.
"Get UP! You're having a bath"
He yells
"You smell like shit!"
He remarks as he touches my greasy hair.
"It has been over a week since I had a shower so!"
I slid out the door into the living room.
He yanks me back by my hair.
"Don't talk back to me!"
He slaps me and I start to cry.
He runs me a bath and it's so warm.
"Sit down and stay!"
He shouts.
I tremble in fear as he locks the door.
He sits down on the chair and watches as I try to avoid eye contact.
I end up looking at him.
"That's it, you're in for it now!"
He unbuckles his belt.
I try to get myself out of the bath but I end up being pushed back in.
He makes me go on all fours and he slaps me with the belt.
I screech in pain as he finishes.
He pulls me closer to him as he lies down.
He lets me sob into his manly chest.
I can feel his dick on me.
He removes me from his chest and rubs shampoo into my hair.
He finishes washing my hair and he gets me out.
He walks me back to the room and he dries me off slowly.
He sticks a finger inside of me as I sob.
"Okay okay I'm stopping"
He smiles as he pulls a tank top on me
"Thank- you"
I say.
"You're very welcome baby"
He kisses me.
He pulls on a new pair of jeans and he puts a pair of shorts on me.
I lie back down in the bed and I stare at the window that's closed with the curtains.
"You don't like being here baby, do you!"
I shake my head.
"You ungrateful bitch!!"
He pushes me down into the pillows and he spins me around.
"Pull your ass up now!"
"Please, no!"
I sob as he grips at my hips.
I instantly push it up and he gets inside.
He finishes doing me an hour later and when he's finished, I stand up.
I open the door and I walk out.
He grabs my check and I sob.
He tells me as I start to fight and hit him.
He yanks me into the living room.
"Is this what you wanted to see?!"
He pushes me and I slip into the floor.
He beats me with the fire prod and some other items as I scream.
He throws me into the bedroom and locks the door as I scream and hit the door.
My knuckles start to bleed as all my wounds flow with blood and it started to coagulate.
He hears me screaming for him to let me out and he doesn't even react.
I hear the door shut and I realise that he's gone out.
I let myself fully break down and I hit everything.
I break some stuff and then I realise that he'll be mad.
I sit on the floor with glass surrounding me so I don't fight the urges, I just succumb to them,
He comes back an hour later and unlocks the door
"I brought you food- what the fuck did you do?"
He says looking at the fresh marks on my arms and the state of the room.
"I'm sorry!"
"Forget it! Come with me"
He yanks me into a room.
It has a bdsm feel to him and I stare at him.
"You won't be getting the food by the way"
He tells me.
I begin to panic as he puts me into the weird contraption.
"No please! Let me out!! Ouch! It's too tight"
"Oh too bad"
He grabs a whip and he cuts my tank top off.
"This is going to hurt"
He tells me as he stares at my figure.
"Oh baby, you've already started pissing, are you that scared of me?!"
I look down to see the puddle gathering on the floor.
I say as I finish pissing.
I cross my legs and he begins to hit me.
I cry with every smack.
He whips me over 300 times, he made me count.
"I gave you extra because you pissed yourself"
He finally unchains me.
"Oh by the way, you'll be staying in my room from now on and I'll probably have you chained for most of it"
I sob.
He grabs my arm and he puts his finger into my wound.
I screech in pain.
"You deserve to bleed bitch!"
I wake up with a start and crying my eyes out.
I get outta bed and I make myself a little snack.
I eat it and then I go back to sleep

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