A New Life

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{ Welcome to the final chapter of this book, loves. It's been such a journey with this book ever since I started it in 2019. Ash and Eiji are such a comfort couple for me and I hope that this book has helped you all heal from the ending of the actual show. Enjoy!}

None of this felt real, even if Ash so badly wanted it to be. The better parts of him served as voices of reason, asking just how much tragedy one person could go through in life before it would end. Yet the worst, predominant parts, told him he would wake up at home, buried under green sheets and hiding behind black curtains, clutching a knife to his chest. He still saw red on the pavement and all down the front of his shirt, all over his palms. He watched as Skip's body as it burned up in the woods, the smell of death-

" Ash? Ash, hey-"

Ash jumped against the hardened plastic interior of the car, panning his gaze around rapidly. He caught Eiji's eyes as the other male sat in the middle seat of the car, already having grabbed his hand. Ash noticed his own breathing as it was rather quick and shallow. He realized he didn't have any recollection of anything since they left the restaurant.

" Are you alright? You've been locked up ever since that car's engine was backfiring and popping a mile back." Eiji whispered, rubbing his thumb over Ash's palm, and Ash couldn't help but clutch Eiji's hand against his thigh and hold it closer to himself. This warmth was his lifeline to reality. He was in Japan, not roughing it in the Manhattan streets. He was with Eiji and his family on a nice outing, not at a funeral.

Ash's breathing leveled out and he nodded. By then, Kabuki was staring at him with beading eyes, having heard his breathing from two seats over. Luckily Eiji's mother had not noticed from the driver's seat, as she often engrossed herself into the road, making sure they got from point A to point B without incident.

" I'm fine..." Ash whispered to Eiji, hoping to reassure him but failing. Luckily Eiji had gotten pretty good at keeping his feelings in check when he needed to and chose to. This was one of those times.

" We're almost home. Ash, we're so excited to welcome you into the family." Ren said from the front seat. " Eiji has told us so much about you..."

" Well, other than the fact that I'm male." Ash said, managing a chuckle after his words. His heart was gradually slowing down but he was in recovery mode.

" I had to leave some things for you to say to them yourself." Eiji justified. He was half joking, but quickly looked for a way to change the subject. " Ash, up here on the right is my house..." He said as they turned down a small alleyway and bypassed rows of narrow multi-story homes. It seemed as though the plots were small but the space was maximized.

Ash looked at the beige fence they passed as they pulled into the tiny driveway, just long enough to fit the car. Everything was small, but Ash had never felt so at home before. There were less places to check, less places for people to hide.

" Is this the one?" He asked Eiji while looking at the ivory colored mortar exterior. " I like it."

" Yeah." Eiji told him. " Don't force yourself to compliment it." He added after the fact, totally joking. It was of no doubt to him that Ash didn't give a damn how small the space was as long as they could be together. Their thoughts were in unity with one another when it came to that... their sole desire centered on the other. Eiji wanted everything for Ash, and everything for Ash revolved around his safety, which was now achieved. And as for Ash, he wanted nothing more than for Eiji to be safe, and as long as he was by his side... he could almost guarantee it. This... was perfect.

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