I want to go home

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I wake up screaming and JJ rubs my back.
"It's alright honey"
She cradled me as I sob.
She rubs my back until a doctor comes in.
"How are you doing?"
JJ side eyes me
"I'm okay. I- I want to get out of here!"
"You're still in shock honey"
"I- I need to go home"
"You need to get better honey"
"I- I am better!"
"You're not better honey...you're in shock"
"Give me the discharge form please! I know the drill already!"
"We're not ready to let you go home just yet"
The doctor tells me as she gives me a scan.
"I- request to be sent home then"
She moves the Doppler around and she finds a heartbeat.
"Baby A's heartbeat is strong and so is baby b"
She goes to take the Doppler off but she reapplies it
"What? What's wrong? Is something wrong?"
I begin to panic.
"It's- it's triplets. An boy!"
"Oh for fucks sake! Not again"
"It's okay honey...we'll deal with it!"
I sigh as tears escape
I sit up and I wipe the gel off.
"I- I can't have six kids!"
I get up and I start to to walk to the receptionist desk
"Discharge papers"
I comment.
"Ma'am you need to get back into bed!"
"No? I need- I need to go home!"
She escorts me back to my room as JJ follows behind me
"Home, home"
I keep repeating as I let tears escape .
"Home, I go. "
"She's gone delirious"
The doctor comments
"She's in shock...she's just been told she's having triplets again."
JJ tells her.
"We'll be okay baby"
She repeats as she strokes my head.
"He- he violated me and now I'm stuck with his fucking kids!"
She stares at me
"Baby...they're our kids...not his. He can't hurt you and he doesn't control you"
"Easy for you to say!"
I sob.
"Fine! Maybe I shouldn't help you then...maybe they are his kids!?"
"I'm- I'm sorry baby?!"
"No get out!"
"Are you serious?"
"Please just get some rest...for me baby?"
"Alright...I love you"
"I love you more"
I kiss her
"Kiss the babies for me"
"I will"
She grabs her bag and she leaves.
I hurry off to the bathroom and I hurt myself with my blades.
I get into bed and I just sob
I eventually fall asleep.

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